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Tournament 1 vs 1 11/9/19

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5 years ago
All are welcome, this is A start I realize there is a very low players going tournaments frankly it's saddde. So cheer things up put up a tourney. this is a normal tourney not like ultragodzilla tournament where he glup glup didn't show up cough imitating he was drinking ;D. But those who want to participate only need to list. now the good thing from me and that fat slabb of ultrgodzilla no offense giving ;D. I can host tournaments sundays and wednesdays and in the future daily tournaments depends and i can adjust to manyy tiemlines so i can give tornaments for russia, usa, australia the sky is the limit.

So i will start with wednesday at 8:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. usa time and i can adjust depending the players. pls juts sign up will have simple 1 vs 1. if everything goes well I will add prizes yup 10 dollars pot and 15 dollar pot. it depend if there gonna be a lot of players. give your support and will do ffa tournaments, 3 vs 3 tournaments and make a calendar.

yesterday i was checking starcraft 2 and i see they had 1 vs 1 tournaments each day. they have a base of 15,000 players each day sometimes more or less. I said to myself Zero-k can have that and more ;D sky is the limit. So i'm willing to do A lot (except coding -_-) to get players and organize them. pls support my outlandish claim and we will see in the future if we can produce good fruits.


pls add your name

+1 / -0

5 years ago
After now countless tourneys, Saturdays have proved the most successful. People are in time zones all over the place, and people work, sleep, all things IRL.. Saturday gives most flexibility where they can find time or stay up late\early.

Great to initiate.

however, zk player base is not massive like SC, I think a tourney once every month or 3 is all zk can handle, if theyre too regular it diminishes their zing and excitment and partipant numbers.

Note, USA times vary across six timezones.
+1 / -0
fine 4hundred i will prove thee one saturday is convinient for one tourney but having tournaments will make them thrilling it will depend on the jackpot ;d. if i put money people will exercise and will enjoy and strive to do better. it's just a start sundays and wednesdays. i will make more thrilling advances. so it's juts the beggining ;D.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
cash prizes would be neat, but ive come to relizes it need to be in the hundreds to light up peoples interest.
+2 / -1
5 years ago
do i look like a freaking cash register for ya -_-
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Success costs, Your gonna have to open your wallet, mm88.

+1 / -0
no no no no just wait a little it will take some time perhaps after 4 or 5 tournament. i'll start and the pot may grow. okay i'll start small teams and if were talking about more than 30 or 40 players each week. yes the pot will grow -_- okay so relax and enjoy the game that's all ;D
+1 / -0
5 years ago
no one sign up do u hate me that much , geez with all of ya -_- if wednesday we have no one i'll push it till sunday and saturday.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
sry but wednesday is really bad for me
+0 / -0
5 years ago
no one sign up do u hate me that much , geez with all of ya -_- if wednesday we have no one i'll push it till sunday and saturday.

no we dont hate you MXrankmoleculeman88

but if you want to host a tournament you should give an detailed explanation about important things.


- Tournament type (that one is clear: 1v1)
- Time (UTC or sth similar which is a fixed time and people can rely on)
- What date is it now?
- Which maps are going to be played
- Rules
- ...

You could take Shamans Tournament posts as example for what is needed when you want to host a tournament.
E.g. https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/27477
+0 / -0
5 years ago
thank u very much manu it will be noted, i see i have to add things.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
however, zk player base is not massive like SC, I think a tourney once every month or 3 is all zk can handle, if theyre too regular it diminishes their zing and excitment and partipant numbers.

Yes, I saw this happen first hand. Can attest to it.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I would probably start an FFA tournament containing only two big FFA matches.
It will be based on points that you gain by:
-surviving the most possible
-completely or almost destroying enemy players

In other words, if you just sit back in your base and do nothing but you win the match you gain the biggest survival points. If you just kill a lot of players but eventually die you can still gain a close amount of points as the survival player. Depending on how many people will join balancing this out can be quite easy.
+1 / -0
In other words, if you just sit back in your base and do nothing but you win the match you gain the biggest survival points. If you just kill a lot of players but eventually die you can still gain a close amount of points as the survival player. Depending on how many people will join balancing this out can be quite easy.

This idea really depends on how you define "kill". If you destroyed their base and took their spots, but they got away with their commander and went hiding in the corner while everyone smashes the world with superweapons, do you get the points for "killing" them?

If later you are cooked in nuclear shiny, but that player hiding in the corner with his boi survives (because noone cares enough to finish him off), does that mean the player gets more survival points than you?

Or what if they run from you with some cons and storages after you've destroyed their detriments and starlights, but end up being finished by a third player - who gets the kill score?
+2 / -0
I love the idea of a FFA tournament, but soo hard to rank winners, top 3?, hiding fleas? maybe a mod to enable 'overwhelming advantage' all see units should be used.

then a 2nd and 3rd can be determined.

Theyre also long games, a ffa tournement should\could be over several days, some ffa last 2hours and are exhausting.

Say 10 players, 2 games of 5, split, 2 games of 5 - day one.

Final games: 2 games of x6\5 - average winng, or final of 1v1v1.

It confusing,
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I discussed with the dev team and they mentioned a lot of interesting ideas. The best ideas require coding implementation into Zero-K so I would not want to wait until it will be introduced. People have jobs and don't always have spare time to work 100% for the game and to develop new FFA types but in the future, if this system works I will gladly use it for the other FFA tourneys.

So the FFA match will be quite easy

First FFA match where all players will try to survive as much as possible, no matter the tactic until we have only 5 players remaining.

Second FFA match where the five remaining players will play on Azure Rampart Acid version.

The last surviving player who kills everybody will be the Tourney Gold Champion
The second surviving player will be the Tourney Silver Champion
The third surviving player will be the Tourney Bronze Champion

So trying to eliminate a player who hides on the map in order to secure your third or second spot is quite important. Never resigning is also a good idea in case people destroy each other and you manage to take the third or second spot because of that.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
There are a series of issues, that differ from basic tourney, less dreamy, but a practical approach is needed...

First FFA match where all players will try to survive as much as possible, no matter the tactic until we have only 5 players remaining.

You have found a very quick scenario one to jump to your final stage, say we have 15 people. are we gonna have a 15 player ffa where everyone porcs to survive the final 5, u seem to dream of a perfect 8 player game only to fast forward to your final phase?

Second FFA match where the five remaining players will play on Azure Rampart Acid version.

So you have chosen this map because you like it, not buts.

If u want a knock out FFA tournament based on your favored map that last over just 2 games, you may have it mostly covered.

+1 / -0

5 years ago
Can i suggest:

ensuring a mod that players with little to nothing get no cloak or hidey holes.

say we get 20 players, 7way, 7way ,6way. its random, tough, numbers dont fit.

winner: 4 points
second: 2p
Third: 1p


noone gets knocked out.

magical way of shuffling players to go a second round

repeat. AGAIN 3 more simultaneous games.

Collect points. determine Final big FFA.

All players with points OR enough points to rank to gain entry to a 6\7\8way match plays a 6\7\8way FFA (possibly with extra points for winners)

Points still determine...

a final game of 3-5 needs to take place

winner of FFA with second and third.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I think, maybe code is needed or a simple chat vote to determine maps from a pool
+0 / -0
5 years ago
that is a very good idea :O ffa tourney now are regular. okay i can do it additionally was going to do 1 vs 1 commanderbot tourney in small maps with commanderbots building weapons.

rely on genius to build stingers and traps and all that kinda of stuff. later make more modes like 2 vs 2 tournaments and relying on rules make possible new modes for zero-k.
+0 / -0
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