Hi, since Zero-K may this year come to greenlight, there is one obstacle for new users, homepage with too much information. What about little rework so new users dont have to be scared and repulsed? Here is my idea:  (its not web page "just" Inkscape draft, go in fullscreen so you get an idea). Little refreshment would be nice, dont you think?
+0 / -0
Player's home page is a bit cluttered and has much useless info if you have a clan but don't play PlanetWars but yours... It brings more new problems than it solves. :)
+0 / -0
If youre missing info: Clan info would be only in (clan | faction | planetwars) page. User info would be on dedicated page.
+0 / -0
No. One of the problems is that social buttons are too visible instead of sitting in the sidebar where they belong. Besides they're about asocial living in fact. :) You click buttons instead of talking about ZK with your friends.
+0 / -0
Pls, dont take the page as something complex and done. If You want, imagine social button under commercial. And "Living social" suposed to be a joke.
+0 / -0
As a newbie i was very pleased with the current layout. It's structured, it makes sense and doesn't have all that much for a newbie. The entire PW bar is empty, you have no clan (and thus no clan roles etc.), you have no trophies, you have no last played games, you have no poll votes or posted threads, you probably start off with building coms after a few games... All in all it's not cluttered for new users. Information piles up when you are actually playing, but i don't think anybody minds the "latest match" or "last posted threads" or anything else about the layout at all. Also, kudos to whoever had the idea of a random manual fact everytime you load. It rocks!
+1 / -0
I agree, except that I do not have the time to read all usually ;)
+0 / -0
I think the current website is good; it presents all the information in a useful way without being cluttered. The only problems are that it handles non-wide screens poorly, and the page title "Zero-K free rts open source game" reflects really badly.
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Ok, at least i would change background images. The present ones are with old models and cant be marked as the best. There is ton of really nice images.
+0 / -0
I have ideas to greatly improve look and functionality of site, but am limited by hackish C# implementations of site & lack of time to sit down and code on non-school related projects. Ideally I would like to replace the boxes/scattered random data with organized tabs, fix front page to show simple sexy splash page which basically just has video & download links, remove the hardcoded teal eyesore which burns my eyes, and some other stuff... But yeah if "What about little rework so new users dont have to be scared and repulsed?" means why aren't you (me) working harder... *sigh*. This is an open source project and YOU can help fix it and make the website more presentable. (I almost replied, lol, gtfo but I really don't have the time to work on this at the moment...) Re the pictures, it is pretty easy to take ingame screenshots yourself and upload them.
+0 / -0
It looks pretty good, I like it. Though its a big design change. I would like to make a dedicated "landing page" .. basically stripped down version of "home" page in the style similar you posted. It should only introduce to game with videos, pictures and descriptions does not need complexities of other tabs at all... But imo style should match the general style of ZK more (dark hive skin).
+0 / -0
My brother is currently working on stuff like this:    But I've no idea on the ETA for this so you are of course free to contribute your own work.
+0 / -0
looks pretty good? lol it looks like zk lobby, horribly designed and ugly saktoth's brother is much better though, that actually looks like a proper game website, not some 13 year old's first attempt at using photoshop
+0 / -0
I actually love those designs, I think he has nailed the technological space theme and has good use of fonts If you implement this, it will be a huge improvement for ZK
+0 / -0
   Saktoth Those screen looks little oldscool in a good way. Anyway, my point was that less is sometimes more. If ou look at any comercial game website, they are usually simple. SCCoDApplequote: ..not some 13 year old's first attempt at using photoshop... |
I made it in 3 hours during watching a serial and it was only to show what i mean and refresh Inkscape "skills".
+0 / -0
I prefer   [DDAM]aiphee prototype because its cleaner and shows more of it than the other one. Bigger fonts, nice icons and incorporates the cool illustration.
+0 / -0
Can wait to see it comming and implemented:D
+0 / -0
I prefer the current Player site to this suggestion. Remember to make the distinction between and Player site and a Landing site. There are two aspects of the site; how easy it is to use (Player) and how likely it is to attract new people (Landing). Sak's image doesn't show anything about the Player site and the Landing site it shows is mostly showing off the boarders and backgrounds.
+0 / -0
If youre not logged in, it is not so crowded, but some elements use too much space (like login). Some one button ajax login would improve it. Anyway, if someone wants to see dark variant of my sketch: Dark Variant[url=/media/aiphee/Big/Zalozni/Zaloha HOME/jiri/Ubuntu One/zk_web/zkWP.svg]And here are source files[/url] feel free to use on anything.
+0 / -0