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noise to start the game

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11 years ago
how about a noise to start the game.


beep beep beep ding.

It can sneak up on you some times. It will say there is 100 seconds to go, so you change the channel on the tv and look back and it started. Especially if it starts beeping before starting positions are set. That would give you a couple seconds to reposition after a late guy dropped next to you.

just a thought.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
"Command console activated."
+0 / -0

11 years ago
So, I hate to make every suggestion thread a Dota 2 thread but....

Every level of game flashes Dota 2 item on Windows taskbar.

For example:
Waiting in match making and a match is found: sound is broadcast and task flashes.
Everyone is loaded: another sound and task flashes
Game has (soft) started: another sound and task flashes
Game has (hard) started: another sound and task flashes
Game has unpaused (if you were afk while paused): task flashes

Basically, any time a player might be AFK but should return, a sound is played and the task in the task bar flashes.

This is probably engine-level work but important anyways.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Game has already started when you hear "Command Console Activated." No chance for a last second reposition or a chance to brace for the game. The last second reposition is less important then a chance to get focused.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There is maximum 120 seconds from game soft start to game hard start.

Wake up.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
[quote]Game has already started when you hear "Command Console Activated." No chance for a last second reposition or a chance to brace for the game.[/qoute]

At least for me "Command Console Activated" is heard shortly before the loadscreen disappears. So i don't know what you're going for...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I find it hard to believe that people think a beep to accompany the 3 2 1 is a bad idea..

"There is maximum 120 seconds from game soft start to game hard start.

Wake up."

The game can start anywhere between 3 and 120 seconds. I am not sure why the wake up comment.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Perhaps there are sound options that I don't know about?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
120 seconds is not enough. You should be using that time to discuss tactics and strategies with teammates. If people actually used that time productively instead of dicking around on the internet we might avoid having 2 players start air (or none) and all the general bad teamplay problems at start.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I only talking about the last 5 seconds before it starts.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Maybe zero-k isn't a game for you if you can't watch tv while waiting for a game. You know you have to do eco, while making units and while fighting, all at the same time? That seems more challenging than just turning volume up so you hear beeps when start vote is initiated, and sounds when game has finished loading...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
USrankrich9000 just hire somebody to remind you! you can afford it!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
lol, nice pun.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I am not attacking people. The level of hostility is amusing. I am Just making a suggestion. Isn't that what community based game is about?

Are there games that do not have do not have an audio countdown cue before it starts? Especially with a variable start time. And considering how easy it would be to do.

Perhaps I will just dig into the code and do it. I can understand not wanting to do the work if you didn't care. Would anyone actually be apposed to it?

+0 / -0
Actually you could easily make such widget. There is DING DING sound in WTF_RAW map. Its not exactly what you want, but good start I say.

Also duke4 has "welcoming" quote when game starts.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Perhaps I will just dig into the code and do it.

If u want any new feature for this game the best way to get it is code it by yourself and post the result when finished so it can be implemented
There are a lot of suggestions in this forum that get ignored because nobody wants to code them xD
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think there should be a guitar solo riff followed by a gunshot followed by a mortal combat "FIGHT!"

so even if people are taking a shit they will know the game has started from all the way across the house
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I am not attacking people. The level of hostility is amusing. I am Just making a suggestion. Isn't that what community based game is about?

happy to amuse you, because that's nothing really mean ;)

Perhaps I will just dig into the code and do it. I can understand not wanting to do the work if you didn't care. Would anyone actually be apposed to it?

Why not... but I don't see what you need more. There are already sounds alerting you that a game is about to start: the start position labels placement is very noisy, and in zklobby itself, there is a beep when vote to start game happens...

I'd be opposed to have additional sounds when game is actually starting. You are supposed to be ready and discuss strategy with teammates. Adding a feature that would allow you to ignore this pregame phase because you want to watch tv for an additional 3 to 120 seconds is just not welcome for teamgames.

If you want to add sounds, I'd prefer to see them added to lobby itself.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I don't even know what you're asking for.

"Command console activated" plays 2-3 seconds before you reach the pregame phase ("soft start") where you can place start positions and such.

Music starts playing at game start proper, when commanders appear and can be controlled ("hard start").

There is no reason for you to AFK for more than a few seconds at a time during the 120 seconds in between those two points anyway.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Perhaps we are not on the same page. When I initially posted this I expected a response like: Good idea, not sure why we haven't done that before, lets put it on the list of stuff we will probably never get to.

So here is the time line and let me know if I am incorrect.

The game starts, "Command console Activated" is heard.
You pick your com
Pick your location
You discuss what the plan is while the people with slow computers connect.
You are fairly sure of the plan and like your starting position
A couple people have still not logged in.
You realize the tv is on a stupid show/you really need to pick your nose/the cat is angry so you pet it/your ADD kicks in and you start counting ceiling tiles. You are not AFK just distracted for 5 seconds.
Then you hear the gear noise and the music starts and the game has begun
You are slightly caught off guard and you kick the cat/drop the remote/ignore the buger on your finger/lose count of the ceiling tiles.
On top of that, the guy who connected 5 seconds ago already started building mex's where you planed on, and you feel like your whole start is messed up.

The only indicator that everyone has logged in is the 3 2 1 countdown. And it happens in like 3 seconds. My only suggestion is to make a beep when the countdown starts and possibly have it start at 5 so you can possibly reposition if needed.

I don't think it is unreasonable to expect an audio cue when the countdown to play starts. I am pretty sure that someone who already has their brain wrapped around the code could do it in under 5 minutes.

+0 / -0
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