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Planned changes for PW3

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13 years ago

+0 / -0
13 years ago
>delete all existing clans
kinda negative start but:
>clan limit 10-12...
okay so i see why clan deletion
>....experienced players
how.. vague. expand? are we going to end up with smurfs everywhere? or a "you are not good enough to play PW"? or some kind of EXP cost somewhere?

>you cannot leave if clan has more than 4 players (you must be kicked)
uhh... okay. makes sense i guess (stop small clans being nubtraps i suppose this is for)

>give $1000 for new planet only once to each player.
eh, this was what i thought it was. makes sense.

>invading ships don't cause $500 destruction, instead they give 50 influene to owner - if owner won
hmm.... reason for change?

>ships are only counted for invasion if player is present in autohost and not a spec. If there are no such ships in galaxy, random planet of clan with most planets is selected. (Ships are also only destroyed if owner was present).
Cool, stops smurfs and other "cheap" tactics.

>planets start all equal - no technology, no mine, wormhole
i guess this is mostly a balancing fix, though i did like the idea of more unique planets.

>all technologies are unlocked by default (personal unlocks count).
so.. is it checking your personal XP unlocks
or "All technologies are unlocked by default" is as it says on the tin.

>If someone builds a tech lab he monopolizes tech for his clan/allies - enemies must destroy the lab or build it too to get same tech. Tech labs replace personal unlocks (you can have something that you only own in PW)
Wait.. youve contradicted yourself again.
>monopolizes tech for team once built in game
>enemies must destroy or build it too (so Team 1 does not have monopoly of that tech once they build it, or they do or they what?)
Can you explain more on this system, its a bit confusing.

>people are not randomly given planets with jumpgate or artifact
people were randomly given planets?

>balancing higher priority to clan together, higher to enemy at other team, lower still to ally or ceasefire together.
Matchmaking fix, makes sense.

smaller team will get extra commanders for highest elo people
Feels a bit "slap a patch on it", why not go back to the only lowest team can vote force start? since shouldnt a clan on one team be able to decide amongst themselves who should sit out? (i know i have for my allies to play more than once)

automatic shuffler of not playing people to empty autohost
YES!, well, yes this is awesome unless it boots me from spectating, or something akin to that. which it probably will, or not, can you expand on this feature more?

end condition 50% planets or all artefacts + all techs
Addressing win conditions by removing diversity? kinda sucks. personally i liked the whole "adjust it higher till it reaches a good target" idea.
How does the whole "all artefacts" fit in with all planets being the same?
How does the "all techs" thing fit in with being able to just build the factory on the planet and have earnt it? whats to stop a clan of 4 people building each tech, winning and then winning all of PW in one game?

autohost size back to 10 or 16? 2 autohosts? Different balancing rules?
Doesnt a new autohost open as soon as the first is full? perhaps have two idle autohosts is what youre saying? as for 10 or 16, id say 10, but 16 is easier on the single player responsibility. (which newbies love because it lessens the effect of their failure, it also lessens the ammount experience people are to go into full autism rage at them. however imo PW is not supposed to be "come here first")

>Unclanned people allowed in bigger?
Unclanned people were allowed in PW2 anyway?

no more technology influence bonus?
i dont think i saw Tech Influence in the FAQ/Help/Guide and could never understand it. Shadow influence was good as it enabled you/clans to create "bases" or areas where the planets were reinforced by nearby ones. created more of a team atmosphere as opposed to singular planets.

Common things that came up post PW2:
Mostly addressed however worries about this "experienced players" wording.

Win Condition too short
Removed most win conditions narrowing tactics down, making it simpler (where imo it didnt need simplifying)Also slightly raising requirements.

what does everyone else think about the proposed changes?
hope to hear back about the confusingly worded ones.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
>clan limit 10-12 experienced players
-Not sure if this makes any sense, whatever experienced players means.
Imperium clan in Beta2 only had 14 members. While GotP2 and DOOP had 20 and 19 respectively. What defines the power of a clan it's the amount activity of its members rather than the number of its members.

>all technologies are unlocked by default (personal unlocks count). If someone builds a tech lab he monopolizes tech for his clan/allies - enemies must destroy the lab or build it too to get same tech. Tech labs replace personal unlocks (you can have something that you only own in PW)
-Doesn't make much sense. It kinda kills the purpose of unrestricting unlocks to restrict them anyway.

>smaller team will get extra commanders for highest elo people
-Doesn't really compensate the ability to have extra hands to micro. But its better than nothing.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think the clans should only can contain players who are at least at level 1 to 3 !!!

In GotP2 I had many members who are still level 0 or something like this.

They never play, forgot the password or something like this.

It's annoying to have members who doesn't play at all.

I wouldn't kick someone one day 1 or 2, but it's really confuse at the clan size infos.

I think that player doesn't count with the elo rating, it's more the activity.

Why you doesn't geet something for loosing ( like 20 IPs )

And what's that idea with the kick requirements?

It's better for fair clans if an unfair clan can loose IPs through players leaving.

But I think there should be a limit of 10 battles since joined a new clan to can leave this clan.

But at all PW is a good idea =)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Players with rank 1 dont take up slots in clans - you can have as many of them as you want. So dont worry about that
+0 / -0
13 years ago
>all technologies are unlocked by default (personal unlocks count). If someone builds a tech lab he monopolizes tech for his clan/allies - enemies must destroy the lab or build it too to get same tech. Tech labs replace personal unlocks (you can have something that you only own in PW)

Wont this make players with strider techs unlocked very sad if soembody gets athena?

Even if that, IMO , even if keep this , all factorys must be awailable. Only special units and defences may be lockable.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Monopolization wasnt implemented. Its simple built tech to unlock now
+0 / -0