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NEW players read me

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ctrl (key) + tab (key) pushed together ~ changes overview camera from zoomed out fixed to scroll able

/clearmapmarks or the little red cube top left will clear map marks

/luaui reload .... fixes broken ui sometimes by reloading it

the following is advice that is aimed at new players:

1 storage is enough.. if your not going to loose your com you don't even need 1

to make more units and to make units faster DO NOT MAKE more factories ~ assist your factory with constructors (default select and right click on factory).. or even cheaper make a caretaker and it will automatically assist.
^^ this is called 'build-power'

if you have no metal.. more build power will NOT make you construct faster

the fastest way to get metal is reclaim.. but metal extractors (everyone calls it mex) is a close second.
metal from metal extractors is shared equally to whole team

energy attached to metal extractors provides extra metal.. 1-2 solar per mex is recommended

try to avoid making stingers in base or you will loose but a stinger on front-line or a choke point is ok..

building walls or too many defenses in base will always loose you the game..
this is because you need an army to hold ground and you need to hold ground to get metal.. so turrets will weaken your economy

the only defenses you should make in base are 'picket turret ~ spread these out' .. 'lotus turret ~ very good vs raiders' .. 'faraday ~ emp'
'anti air ~ razor ~ don't make them unless your enemy might have air'

make an army and try to keep the enemy from taking your half of the map.
if units break through a front line don't abandon whole front-line to chase them unless your base is in danger.. send raiders to chase fast enemy raiders if you don't have local riot units and head to the places you think they will go next.

+5 / -0
4 years ago
I didn't know half of this stuff :(
+2 / -0
4 years ago
but your learning so you deserve a slice of cake
anyone see something nooby post and ill add it to the list
+0 / -0
4 years ago
People dont know what defenders are. FYI, they are called Picket to anyone wondering.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
You forgot the most important parts:


* Use space bar to check if there's water on the map. Anything below -19 blocks land units. Do not create land factories on maps with water!
* If you have less than half the map and you're getting beat to a pulp just resign. Don't "fight to the last man" -- there's no point. If you cannot answer "how do I come back from this?" with specific details, there is no point in you voting no to a resign vote.
* Do not sit in your base hording units. Create a frontline as far into enemy territory as possible.
* Take all the mexes near your factory then build a few solars.
* Build mexes ASAP.
* Don't try anything fancy until you got the basics down.
* Repeat exists. Click the circle divided into 3 parts off to the right of the factory's command bar.
+4 / -0

4 years ago
* Don't try anything fancy until you got the basics down.

I disagree very strongly with this.
Let people have fun and they'll stay and get better naturally.
+5 / -0
4 years ago
Trial and error lead to innovation.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Some usefull control interface if you want to make the most out of al your CTRL, Alt, shift and space modifiers.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
Alt can be used to add units on top of a factory queue, and they won't repeat. Its super-useful for building units ASAP without having to delete your queue, also for adding a few one-off units to a factory repeat loop.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I strongly endorse the "grasp the basics before trying to be clever" instruction. Innovation is about solving a problem not just randomly throwing stuff out. If you grasp the basics, you have a handle on what the problem looks like and can start to rule out ideas that are simply stupid even before beginning.

Also I wondered how I occasionally caused my game to fixed and zoomed out. I knew it must have been some sort of shortcut pressed accidentally, but never knew what one until today.
+4 / -0
By basics I mean things like:

* Line move
* Unit roles and their counters
* Fight command
* Factory strengths & weaknesses
* Circle Guard and its uses.

Once a solid foundation is established, then gimmicks and fancy stuff should be attempted. Attempting before these are established just leads to unnecessary struggles. Discovery and innovation is better off when a basic foundation exists as it allows you to infer and theorize potential solutions.
+0 / -0
While that is a fair point, its worth noting that a new player may not necessarily understand what is a gimmick/super weapon/late game unit and what is standard play.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
NEW PLAYERS: resign if after 10 minutes you make made 0 progress.

someone today dragged on a porcfest for 30 minutes and killed me (the player with 95% of the max, 80m/s) through bad internet.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
>Best starting energy source is windgens or solar panels. You should keep at start build energy as musch you have metla incoming othervise you cant use metal. In some maps wind is best method for getting energy. You can see it just secelting con and selcting to build wingen but not placing it. It will show how much is lowest energy income from windgen. If its 0.4 or more then better to build windgen. Solars are inefficient way to get energy but thay can bunker when attacked. Do not rush fusion if you don't know why you are doing that. But you can rush geotermal plant because it costs 500 metal.
>Never build defence cluster in base at start. You build defence building only when needed and that line mostly is at mid on map because defence building in base is waste. Its enough with one lotus near factory. Or picket if you build plane factory or gunship factory bit behind front.
>Energy who isnt used for building or shields ir going to overdrive mex who will produce more mtal. More excess energy - more metal. However more enery is added lesss efficient it becomes.
>Press F4 nd you can see grid. Blue grid means that there is not enough energy to make good mex overdrive. When grid is yellow then there is good amount and when grid ir red/oragne it almost are saturaed.
>Big unit shields recharge cost massive amount energu. Don't build them in base (except if you need cover valuable buildings) or in frontline because recharge is slow and it will be waste.
>Do not spam gunships until you learned how gunships works. At least practice them against bots. There is no need for 3 gunship factory in team with 8 players. Its enough with one gunship factory.
>Do not morph your coms sitting in base. There is no use for 7000 worth morphed metal builder com who is just sitting in base and 'rapairing things'. Also there is no point of frontline commander with big invest and no use. Ypu have to learn about commander types and their abilities because each commander have its own options.
>Don't cluster specter or lances. They will die in friendly fire because they will blok each other weapons.
>I recomend that you always set spectre or lance fire stats to manually attack. They have long reload time and you only waste shoots. Pilot them manually and choose target.
>Don't build silo to kill enemy factory or some units. And don't buiild it in base. Missili silo rush works only on small maps.
>Do not play planes if you don't know how. Always build at least two swifts to scout and then you can decide what to do - spam fighter or spam bombers. If you want to play plane factory you need learn about unit in it and what it do.
>Never forget build one radar at front.
+2 / -0