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Formation or Overhead Unit Control widgets?

11 posts, 992 views
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12 years ago
Sorry I don't know much about widgets or anything, I was wondering if there are widgets that allow more complex formations, such as box, V formation, etc, and having units keep this shape. also if there are any that tell a factory to bunch units together, like i would love one to have a factory build one shield bot, then tell a couple of light raiders to follow it close inside the shield automatically

also i swear a year or so ago in BA i saw some guy driving a Weasel in what looked like perfect overhead third person driving, though maybe he was really in first person view and driving it, it seemed he was raiding so well he was driving from above. anything like that exist, like in Men of War?
+0 / -0
To view unit in third person:
enable "Combo Overhead Free Camera" widget, go to game options-> camera -> adv camera config -> enable 3rd person trackmode*

*press middle mouse button to exit this mode.

To make unit move in formation:
hold Ctrl while issuing move order. Unit will keep formation
or, bunch unit together near shield and hold Ctrl to issue move order. Unit will move as a unit together with the shield*

*there also a widget called "Shield Guard" that help another unit stay under Thug's shield.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
thx xpo
+0 / -0

12 years ago
See this http://springrts.com/wiki/Using_Orders, and especially the GatherWait and SquadWait orders.

Also, sorry for your avatar, you probably got the worst and most boring one you could get...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
mine is worse...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What are you saying, BlueTemplar? His avatar looks both like a ufo and a halo, nothing could be more fitting! I still stand by my opinion that the avatar picker knows what's best for everyone.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I still stand by my opinion that the avatar picker knows what's best for everyone.

And that's why now i spam metal storages
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like Behemoths. :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
BlueTemplar the page doesnt exist
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12 years ago
nm foudn it
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12 years ago
Defensive, ineffective, and unpopular baggage tacked onto something that's otherwise good?

Yup, it got me pegged.
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