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Best Way To Start The Game

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12 years ago
Whats the best way to start getting experience, I've been just doing single player AI games (RAI), but they've gotten extremely easy... Is there some way to do easy server games / other single player options (other ai, how to do single player missions on spring lobby, etc.)
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12 years ago
Is CAI not available on your machine? CAI is a more ZK-aware AI than RAI and will give you a harder time.

But either way, if you're doing okay in SP you're ready to start playing with humans. Most teamgames include some helpless newbies and you'll have a leg up on those.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

Try 1v1 CAI on this map, starting in the center geos (you have to set the boxes or just use the start locations there if you use springlobby's SP function).

Expand faster than the AI or die. Attack and defend from all directions, all the time.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ok, I didn't test or see that option, but I do now. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll definitely follow them!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Definitely play against CAI. Ignore all other AIs when playing ZK (other than Chickens).

If CAI becomes too easy to beat you can play on larger maps like the one jseah suggested, or you can play against more than one CAI at a time, or you can give the AIs a head-start by staying idle for one or two minutes at the start of the game.

If you can beat CAI there's not much point in playing the single-player missions since they're all basically tutorials to get you to the point where you can beat CAI.

Playing multiplayer is definitely the best way to get better once you've got the rudiments well in hand. Win or lose, it's lots of fun and will expose you to a better variety of gameplay (both allied and opposing) than AI skirmishes will. And don't let anybody give you any crap for being inexperienced or low-skill. Once upon a time they sucked even worse.
+0 / -0
Before playing a MP game, you might want to spectate some games first.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Thats actually a really good idea
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I just installed Zero-K on my main computer, and I no longer have CAI on the new install... can somebody please explain to me how I can get it?

I'm running Linux Mint 13 64Bit
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Scratch that all I had to do was select Zero-K as the game first...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You can ask in #zk if there are some ppl that want to play a bit of a tutorial game to get you started in 1v1 multi player.

Or you can send me a pm when i'm online. I don't mind teaching some basic stuff. There are a lot of traps to fall into when you start this game. Best to just avoid them from the start instead of figuring everything out yourself and learn it the hard way.
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