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Ludum Dare 45: My lil game

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4 years ago
my Ludum Dare 45, comp submission, made in 48 hours


Would make my day if you guys played a level or two
+8 / -0
4 years ago
Well I liked the game and played all 9 levels.
There are 2 things that I noticed, you can finish the level even when you die, because dieing results in no gravity and still being able to jump and place Goo.
And sometimes you are stuck on a cliff where you can stand but no longer jump.
I actually liked it so much that I made a video how i played all levels totally how they were not intended to be played.
I only noticed afterwards that I can actually build with these blocks and not have to use them to midair jump LOL.

(nobody saw me fail horribly at level 6 did you?)
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Yeah I disabled placing goo when in mid-air at 1 point to fix the bug, but it made the game even slower and less fun, so had to keep it, did not have time to implement a solution where you can't mid-air jump, maybe check if goo is grounded then jump? You are the first person I saw that figured it out.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
I beat levels 1-8, then quit on 9. I also only used the goo as a double jump with extra steps. I think the air control was very hard to use, and it was hard to land precisely because to fall straight down you have to do a precise input in the opposite direction, and I've been playing a lot of celeste again after the DLC came out, so this jump was jarring. no coyote time, no short/high jumps. But this game was made in 48 hours or something, right? so perfection isn't expected.

I liked the audio, having the sounds output slightly different pitches or whatever was super nice cause I would have hated it otherwise lol.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Were you writing from scratch or did you use some existing game engine? I've attempted ludum dare 2 times but never got anything working by the time it ended (well once I did it with brother and we did get something).
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I used Godot mono (the c# version), the link to the game's GitHub is at my Ludum dare page, you should be able to edit anything you want and recompile it.
The bad platformer controls came mostly from my inexperience from platformers and having no clue what a good platformer should have, got a lot of feedback on that, and slowly working on a non rushed version of the game, but till have no idea how to make good art tho...
+0 / -0
We should organise "ludum dare" for improving ZK - basically 2 days of people attempting to make their widgets/ mods/ models for ZK and then voting on best result over the 2 days. That would help with getting into ZK contributing (event = many people around to help fix your issues quickly). That could help me stop postponing the projects I wanted to make for zk. Basically the "tournament" for scripting. The first topic should be "Make ZK look better". Second topic would be "Make ZK look better again".

CArankPetTurtle ah that would explain some things - I did it with base c++ + SDL for graphics. Having game engine would help.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
PLrankZenfur, what if there was something simpler (too) such as "development weekends"?
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I wouldn't mind modding zero-k would definitely help doing it with other people
+0 / -0
A devjam would be a great idea, especially since it allows for temporal integration of many types of talent required (3d, 2d, code, etc).

Many people working on their individual goals in separation (with judgement later or w/e) is much less useful imo and completely misses the point.
+2 / -0
The game is pretty neat. I'm finding some of the levels kinda unforgiving (at least, without abusing midair-jump) but the gameplay itself is cool. Have to admit I nearly ragequit when I died to the blind drop at the end of level 4 (I think?).

I don't think you have any reason to feel bad about the art. It might not be fancy but it does look nice.


AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, AUrankmankarse, AUrankIstaera, some other friends and myself put this together:

+2 / -0