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Errors I've got withTEST: spring 93.1 and NOTA-lobby

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Why does it fail? I think I've made everything like it should be doneā€¦

I have DLed the engine spring_93.1_src.tar.lzma from http://sourceforge.net/projects/springrts/ to ~/Downloads
Extracted the archive, opened a konsole for ~/Downloads/spring_93.1
> cmake ./
> make
And changed the path to "spring" executeable and "unitsync.so" in my lobby settings to the generated files in this folder.

As for NOTA-lobby, it is a portable version extracted from the springrts.com forum thread (version 3.2)


f=0000000 Warning: WeaponDef (c170732_1_4_commweapon_personal_shield) isShield is removed. Use weaponType="Shield" instead!
f=0000000 Warning: WeaponDef (c170732_1_5_commweapon_areashield) isShield is removed. Use weaponType="Shield" instead!

// ...

f=0000000 Loading LuaRules
f=0000000 Jump Jet Defs checking begining...
f=0000000 .. Jump Jet Defs checking complete
f=0000000 Error: (UnitDefIndex) ERROR_TYPE for key "extractSquare" in UnitDefs __index
f=0000000 Jump Jet Defs checking begining...
f=0000000 .. Jump Jet Defs checking complete

f=0000000 (UnitMorph) Warning: Comm Morph warning: Comm data entry for player 0 is empty or in invalid format
// for (p=player) p0 p1 p1 p1 p4 p4 8*p6 6*p14 p20

// ...load unit scripts...

f=0000000 (StartSetup) Warning: Start Unit Setup warning: Comm data entry for player 0 is empty or in invalid format
// for (p=player) p0 p1 p1 p1 p4 p4 8*p6 6*p14 p20

f=0000000 (Perks) Warning: Unlock system error: Unlock data entry for player 0 is empty or in invalid format
// for (p=player) p0 p1 p1 p1 p4 p4 8*p6 6*p14 p20

// ...

f=0000000 LuaSocketEnabled: yes
f=0000000 This game has locked LuaUI access
f=0000000 This game has locked LuaUI access
f=0000000 Error: Error loading socket.lua

// ...

f=0000000 Warning: (DESYNC WARNING) path-checksum 532ca4e3 for player 15 (adamcasher) does not match local checksum 4d1fdcc8; stale PathEstimator-cache?
// for many ppls including me.


How important is the "Error loading socket.lua"?
Sockets are used for network communication, but there IS some communication between server and client.
This socket could be one of many.

The path checksum was invalid not only for maps previously played, but also for 2 completely new downloaded maps (after switch to engine 93.1 and NOTA-lobby).
+0 / -0
Some infolog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5611806/

Found some error:
BA/TA use spring_93.1
But zk uses spring_91.0.
Recently all games used 88.?

Each Spring version creates it's own parallel universe where all from other universes (=spring versions) desync.
* Others see you desyncing
* You see others desyncing

You need to teach your lobby how to use the correct Spring version.
In Spring and NOTA lobbies you can set a custom unitsync.so and spring file which should be used - these are different from version to version.

We should add some tutorial about this cmake stuff for newbes with linux.

The content in my download folder even is sandboxed - good for parallel installations.
* If you only not have to set the pathes manually each time (but a dropdown list for example).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
The lobbies and its protocol are the achilles heel of spring. Maybe the current engine deployment fuckup finally brings us working multiengine support.

There is a tutorial for building spring on linux, i literally copypasted 2 lines from the engine's website and it compiled. It cannot get much easier than his :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Multiengine support is fixed in NOTA :: Lobby 4.0. Lobby is almost ready.
+0 / -0
Yeah, i also can use multiple engine versions with Springlobby. It is very hacky though, maybe because of the protocol.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Tested 93.1 with the latest tech annihilation... seems to be working at a basic level from just playing around for a few minutes. So does the new spring work for you or just not NOTA lobby? can you launch anything directly from the engine?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
91.0 and 93.1 mixed together in a battle room don't work.

The issue was, that I thought everything went to 93.1, but zk still uses the more stable 91.0
+0 / -0