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Too many trolls and useless admins!

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11 years ago
Watch this game:

5:00 [G0G0]Dancer: Attacks Team with Slasher
6:45 CoinCoinPowa: 2 roaches and teamkills commander
9:53 [G0G0]Dancer: Self-D on his moho

3 times team attack, killed commander and later the entire team base.

Later in game I read this in chat:
[23:09] Springiee [[G0G0]Dancer]wow shadark that takes skill to say that! im impressed!
[23:09] Springiee [Shadark]stop self destructing mohos in your team's base

I got punished becouse I complain about this situation. WHAT THE FUCK? Why admins do not punish this IDIOTS? You wonder why people rage? WATCH THIS GAME and think about the reaction of our nice admins who punished me (muted) becouse I COMPLAIN about this.

You guys wonder why there are so many trolls?
Now what I was thinking about (for a few seconds) is to start a troll career, create 10000 accounts and troll around, waste games, blow shit up, like others do.
But you know what? I am better than this shit so I am not going to do this.

I thought about to contribute to this game, create modells, maps and stuff.
But why should I contribute anything to a game where trolls get tollerated and people who complain and want to improve the situation get punished?
Good question, eh?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
[G0G0]Dancer has been banned
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You are welcome to appeal your mute if you post the relevant chat logs.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
CoinCoinPowa has been banned.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
We don't watch all games as they are played. So it might take a bit time to review a report.

If you report, do so in a constructive manner.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Don't forget to ban also CoicCoinPowa...
Without my rage nobody would have cared about the game. People just carried on to play. The enemy team did not "understand" why I was pissed. Well, I guess everybody here likes trolls as long as they are in the other team, makes it much easier to win...

My language was rude? Well, I know. And to be honest I wasn't really in rage in real life in front of my computer. The reason I used caps and the word "Asshole" was that otherwise you even do not get attention here. People are just so used to crap and trolls that it seems to be "normal".
They just say "get over it". Well, if we all always get over it then the trolls will troll forever.

I say it here in the forums: People who troll games and waste other peoples time that way are Assholes and I am sure a lot of players will agree with me.

It is also interesting that people wisper me to tell me I am right. Well, at the moment I can not answer to them becouse I am muted. People just tried to kick me out of a game becouse I could not answer to them and they thought I am trolling. Well my last builder died and I could not ask for a new one.

But you know what? I am not asking to remove the mute. In fact I am thinking about to leave this game. This community is ruined anyways.

Punish the guys who open their mouth and let the trolls troll. Nice job!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Please use the "report player" feature instead of disrupting the battle by spamming insults.
+0 / -0
Why you use the word "insults" as a plural, it was only one "insult": I called him an Asshole. Not more, not less.
I am disrupting the battle? This a****es are disrupting the whole gameplay since more than a year now.
I have complained, reported and done all kind of this stuff already for the last 12 months.

Please let me know if you have to powerz to delete my account. If so, go ahead and delete it!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Farewell then if you're going to leave.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>nice admins who punished me (muted)
as i remember, you asked for mute by yourself. someone said like "calm down" and you was like "mute me! im not gonna to calm down"
This dialog was saved in game replay that was just after that game with moho selfd, you can check it for more detailed words
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The reason I used caps and the word "Asshole" was that otherwise you even do not get attention here.

This is entirely false, and a weak excuse. Actually, people will be far more inclined to go out of their way to help you if you are simply polite and reasonable.

Currently you are only adding to the problem, and not helping to the solution.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
This is a good demonstration of how destructive they will be. I am not saying i know the answer, but i would suggest a thread to discuss an answer where everything that is not helpful is removed to prevent it descending into a troll thread like the one about unbanning sfireman did.
+0 / -0
an answer

Lynch tribunals with public execution. There's science* to prove it works. Also, LOL does that.

* "new scientist" kind of science, but w/e
+0 / -0

11 years ago
@Sphiloth I think that was silly. There is a difference between dealing with known trolls and people who are annoyed at trolls. There is a difference between ruining games and spamming the chat. You have to be able to switch out of iron fisted deal-with-troll mode.

I've removed the mute because I think it was unwarranted and not the worst action there. Trolls don't really care if they are banned but if they cause other people this much inconvenience they probably 'win'.
+0 / -0
poor Hamox i wondered why they were suiciding in that game.Just come back Hamox and we will deal with the trolls.Also when i see a troll trolling i always vote Kick.I dont let him do what he wants to do.In case his strategy works i start to troll him and then things get funny.I once naped sfiremans com because he singu rushed on ravaged near all our factories.And this is just an example.Also you can always terraform his factory when he makes units so you stuck it and make it usless.Also terraform his commander while is stationary and make him waste time in restoring land(try reclaim what he does everytime with 2 cons and he will be pissed of, also you will get lots of metal).I know admins wont like this but i surly will troll the trollers when people dont vote kick them at my request.Also this is a warning for the admins in case they cant do theyr job(afk or cant pay attention,), i will always try to stop these trollers in my own way in case admins wont or the kick votes from players.
+0 / -0
ROrankForever, DONT troll too. just votekick...

this leads to a spiral of death. persons with a broken moral compass are not going to stop when you to this, but try harder to be evil.

maybe this could be solved with more trustworthy persons in a moderator role (not admin?), which play much and can directly react to such things? maybe just temporary to save the current game of becomming lol.

to prevent abuse, these actions need to be documeted (maybe automatically, like a autogenerated forum topic with battles?) and moderator rights be fluidly adjusted? bad decissions must be discussed.

additional troll restriction tools:
-disable suicide units
-disable explosive buildings like singu, fusions,...
-disable FPS eating units (fleas, dirtbags...)
-disable terrorforming
-disable com morphing
-also available as discount packages
+0 / -0

11 years ago
spiral of FUN

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Ohh yeah i admit that sometimes i reclaim what nabz built(level 0 players) that starts with energy transmision pylon rush, or 10 caretaker rush.I actually get lots of metal from them
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I should point out that spamming chat is bad but not nearly as bad as the teamkillers. First time chat spamming is just a warning but don't continue to do it. The report button works fine.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Just watched the replay, wonderful game.
+0 / -0
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