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New teleportation code I made (preliminary version)

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12 years ago
Remeber my rant about how teleportation did not belong in Zerok? Well, rather than just being the useless guy who rants about everything, I decided to code my ideas into reality. xponen ended up doing most of the work, however. (Thanks for the code, xponen) Anyway, here's the code


This is my version of unit_teleport.lua .Rather than automagically teleporting units, it uses it's newton-like powers to toss them across the map, then slow them to a stop so that they don't die on the recieving end.

The result of my ideas is a Unit Cannon, not unlike the Noah unitcannon from SupCom2. It's just too cool to watch.

There are a few rough edges on this code (currently it does not find the optimal launch angle for transport, and as such sends units flying higher than it needs too. But it does get them to the drop zone safely every time.

This code is dedicated to all the Scallops that died during testing. May they rest in pieces.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Oo, post a video of it in action?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
This code is dedicated to all the Scallops that died during testing. May they rest in pieces.

Off topic: what happened to scallops? they used to rule land and sea, now they can't even kill a glaive swarm... I think launching them is the only useful thing u can do at the moment...
Anyway, RIP xD
+0 / -0
12 years ago
scalops were too awsome, i kinda, sorta, owned evryone with them when they cam out...

thus they got nerfed 9001 times
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Stick it on some new unbuildable unit (use some other unit as a base if you like) in the SVN so people can test it out.
+0 / -0
Completely independent of the merits of the idea: the fact that you had an idea and then did the work yourself to implement it (with xponen's help) is very, very, very praiseworthy. Well done.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
My code is not a new gadget but a new version of unit_teleport.lua . This gadget is tied pretty heavily to the Djinn/Lighthouse pair, so I can't really just stick it on a new unit. To try it out open up unit_teleport.lua, delete the current contents, and paste this in: http://pastebin.com/2TRPpea2

I would very much like to commit this to the SVN dev repository, just so people can see it and try it out. I don't have commit access, can anyone commit it for me?
+0 / -0
wow it fly really high, can't even see it! :P

then it fell into something that feel like a jelly (can't see it). :)

and the unit are ready to fight!

Edit: but some unit (ie: big Grizzly) are probably missing the jelly field by tiny seconds and receive some damage (I see it in slow motion it does slam on the ground abit).
+0 / -0
Yanom, I played with that gadget and found out why unit misses the jelly.

Because the jelly only update every 8 gameframe.

I suggest moving the jelly checking outside:
http://pastebin.com/2Pb8rmkm (i tried it, and putting it outside, work)

It have been commited here: http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/source/browse/trunk/mods/zk/LuaRules/Gadgets/unit_teleporter.lua?spec=svn8474&r=8474

overwrite existing version xD
+0 / -0

12 years ago
My code is not a new gadget but a new version of unit_teleport.lua

1) rename gadget to unit_launcher.lua
2) change bindings in code to unit which is not djinn
3) ???
4) submit to svn!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
have commit xD
overwritten old version xD
+0 / -0
12 years ago
uhoh - something went wrong with the commit. In the latest zk:test, unit_teleport.lua crashes upon a djinn being built. It my code it's fine.

Here's my code again:
+0 / -0
it is which ZK version yanom? just wanted to make sure about something.

EDIT: okay, maybe we couldn't get that info

UPDATE: actually I renamed the launching version to "unit_teleporter(2).lua" (enabled=>false) and somehow it effects the older teleportation version "unit_teleporter.lua" (enabled=>true). I thought it was safer to do 2 copy, but this came up. So I'll make the launching version the primary again :D
+0 / -0
Update: ok, this ZK-test will work

If nobody revert, it goes in next stable.

P/S: it would be cooler if someone make a cushion VFX for the landing :)
+0 / -0

i propose this as the design behind the cushion!

it spits the units out the mouth XD
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I hope ships can still be transported. I imagine flying reef or warlord would be awesome sight.
+0 / -0
Sudden moment of panic: units mid-hijump are still active, right? right!? Flying warlord + space altitude bonus!?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
omg... is this really possible? shooting from space?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
omg... is this really possible? shooting from space?

local function interruptTeleport(unitID, doNotChangeSpeed) says we have found our new mega-newton. You don't even have to sacrifice the launcher. Just undeploy it :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
btw, if you add spin to the unit your sending flying... it cant shoot due to turets going bezerk
+0 / -0
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