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metal excess issue

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4 years ago
In cluster game, when I manage micro demanding units (like troll com or skuttle) metal excess becomes an issue.
I constantly have to check my metal bar, and if it's almost full, I hit tab, wait 1 sec because of lag in cluster, look for highest level player and share him metal just a little to not share to the lob team :-(
Time ago, someone gave me a widget to automatically share excess metal to the best player but I lost it (and I am not sure that this script worked properly).

Could we have an option (default off) to automatically share excess metal to the best player?

Thank you <3
+4 / -0
4 years ago
More options regarding metal flow control would be nice. For example, sometimes I'd like to be able to share my income directly, so that if there is a player in the team that is obviously outnumbered in their region, I could give them some of my metal to help them fight, without having to send builders over to assist (or keep constantly manually sharing).

In the meantime you can use loops in your factories to keep them producing when you aren't watching. You can always manually add units with priority using alt when you wanna micro production.

Another alternative is building 1-2 more caretakers than you currently need and telling them to guard the factory with low priority. This way you can automatically sink metal spikes into more units without interfering with normal production.
+3 / -0

4 years ago
Pressing Tab multiple times is to be avoided since it is one of the last laggy bits of UI. It could be a good place to put an option for ongoing metal sharing.
+3 / -0

4 years ago
Just spam storage bro
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Ask me for a widget and I shall provide one to your specifications.
+0 / -0
Look, the obvious option here is to build storage.

It has always amused me how some people see storage as some totally useless gimmick, that harms the team... Yet in my experience when you play rich metal maps 5-6 storages is almost mandatory from mid to lategame. In extreme cases when you need big burst building reserves even 10+.

People don't seem to realise 500 metal reserve just makes you SO confined in terms of your metal spending options its not even funny.

Edit: I can already foresee some guys going "storage is metal lying in waste just spam units..." It is 100m for one unit. When unitballs worth 20k are roaming around I believe you can spend 500-600m for a lot of freed up micro.
+0 / -0
Pressing Tab

this is somehow bound to zoom toggling and the keybinds is reset EVERY game.

meaning, if i want to donate metal, the screen flips nonstop between zoom-max and back to zoom-current, while the donation-menue is open by 'holding' tab.

on the plus side, the framrate drops only to 0.0034787898 while donations are possible.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I do believe a lot of players come down way too hard on the concept of storing metal. Storing metal is non-ideal but its better to store metal and then spend it on something useful than to immediately spend metal on something useless. Its a military strategy game, its not won only with an efficient economy.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Storing metal is non-ideal but its better to store metal and then spend it on something useful than to immediately spend metal on something useless.

If you have a factory, odds are you can spend the money on something useful right now.

If your factory can't build anything useful, you can build a factory with something useful right now.

If you don't know what to build, you can go assist somebody else's factory right now.

A valid reason for storing metal is all your constructors are moving to some other location to build a factory and you have enough build power capacity to spend it.
+0 / -0
4 years ago

If you have a factory, odds are you can spend the money on something useful right now.

True. The question is HOW useful.

If you don't know what to build, you can go assist somebody else's factory right now.

Last time I checked cons do not have teleport ability. Also good luck assisting some noob's factory when he just does not know what he's doing.

Now please consider this.

If you have 500 metal cap, odds are you will overflow often.
If you have big reclaim deposits processed, odds are you will lose most of it to overflow.
If you suddenly need burst buildiing and you were oh-so-skillfully spending every bit of metal on units, odds are you'll be in trouble.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
If you spent metal on scouting you won't need burst building. I'm still not convinced that saving metal is good play, maybe sort of a bandage for bad reactive play. It's not the worst thing you can do, but don't be surprised when somebody calls you on it in teams.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I resovle this in simple way. I just build strider hub and start build strider and later i can switch on it or just give it another pplayer. Antoher way is just build eco with remaining resources and there you dont need to use much attention.
But yes such widget should be added for official widgets. One of rare usable things.
+1 / -0
Edit: Ok, disregard me. I'm arguing with blue player here...
+0 / -0
Ontheheavens is at-least a bit correct here.. if i have heaps of cons reclaiming a fantastically huge dead army and the local defending forces are provided by Slaab and my caretaker at home died so im slowly making a con.. im going to excess a metric-giga-tonn and i need the metal to get to Slaab so i can keep reclaiming while protected
+0 / -0

4 years ago
DErankAdminmojjj Tab is not map overview by default, and if your keybinds reset then you have some crash or permissions issue.
+0 / -0
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog thank you for your concern. strange that it is not default because i never set any hotkey. i am using COFC cam if that is of any help. i will look into the permission issue (linux)
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Well, like I said, its non-ideal. A perfect player would never store metal. A non-perfect player may not always immediately know what they should be building, or where. Having enough storage to account for a few seconds of inaction is useful for such players, I think.

That being said, I don't currently build storage unless my com is dead. I feel the starting 1000 storage provides enough cushioning for any reasonably sized economy.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
COFC is likely the cause of the issue.
+0 / -0
why storages ARE needed

1. they're cheap (a investment of 100m will return 500m in case of overflow)
2. Overflow is inevitable - reclaim. if the enemy is advancing upon a reclaim field you need to reclaim the shit asap which means OVERFLOW
3. it saves micro (duh)
4. You can enjoy the game better when you dont have to worry about mass overflow
5. did i mention burst demand?

Why auto-metal share IS needed:

1. if im going all-in on the trollcom then i want to not worry about facs yet i dont want to take up metal. so i want to donate a part of my income to my teammates so they can do some work (this applies to micro-intensive units as well

What auto-metal share needs:

1. at what percentage (of buffer) should auto-share start (default 100%)
2. how much of income to share (default 100%)
3. top (%) of your team you want to give more to (default 100%, so everyone is equal)
(you can't give everything to one player as nubz will be even more upset at the army difference, favored players get 3x metal)
4. players with (%) of metal buffer full to be ignored (default 80%, so anyone with 80% or more metal wont get any onerflow share. if everyone is over this threshold then it will be given to the player with most remaining storage (Not percentage based))

1. people creating smurfs to get more income
+0 / -0

4 years ago
COFC is likely the cause of the issue.

indeed. it also had the keybinding set for TAB key. removed and it stays removed (somehow it restored repeatedly itself earlier this year)
+0 / -0
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