this game is team oriented and more popular. 1vs1 is a dying mode.
+0 / -2
Just because you don't play 1v1 doesn't mean no one does. Why make it hard to do?
+0 / -0
If team games are team oriented now that is a recent change. In my experience it was individuals playing their individual games inside the team game, with some incidental cooperation because some happened to have the same goal. Although some communication happened if someone initiated the yelling minigame.
+1 / -0
1v1 is not dying, it is still played and enjoyed. Just yesterday I had some games with    Anarchid and won 2 of them. Also if you make it difficult to play 1v1 then you will have all of the pros either not playing their beloved 1v1 and abandoning the game or the 15v15 games would become even worse. While it is team oriented it is oriented towards 2v2-5v5, a size that most of the player base likes. Only a minority prefer the 10v10 games and they will only get bigger if there is no 1v1.
+0 / -0
1v1 is dying just as much as the entire game is; as much as the internet, the planet; as much as life itself. The world is dying, nothing will remain at last. There's no need for fighting, the future's already been lost. We will all meet in the singularity at the end of time.
+0 / -0
I disagree that 1vs1 is dying. I'd 1vs1 elo is more likely to display someone's true skill, rather than teams table. In fact, I would even prefer, if we had multiple team tables, because not every single player here plays small/mid/huge team games with same skill level. Be the cornerstone the pc's performance or person's skill.
+0 / -0
quote: hello, my name is princereaper and I am not very good at the game - the greater accountability for my feeble performances inherant to 1v1 games in particular make me feel anxious and impotent, so I would like this game mode to be supressed so other people dont play it, and the 1v1 ladder not to be visible please. |
Nah, lets keep the 1v1 table :)
+1 / -0
quote: 1vs1 is a dying mode. |
+1 / -0
lol at all the crybabies in here. princereaper has a good point. No-one actually responded to that. Main page is only showing 1v1 elo. New players will see that and may think it is a 1v1 game. While new players prefer the safety of a team to learn. Or play in teams vs AI. So displaying team-elo makes more sense to me.
+0 / -0
quote: So displaying team-elo makes more sense to me. |
Displaying teams elo instead of all-elo as it is now is a valid point.
+0 / -0
quote: may think it is a 1v1 game |
Just because the average neeb prefers 10v10 clusterfucks does not mean it isn't!
+0 / -0
The main page doesn't tell how the elo in the list gets calculated. For new players it doesn't mean anything other than "there is some sort of ranking system at work here" You can use the 1v1 list, all games list or non-1v1 list, they would all tell the same. For new players their ranking is hidden since they don't appear in the ranking tables and most likely still use the default player list.
+0 / -0
Team elo is not even close to the accuracy of 1v1 elo...
+0 / -0
team elo measures your ability to make large teams of nubs win games in other words, your ability to either know which super heavies to rush, how to eco superhard to nuke, or to play air and use stiletto/licho. it has limited bearing on your ability to win low density high elo teamgames or 1v1
+0 / -0
Nabs thinking burdening other people is a good learning enviroment need to be hurt >.> Anyway, I prefer 1v1, but not many people play it so i end up int he teams room just so i can play.
+0 / -0
quote: team elo measures your ability to make large teams of nubs win games go air in all games |
+0 / -0
ooh, c'mon ppls, don't over simplify things :/
+0 / -0
quote: team elo measures your ability to make large teams of nubs win games go air in all games play FFA where you don't need to worry about killing half the people |
+0 / -0
As stated many times, primary elo is 1v1. This is where competition belongs atm. Public team games are not good for competition because it makes people scream at newbies even more or do other nasty things to improve odds. We do not want that. "Team/all" elo main use is team balancing. When we have some competetive clan scene there can be elo for clans based on clan vs clan battles or planetwars or whatever.
+0 / -0