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Restrict alias/rename

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11 years ago
/rename is cool and all, but it's also nice to know who the heck you are playing. As a result, my entire brain is being consumed by sfireman's aliases.

Is there anything that can be done to calm this down? For example, can I pin an alias to be displayed locally. Or perhaps /rename could cost kudos.
+1 / -2

11 years ago
I wouldn't mind renaming costing kudos.

But renaming is the best case scenario for people trying to hide their identity. You can see their list of past aliases and know who they are from those. But people smurf -- create new accounts altogether which aren't inherently tied to the first. Some even go further and use proxies to access the game to hide their IP address as well. There are even trolls who are willing to subscribe to a paid VPN to accomplish their shenanigans.

Removing /renaming rights would make a good "punishment" -- but only to the extent that we can block all smurfs reliably.
+0 / -1

So what if fireman and others want to changed usernames every game. You should be learning to play as a team not play a certain way because you are playing with a name you know.
+0 / -4
So you don't think you should play differently based on what players are in ally/enemy team?

It's just a niggle. Players have identities and I find the renaming confusing.

I do appreciate it does nothing to help smurfing, probably makes it worse only. That's why I proposed pinning a nick locally.
+0 / -1

11 years ago
You can tell which one is sfireman after 1 minute of playing even without checking his profile for aliases.
+6 / -0
Renaming costing kudos only makes sense for ZK, and there are other mods using the Spring server. Renaming is also better than smurfing and I can't see any harm in people renaming.

Edit: yeah, even in lobby you can effortlessly detect him as sfireman is always the level 140+ Napoleon-rank dude with troll-related name and a Russian flag.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
search for 141 level player from russia and thats Sfireman
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I turned off flags in PlayerList (to save space on tiny screen). Maybe worth turning them on again :)
+0 / -0
You can also just mouseover people's names on the website, show's all past renames right there.
+1 / -0
GBrankfiendicus_prime, turning on flags means you are also forced to have clan icon, rank icon and clan icon. You can change the widget though, so people can toggle them individually. Do that! Pleeease? :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
People renaming isn't all that bad.

What about when you want to change your clan tag? Geez, only god knows how many clans/teams i've played in. (with and without smurfs)
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Clantags are obsolete, we have icons. :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Yeah, gee there's nothing more annoying than people with their clan tag at the start of the name. Why can't you just put it at the end, so ingame autocompletion works without having to type [ first. Grrrr.
+0 / -0
-2 for me for being sensible.

GBrankfiendicus_prime - I find your complaining annoying and your restrictive suggestion offensive. I think we should make complaining posts costs kudos.
+1 / -5
11 years ago
Make earning kudos cost kudos
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Make talking about earning kudos costing kudos cost kudos.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
I donated and didn't get any Kudos, the Kudos is a lie
+1 / -0
I think kudos should be awarded with kudopons that can only be redeemed by spending kudos.

Let's figure out how to mine kudos then we can setup a kudos exchange called mtkudos.com.

For short we can just call them 'kooties'.

+2/-4 -- just my prediction ...
+0 / -1

11 years ago
OK, lesson learned, I will stop making kudos suggestions :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago

For example, can I pin an alias to be displayed locally.

I like this idea.
+0 / -1
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