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Fix napalm vs light units?

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12 years ago
When a light units (say less than 500 hp) gets into napalm, it is 100% dead even if it is at 50-60 % life after initial blast. In some sense it is stupid because napalm is supposed to be area denial, not mass destruction. If the units stand on burning ground - yes they should die but if they are just a bit caught in fire - they should be at least healable by cons. In reality they are 100% dead even under heal.
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12 years ago
What is 'gets into napalm'?
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Walks into it I assume.

Isn't napalm supposed to be antiswarm/anti light? Like a riot.
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12 years ago
Which napalm?
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On proper maps in 1v1 this isn't too much of a problem. In big teamgames it sometimes is.

In general i think that big AoE weapons (firebomber, tick, stiletto, even banisher) are too accessible in ZK. They kinda kill the play with smaller units. (~500hp which are most of the cloackbots and spiders) in multi player games.
Or maybe it is a metagame thing and ppl just need to learn to spread out their units by default when playing with those labs.

Apart from the smallest raiders you can save most units from dieing by moving out of the flames immediately. This takes some fast reaction- and mouse speed though.

I have been trying to implement this in my own play lately. I think you can get used to it.
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12 years ago
It's a pathing thing, units cluster together like wet sugar.
+0 / -0
you can prevent that cluttering with proper move orders. You have to do a lot of pathing yourself though. Especially around small hills, you must give multiple small distance move orders to get them to move over a hill without cluttering.

It is good practice to always use a line movement, (even with two units!). When you are moving a larger group that exists of multiple types you want to move each group individually with, again, a line for each group.

You do this by either assigning each type of unit to a control group and go over them like this: 1 mousedrag 2 mousedrag 3 mousedrag 4 mousedrag etc.

Or you use a selection hotkey to select "all of the same type on screen" and go:
click unit, selectionkey, mousedrag, click unit, selectionkey, mousedrag, etc
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12 years ago
That's simply a result of flawed aoe-physics, HeadHunter. I think it's acceptable.
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12 years ago
I do think fire could be re-examined. It's frustrating that you can't save a burning unit even when you have a con nearby.
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12 years ago
You can. Terraform to sea level. :)
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12 years ago
btw, does archer work as firefighter?
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I don't think you realise just how destructive napalm is in real life. Did you know the second that stuff comes into contact with the air, its virtually on fire already?

Napalm is a very destructive weapon, once it touches your skin, it will create severe burns because of its insane temputure and the worst thing is its practically impossible to remove once in contact with human skin.

Napalm is mass destructive in its own right. Even if the stuff doesn't touch you, just being near it, you can die from just suffocating/dying to the insane temputure etc. best example is being around a petrol station and smelling the gas, now conside that but 100x times worse.
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12 years ago
Realism is irrelevant to zk. And besides, isn't napalm-like fuel air bombs used against tanks irl? Zk napalm is generally shrugged off by tanks.
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12 years ago
well I am just saying, he is comparing a normal fire to napalm when napalm is actually a substance that sticks to you.
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12 years ago
Which napalm?

No answer to this yet. Different fire weapons do different damage over time.
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12 years ago
in real life

uh oh
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12 years ago
Napalm is just anti-light units. Use hvy units against napalm. Its ok i think. Everything have its counter. Scuttles and penes for hvy and napalm and banisher for light.
+0 / -0
Nah, heavy units counter everything in current zk. You use heavy unit to fight napalm, and they send in heavy napalm with singularity bomb.
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12 years ago
Google, this was posted right after anthem napalm bombed his units on ravaged I think.
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12 years ago
the problem is that spacing out doesn't work well enough.

Maybe make 1 big shield, morph and you are save - but the bad thing is that everbody has to do that.

The thing that suffers the most are cloakies - the fire of phoenix hits a too big area and you can't protect yourself with shields because that would point to your location.
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