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dgun or secomd weapon bug at com?

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13 years ago
I try to fire with "D" and click on enemy unit a sunburst or conclusion shell.

But my com try to get closer to get the target in range of it's heavyMachineGun and don't want to fire at high distance.

Notice: I had a PlasmaContainmentField and 7 AdvancedTargetingModules on my com.
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13 years ago
i have the same problem. Range is good if you target empty ground. Please fix it
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13 years ago
Noticed it too with that high impulse long range weapon = cant be used as long range weapon :)
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13 years ago
when i was trying the concussion shell i determined it was a suicide button that causes your commander to make a weird pivoting animation and walk directly into the enemy defenses/units.
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13 years ago
you have a more funny way to describe it - thanks
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