Nimbus doesn't shred all AA, gremlins beat nimbuses for cost quite easily, as do most/possibly all AA.
Also, don't the facts that its shots have a long delay to hit the ground and are spread over an area already make nimbus bad against individual fast-moving AA units?
The nimbus behavior just feels unreasonably stupid in this case. It clearly can hit the gremlin in terms of its shooting capacity, and its only its stupid firing strategy that prevents it. A force fire command could indeed by dodged, but you could get around that with more micro. I feel like if a unit
can hit a target, ordering it to attack should be all you need. A unit on fight-move being stuck firing at a target it can hit but is firing at wrong is highly unintuitive behavior.
It also feels like a territory ripe for widget automation skewing things one or the other way (aka, auto-anti-nimbus-jinking for AA or anti-jinking aiming solutions for nimbuses)