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Would you take a one-way trip to Mars?

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11 years ago
Does not have to be with mars one like those guys want: http://applicants.mars-one.com/overview/popular/

Would you do that, would you leave Earth forever?

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11 years ago
No, because on Mars I would have too high ping to play Zero-K properly.
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11 years ago
Mars is awesome, but I don't think I could stay interested in it for 50+ years. One morning I think I would wake up, and it would suddenly be the same-old cramped quarters and roommates, and I would be stuck with that for the remainder of my life.

No, still too many interesting things on Earth I want to see and do.
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It couldn't be a lot worse than what we are doing to earth.
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11 years ago
going to mars is the only chance to escape the upcoming collapse of the capitalist system and the following war, which will make earth inhabitable. but you will be forced to watch mankinds annihilation from there. you might never meet your mate and if you have children, they will never swim in an ocean or climb a tree. this makes me so sad.
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11 years ago
We will make our own oceans, with blackjack and hookers.
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There is no guarantee they going to provide internet at all!
+0 / -0
We will make our own oceans, with blackjack and hookers."

actualy just forget the oceans!

ill visit mars in 2030 with my personal space yatch, to my palace, wich was constructed by nanomachines and robots launched via a unmanned rocket.

and i will be papered and served on hand an foot by my beutifull androids and gynoids, while i watch earth burn due to the machine rebelion (that i incidentialy started)

:P yea
technology progresess quite rapidly, why go to mars now when you can go there 10 years from now at hundredth the cost...

thats my opinion on the subject, also manned misions to mars are silly, why would you send stupid meatbags there?
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11 years ago
If i was very old, think i would accept this trip. But old people cant into space, so no way i could take this trip.
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11 years ago
Wat? Old people of course are preferred for any such trip..
You are fine as long as you are reasonably healthy, you could be well over 70 and go just fine..

John Glenn went into space at 77
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11 years ago
In 50 years .. assuming this takes off and they survive.. they will have some caves digged with trees probably.. So hopefully it wont be as cramped
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11 years ago
honestly... send autonomus machines to mars first, let them build cities teraform the place a bit, then send people once the atmospher is breathable...

unless you are planing to make a martian penal colony, then send all the meatbags there, at least they will be usefull fertilizer :D

mars is (with the curent level of technology) not really a good place to start building colonies on, we would be much beter off making geofronts, and submersable cities... at least those would be usefull
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11 years ago
Moon base better for now...
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11 years ago
Moon has a problem with lack of atmosphere, which means:
- you can't get oxygen out of it
- there is no protection from harmful cosmic radiation
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11 years ago
If I were given the opportunity to go right now, I'd have to regretfully decline. Going to space is really kind of the only thing on my bucket list, but I'd be giving up too much here on Earth, since Mars is a one-way trip.

In 50-60 years? I don't know where I'll be in that time, but I'd seriously consider it. The prospect is a bit terrifying, but also extremely exciting, and I wouldn't take for granted the opportunity.
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11 years ago
Ddab there are no proper autonomous machines .. people are the only proper autonomous machines around! Also self replicating, self repairing and incredibly flexible...
Yes you can have automated arm that does the same movement over and over again and you can have uber expensive cart that can drill 5cm "deep" hole.. but thats just a joke .. it does not compare with what you need to actually construct something for humans there..

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The lack of an atmosphere increases the chances of the colony being hit by meteor too.

But i still think that it's a better plan to start with something "close" to home was a "first try", that to begin distant...
Hopeful it will even make the future Mars Missions cheaper.
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and thats why i say this mission is pointless...

if we dont have the tech to do that, we dont have the tech to really colonize mars.

mars is an extremly hostile enviorment, its temperture avarages at -63C, it has periodical sandstorms that will literaly flay the skin of your bones, no liquid watter, no breathable atmospher, a atmospheric presure 1/20 of earth, oh... and what atmosphere there is is 95% CO2

so yes, sending humans there is pointless, they wont be able to achive much even if they work for 100 years straight with curent tech...

it would be easier just try to teraform mars by bombarding the poles with nukes to get all the CO2 there into the atmospher (kind of crude) or landing an automated system to use nuclear power to melt all the co2 in the poles (more controlled, but dificult)


notwithstanding that you may actualy need to encase the whole planet in what equates to a glass bubble to hold in said atmospher...
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Moon: live in caves, harvest solar power, get water and oxygen from rocks, recycle.

Mars: live in caves, much less solar power to harvest, winds grind on your equipment, get water and oxygen from rocks.

Much difference? At least, moon allows you to bombard the Homeworld with rocks if you don't like their politics.

Eventually what you build is a dyson-tree garden; and those things, with enough determination, can be grown everywhere. Enter the zerg with a human face.
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11 years ago
Life on Mars means subsisting on grim diet of turd-garden spinach
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