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12 years ago
its not a new topic so ill keep it short, there is too much and too extreme trolling in this community (as in playing bad despite knowing better, trying stupid things that cant work without caring for the team), and it is ruining it for the rest of the players. since we all want this community to be healthy and growing, admins should show at the very least that they dont appreciate it by handing out bans for repeat offenders.

since all the trolls are known very well this is not an issue of judging whether someone is actually innocent or where experimental gameplay ends and where trolling starts.
+0 / -0
Either make an official list of what is considered trolling or not, or stfu and let trolls troll. imo admins are too inconsistent regarding this topic

EDIT: ddab has been banned
PENALTY: trolling"

I will say that again, either be hard regarding to this topic and let people know which tactics are valid and which ones are considered trolling or the problem will stay. Singu rush, newton launches and those kind of things are too much "win or fail hard" and they aren't considered trolling most of the times because they work sometimes. Despite of that, ddab has just been banned for doing these non-standard tricks, I haven't read anywhere that pushing boats with newtons or rushing commorph is bannable.

I find kinda ironic that players don't say anything when these trolltactics work, but they all rage and want to kick the player when these don't work. Hypocrites.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm uncomfortable with a definition of trolling that includes failed experiments.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
an example of a sucsessful experiment

game won by spaming fleas
1003 fleas to be precise, at a cost of 20060m
+0 / -0
since all the trolls are known very well this is not an issue of judging whether someone is actually innocent or where experimental gameplay ends and where trolling starts.


its alright to try stuff once in a while, even if i find it it annoying when it happens. and im not saying that it should be forbidden to make ramps or anything, that would truly be hypocritical because i rarely do stuff like that too. the point with the trolls, and you are one yourself and know best what im talking about, is

-that they at best dont care if it looses the game and/or ruins the fun for the rest of the team
-at worst hurt the team on purpose either by doing nothing useful at all, or by stuff that damages team (spamming roaches into ally base, ...)
-they dont stop when asked to
-keep doing it over many games in a row

in the end it boils down to the attitude you take on the game and the people that play it. this is not a question if you abide some strict rules of what strategies are allowed and which arent, but a question of what general kind of behaviour you show. showing people that you care about them having fun too vs. beeing a dick whenever the opportunity arises. this goes btw way into the area of not letting failed teams with 100 afkers exit games, and such.
+0 / -0
:P heres the thing, i never repeat something that ive done more then once a week... well as long as it didnt work

so if i made roach canons one game i wont do it again later if it failed
and most trolls follow the same policy(its just boring to do tha same thing over and over)
+0 / -0
this is not a question if you abide some strict rules of what strategies are allowed and which arent, but a question of what general kind of behaviour you show.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
:P my general behaviour is that of a beta tester, i like to see how far i can push the game before it starts to break...
+0 / -0
be that as it may, and if you ask me that is a very imaginative description on the role you are playing in this community, people are playing this game while you do that. if things break while you "test" things, they break for them too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

if you have ever dropped an outlaw, napped a com, stealthed roaches, rushed a singu, con spammed, made a newtongun, or used cloaky cons to build porc in enemy teretory...

im sorry to say these but those are things that trolls helped discover

and by extension you are using troll tactics
in fact many of the tactics and strategies in use today were originaly popularized or developed by trolls
+0 / -0
12 years ago
read again what i wrote about creative gameplay as such not beeing a problem.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Just need to put the retards with the retards.
+0 / -0
-that they at best dont care if it looses the game and/or ruins the fun for the rest of the team
-at worst hurt the team on purpose either by doing nothing useful at all, or by stuff that damages team (spamming roaches into ally base, ...)
-they dont stop when asked to
-keep doing it over many games in a row

Funny how some noobs follow most of these statements too xD

this goes btw way into the area of not letting failed teams with 100 afkers exit games, and such.

democracy. you can only blame the system and/or the community for this

everything you have said is about attitude, and attitude is a complete subjective thing. As long as all the rules are followed, a player shouldn't be banned for having an attitude that you (or most people) don't like
People's attitude won't change by making posts, but official rules or admin behavior regarding trolls may. All we need is objective rules that define the line that separates clearly trying new tactics from trolling.
+0 / -0
:P then how do you define uncreative gameplay?

teraform? mono unit spam? building porc castles? newtons? com morf?

all of these can work, and with luck they can work evry single game?

so klon you are going to have to be a little bit more clear cut on what is and isn't trolling.

unless you just want to make a dystopian mod controlled game enviorment where mods have free reign to kick/ban whoever they want just because they can

actualy i think we are already there

+0 / -0

12 years ago
this is just a symptom of the elo balancing system.

making team skew less exteme (by preventing a single high elo player affecting more than a single opposing team-mate in team balance) would make high elo players deciding to play badly less damaging.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Com rush is a bad idea, but not too much trolling was sometimes its work. (soon them will learn that ppl already know to to counter Dgun com with fleas and spy)

Ships and newton, you need to test it before in a nullAI bot game too see if you really can send (and not kill it by fall damage) to enemy pond in another side one map, and not try it for first time in a real game, THAT TROLLING.

Thought i must say even if it is successful if enemy did not build their eco in pond it will not accomplish much.
So its only a "good" idea in mid game, after you spy to see if there singu farm or something there and not something you should try from game begin cause there will be only mex and 2 bases there.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
We have 3 or 4 chronic annoying trolls.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ships and newton, you need to test it before in a nullAI bot game too see if you really can send (and not kill it by fall damage) to enemy pond in another side one map, and not try it for first time in a real game, THAT TROLLING.

i did that...
+0 / -0
I am seeing the replay now (was AFK when game happened), but you just pushed your ship to the water in mid (the river, not to the enemy pond in another side of map) of map, THAT TROLLING TOO cause it was a lot easy and cost less metal to just build Ship Fac in you side of river, to get ships in river.

Like fishfinger did.
Not even talking you suicide 3 coms, one with did not even pop the base.
Replay for anyone that want to see:
+0 / -0
to push my ships around on land cost me 8 newtons...
that an awe inspiring 1600metal...

its actualy pretty cost effective

also my team klon, fishfinger, and ZP asked me to troll, i was actualy planing to play somewhat normaly that game
(i was saving ship pushing for a map that is beter for that trick)
+0 / -0
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