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What if tremor was removed from game

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5 years ago
What would be the consequences?

Tank factory already has an artillery. If tremor didn't exist, you could actually hear other things than it firing. There would be significantly less lag. Maybe people would use their brains instead of relying on a crutch to saturate an area until radar dots are gone.

I don't see any downsides.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
That is fine if it is removed but you would also have to reduce shield and porc strength.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Terraform would become more of a problem.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
tremor good for depleting shield\funnel spam
+0 / -0
5 years ago
How about at least redesigning the unit to be less visually and audibly annoying? I mostly play zoomed out and from the moment on a tremor is built it is a never ending stream of trench warfare shell shock blasting in my headphones until the game ends.
+8 / -0
tremor is the only unit tanks have against cloaked stuff...
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog would have to make Kodachi cheaper or invent some new unit to swarm.

agree about the audio tho.
+2 / -0
Tremor is the only unit the game has that can deal with a heavily terraformed fully grown porcline, with buried outlaws, raised arty resistant turrets, cloaked riots behind corners, and the rest of the toys from that bag.

Tremor is a shortcut. Tremor artillery is hell of a drug. To remove it, you have to add something else that can deal with a buried outlaw at the very least.

Imo every factory should have an anti-tf unit that is not their constructor.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
tremors for everyone!1!!
+0 / -0

5 years ago
If Tremor was removed, Quake would have to fixed so it can do what Tremor used to do.
+0 / -0
How do you fix quake so that it's not defeated by a single shield?

Do you really mandate a 1200m tech switch with pay-per-shot missiles to defeat a 400m fortification?
+1 / -0

5 years ago
You couldn't unless you made it disrupt shields or pass through shields.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
In summary:

-Tremor is the only unit in the game that's super effective an an anti-terraform unit (aside from the rather expensive, and shield-blockable quake missile)...
-Tremor is largely redundant with the emissary from the tank factory...
-Tremor already costs quite a bit...

Why not put it into the strider hub's lineup? It may not have legs, but that shouldn't be the prerequisite for being a "strider", right? If we simply increased the size of the model, no other changes required, it would be a massive, game-changing abomination... which is basically what it is now.

The key question after this is to ask whether a Merlin REALLY twice as powerful as a tremor? Because that's what the costs of each would indicate. Merlin does a lot of damage, but the supression effect of a tremor combined with its power to terraform certainly should count for something.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I love the Tremor and would hate to see it go. Such a unique unit.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Only a meta as unhealthy as ZK arty meta could give birth to a Tremor OP thread, that shit has been useless for a decade
+1 / -0

5 years ago
And then it was buffed
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Tremor outranges Impaler thanks to the large spread it has. Barring Merlin, Tremor has the longest effective range and highest DPS of all mobile land artillery. It is effective against terraformed walls, burried buildings, static defenses, mobile armies, cloaked armies, shielded armies, it is useful as area denial, it can fire while moving. Thanks to relatively large impact radius of individual shots, effective DPS scales upwards with unit density. As far as artillery function goes, the only weakness it has is that it fires continuously and thus doesn't benefit from cloak as much as other artillery units.

All for the price of 1500. Let's compare other artillery units for the same price:

2.14 Impalers
2 Phantoms
1.78 Emissaries
1.66 Firewalker
1.5 Lance
0.93 Crab
0.42 Merlin

I'd like to point out that 2 Impalers which is the only artillery except Merlin that comes close to range of Tremor: cannot hit targets in holes, cannot hit moving units, cannot hit static units without LOS, smaller effective range than Tremor, insignificant DPS, only functions as a mex sniper

Merlin is a better Tremor in every way (except terraforming) with full benefit from cloak and better precision.

Rest of artillery has their niche filled well. Badger is a skirmisher with area denial and not artillery.
+0 / -0

5 years ago

merlin and tremor are in neither reality alike. watch this:
+0 / -0
5 years ago
What exactly am I supposed to watch? That is 7 Merlins firing at a target worth only 40% of their total cost.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
it is 5 catapults. and if you observe closely, it might occure to you that if you do the same with an equivalent amount of tremors in terms of cost, the outcome might differ in alpha.
+0 / -0
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