Sometimes there is a noticable delay (about a second) between pressing a key and it's effect occuring. Not all input is delayed though, thus I get a different result, than intended.
I had this so far with:
-Map Drawing hotkey - almost always - Instead of drawing I get selecton or place commander at start.
The Map Drawing works as it should if I press and hold the hotkey and wait for 1-2 seconds.
-modifier keys, CTRL with selection - only recently
Instead of CTRL+Z I get only Z, this is easy to notice.
Maybe a related issue:
Sometimes Attack-Move remains active after the order is given with left mouse button, and if I try to quckly select another group of units, instead of the selection, I am giving a new Attack-Move order to the previous group.
I have to say, that I cannot reliably reproduce this, and may be an error on my part.