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12 years ago
I think they are slightly OP. Their missiles can lead very well(even though they dont home in) and can beat raiders(gliaves and bandits) easily. They should have a moderate health reduction or less accurate leading with their weapons.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The number of recluses needed to create a truly OP force is also the number that becomes intensely vulnerbable to various hard-to-fight riot forces. A roach, a napalm bomber, a sumo, a dante, or just cloaking some riots until they get into firing range.

If the plethora of high-explosive units available in ZK that generally ruins the small-unit game is ever fixed, the Recluse will be horribly OP. But at the moment, they're not.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
They take ages to reload and sometimes a whole salvo misses.
(esp fast moving stuff)
Per enemy recluse you get 5 glaives, 3 scorcher or 3.75 bandit which should be enough.
When you let them grow to become a deathball then there is a deathball. But many units do that. (lol shields)
They also have slow speed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Napalm destroys recluses, Missile, Bomber, or Firewalker. Crabe also demolishes them.

They're not actually very accurate, they deliberately lead incorrectly, so that they will consistently hit just behind a fast moving unit. I hate this and want to change it (and reduce the accuracy and projectile speed accordingly) but last time we tried this they were OP.
+0 / -0
I've always thought the recluse and rogue should swap projectile behavior. Rogue is in the lab based on deathballs, and the recluse has a death ball weapon. Rogues weapon would have better synergy with a stunner since its accurate but slow
+0 / -0

12 years ago
they are not OP.

what Pxtl said in 2nd post.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Recluses are OP
If you use shields!!!

Roach can pwn, but recluse targets the point where roach will be when the missiles arrive, so you need good micro -> random hits or fails of 160m units are bad.

Rogues have the range, but not the required accuracy.

Recluses to 3 times the dps against shields as big shields can reload - don't forget the recharge costs here!

They are designed to miss, but they can't miss shields and Felon also got a lower range.

To make the situation even worse, Venoms don't die to Roaches, because they can't kill Roaches - they can even interrupt the self-d for 7 seconds after the last hit.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
then use bombdrohnes vs recluses. they are faster and cheaper. and, believ it or not, 3D!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
sometimes they hit, sometimes they miss.
It is physics and usually seen as the strong point of spring/zK.
How can you miss a shield, they are giant bubbles ;)

/*Recluses to 3 times the dps against shields as big shields can reload*/
Still, one Recluse takes like 6 salvos until a missile gets through the shield of ONE Thug. (due to low dps) Basically that means the Recluse hits 6 times (if it even does) and the Thug is still at full health.
(Thug: 180m, Recluse: 300m, so it can be almost 2v1)

/*To make the situation even worse, Venoms don't die to Roaches, because they can't kill Roaches*/
I tested, Roach kills a Venom even from distance. (about solar-sized distance can be between them)

I think biggest advantages of shields vs spiders are:
-shield cons are better (shielded, can repair AND charge shields of army, spider cons are just expensive and slow)
-spiders have nothing to chase after small, fast units that run around in the windfarm (eg Bandits)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
that won't change the meta-game and the fact that you have to make another factory for bomb drones (early game?)

Venoms will stun that bomb drones before they get close enough (maybe the trigger needs a higher range, more edge-damage, an AOE-buff?) and either recluses or a rushed Tarantula - half of (fac+2 drones) - will kill them before they even reach the venoms.
If you use retreat clever (as the spider player) you take no losses and get the reclaim (if you made a mistake once)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
modstat loves them, but I've never had trouble with them. Like most skirmishers, they are only effective if you either a) sit there and take it or b) try to kill the skirmishers.

If you just cruise past and attack their eco, skirmishers are terrible at interception. they die horribly to light veh and tanks on flats.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What I want to know is why are you moving a roach into a ball like that? make a line of them on flat ground, put them at the base of cliffs, on edges a spider player uses to abuse his all terrain mobility, and then don't move them. And don't forget the most OP aspect of roachs, a sneakypete->eraser. Cloak roach is great, it's fun, and can make cost pretty easily.

Screen your shield ball with dirtbags or bandits.

Sheilds can beat spiders and vice versa.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I screen my shield ball with BT - LOL (Avatar)

The problem is, that the enemy only have to use fleas to decloak your roaches (1 flea makes 8 times cost!!!)

If you have bandits in front of your roaches, the enemy know where they are.

What do you do if the enemy uses Venoms+Cudgels?
One Roach neither kill a cudgel, nor make cost (equal - the player who get the reclaim win)
Bandits vs Cudgels, AND have a line of Roaches == Crabe

Once sure, you can use eraser, but eraser, eco(to power it) + 2-3 roaches are 1600m == Crabe
The enemy uses 1 Crabe and decloaks your stuff with a stream of fleas.

And you can't even use Rakeeter, because a well screened crabe neither need curling nor get 1-shotted (move on repeat?).
Also If you stun a crabe, you have to kill it somehow (A curled crabe with roaches? The wreck decides, hope that they don't die too often to random recluse hits.)

Once the enemy has about 10 recluses it is a real pain to find a way around the fleas, the cudgel screen, the crabe-fire-support and finally venoms.

If you have enough to break the screening, the Roaches can blow up your own stuff too - dirtboxes don't count, because AOE hits roaches anyway :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well, against that 5000+ metal army I'd have built a plane fac and made an emp bomber or two (along with some napalms to kill the fleas+recluses or w/e) instead of building a bigger shield ball. Or a krow. Or a silo. or anything besides making my units that I know aren't going to be able to a)kill all of his shit, leaving me B) with the wrecks.

You are whinging that if a spider player builds a reasonable amount of damn near every unit in his fac and uses them smartly, you can't just build a single unit type/simple comp and steamroll him. Well no shit. When an army gets over 3-4k metal and is composed smartly you aren't going to have a single hard counter, nor be able to beat it with a simple unit comp. You are gonna have to work, maybe hold him and raid his flanks, or build a super weapon, or out marco him, or basically do anything but throw a similar army at him in a place he chooses.

The OP thoughts/thinks recluses are op cause they track too well against raiders. Pxtl pointed out that the amount needed to be able kill raiders like that is vunable to other things, like riots or bomb type units. In that context they aren't OP.

You seem to think they are op when used in a smart unit comp by someone who knows what they are doing against shields. They are- if you attack his army where he wants it with a similar army metal cost/comp and let him get the wrecks. They aren't if he attacks you on your ground and you get the wrecks.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Last sentence> "They are- if you attack his army where he wants it with a similar army metal cost/comp (unclear) and let him get the wrecks (/unclear)."

Do you mean:
* OP if : attacking + get wrecks - even if the enemy has perfect skill (what to build, how to not waste)
* Not OP if : you defending in a territory you choose with (Again with equal costs) and get wrecks.
* UP if : defending with equal metal and perfect skill, but not being able to secure wreckages.
* Not UP if : you are attacking his territory and can't secure wrecks.

I agree on that, but if you use terraform-anti-pathing-walls to block Roaches + use statics, you are effectively suppressing his most-op unit : Roach with speed=4, which is the only speedy AOE-and-chase unit of this factory.

Finally, I think whenever someone get about 20% more apm, 1 second faster reaction times, expect the other one's moves, he wins shields vs spiders.

If you are save from Roaches (fleas, defenders on spikes), dirt can't trap your crabe long enough / get intercepted by Venoms, you lagg your best 2 units.

Shields are designed to group together, spiders to be more effective vs groups, because spy works vs single targets, Rogues don't hit spiders, but spiders Rogues+Outlaws behind.

A big problem when you use swarms of light units is that Recluse is designed to miss 2/3 times vs raiders, 1/3 times vs the rest, but almost ever hit shield bots, beacause these are slow and bulked.

Finally, you need 1 big shield against Crabe - and this drains nearly constantly 19e/s - 600m-fusion to power it + 480m cost to be recharge the dps of 1 Recluse is a big disadvantage.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
* Most spiders suck on large maps where they really lack the speed of cloakbots, which can go around and rape the base.
* Reculses ONLY really work against entrenched stuff/static def, if you want to hit mobiles you must use stun or ALOT of reculses. In most cases your enemy will have some stuff with him too.
* a bunch of artillery units will rape any spider force, no matter the size or composition because THEY HAVE NO ARTY TO SHOOT BACK. The fact that shieldbots do not have any real DPS arty/anti-spider is just a bad luck for them. And that is precisely why u do not use them against spiders. However with enough bandits one can surround the reculses and do serious damage.
* As was said before, if your enemy has 5000+ metal ball of spiders, the best bet is firewalker/napalm bomber to 1-shot-kill the whole thing. As said before, spiders have no arty so firewalker is preferrable cuz they can not shoot back.
* a bunch of pyros can close in and rape them, especially if you have alot of reculses with no stunners.
* Moderators work surprisingly nice in combo with arty - they slow them down to let arty do the damage.
* 2-3 banishers can kill infinitely many reculses, even if they have cover. 3-4 bandits or glavies to kill fleas of course.

PS: +1 to the idea of swapping weapons of reculse vs rogue. Rogues are veeeery useless against most targets that are not stunned/static, and lab has no stunner.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
this talk of shieldbots being useless VS spiders is stupid.

correct application of dirtbags, thugs, outlaws and felons will get the job done, and if you can sneak a single roach through or get a spiderball to walk into one its pretty much gg
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Kodachis work even better per cost than banishers do.
(If there is a easy to hit deadball.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well in that case a firewalker just rapes such thing in one shot=)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
firewalker is a joke. spiderball is only difficult to counter if you play defensively and do not adapt. a single napalm bomber getting through will cause massive damage to a spiderball.
+0 / -0
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