The community has a choice.
Right now in ZK there is no casual PvP mode. People play in the teams lobby for "casual" elonz and rank badge color.
Starting a room with noelo doesn't count. The same arguments against having a permanent highelo room describe why few people will join a noelo room. Unless the teams autohosts ran noelo, and they won't, because it would break autobalance in the long run.
Every sane game with "casual" mm/autobalance hides "casual" ELO and only shows player experience. This eliminates obvious metagaming in what should be a low pressure game mode.
People playing autohost for rank color incentivizes reporting Firepluk for having fun, running off new players, and all kinds of salt in the most populated way to play ZK.
The choices:
- Keep taking the "casual" autohost seriously and report-to-ban Firepluk or
whoever when they get bored and hail mary. Player incentives are to metagame the hell out of it.
- Hide casual ELO and play ZK. Player incentives are to play mm for rank.