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Currently completely under-used.

Ability suggestions (either):
* let it cost 7000m (we have no unit in this weight-class) and balance it
* Give it a jump module for AT
* Let it push ultis automatically into the sky (or at least away) instantly
* give it a slow field which slows down units at close distance, maybe even decloak them like outlaw does.

Feel free to add more suggestions, as long as you don't suggest anything that makes it "like Bantha" or "like det"
+0 / -0
i think jugglenaut is really powerful vs tiny unit. It always pull tiny unit into itself and they all explode.

It kill warrior, constructor, zeus really quick because it pull them and this killed them.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You use a 12k unit to kill tiny units?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
okay, i really don't know the actual role of jugglenaut. What is its role?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>Let it push ultis automatically into the sky (or at least away) instantly

not away, but towards it, and give him outlaw field. so he will walk and harvest units pulling them into outlaw field. and rid off all weapons except puling newtons and outlaw field, though range of newtons need to be decent.

so this will be ideal strider against medium units like reaper
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I'd revamp it into new roles:

Neonstorming follows

Option 1: Make it the only strider that must be clobbered by brute force instead of finesse. Turn its shoulder turrets into AA guns and give it an Outlaw weapon. Boom, the two primary anti-Strider weapons (bombers and stealthy-high-alpha units) are off the table.

Option 2: The all-purpose support platform. Just put one of every support doodad on it. A pile of shields, a cloakgen, an antinuke, a radar, a sonar, and a little AA.

Option 3: Capture beams. Because capture beams.
+0 / -0
last time i walked my det into a jug, det lost 1/4 its hp in like 10 seconds (due to the jug using my det as a ragdoll with dgun)

also jug laughs at porc

and you can use jug to throw your dets at porcers/over tera porc

but droping cost to 7000 seems reasnable, will probably see more use then
+0 / -0
11 years ago
IMO make it be able to throw static units like porc.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
o loldy hell, SINGULATIY CANON!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
That would be funny, but no need to allow it to throw all static, just some like most porc.
+0 / -0
The problem with it is, that if you drop costs to 7000 (and rebalance it), ulti will kill it.

Ulti kills it anyway, because it makes more dmg to larger units.
And jugg is really fat.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
How will dropping cost affect Ulti's ability to kill it?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
logic from neonstorm, like blood from a stone, or sanity from a ddab
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Because it gets balanced to lower cost either in dps or hp.

And Ulti nearly kills it now - due to low hp - while bantha survives 1 ulti.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
what was meant by that statment is keep all stats the same, just drop its cost to 7000

it should still be balanced, because it dose not actually do much in terms of real damage
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Jugglenaut takes about 18 seconds for an Ultimatum to kill. It has half the cost of a Det and more health.

It could still be bad but I wouldn't say obviously so.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
if you want to keep its cost, you should probably change its peashooter lazers to something more substantial, like twin riot cannons (more impulse pew pew)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
The only time when I build jugglenaut is in chicken games for lulz.

* Throwing friendly detriminents around is fun.
* Make multiple juggglenauts and use dgun at same time THEY WILL FLY BOTH!
* Chicken queen grounded can be thrown it looks epically silly its totally worth it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I would remove that unit.

Its shape is very similar to Grizzly and it got ugly texture. I would not rework it unless someone would make nice texture.

If any, i would make it gravity mech, it could shoot bullets which would throw away units from its center.
+0 / -0
A unit should be good in Team/FFA/1v1 games too, not only chickens :P

But it may be the best tank if in front of your porc :D

unluckily it has 1/2 Bantha's speed and single det + starlight kills it (which are the favourite FFA units :D ).
+0 / -0
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