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since that accidental reinstall in easter i overstayed my welcome... im more of lover not a fighter anyways and admins make it impossible to unwind and goof around... hope youll enjoy the crowd you attract... tho you only attract talkers instead of ones who tried to make an effort to make zk work in opensource flat non hierarhy way it used to be to when you still had it on springlobby... sorry i failed you guys. tho ihope its for the best and that your way of micro managing player behavior for the good of the community™ will work as you want it to.

one love

+0 / -0

5 years ago
Poor everyone that you failed, everyone that counted on you :(

You're welcome to accidently reinstall zero-k anytime u want. See you soon.
+3 / -0
5 years ago
see ya what u done katastrophe -_- come here now. explain yourself shame shame double shame on u -_-. whatcha u do now.

don't go rooks we all love ya. even if there is evil here hiding in you know who (katastrophe) forgive rooks show your the greater man and reintall zero-ka nd donate 5 dollars for zero-k the cuase is worthy ;D.

for 5 dollars lobsters is saved in some unknow reservation for lobsters ;D.
+0 / -0
here ;D how about you relax think things over

+0 / -0
+0 / -0
snoke leave rooks alone you see everyone picks on poor rooks.
+0 / -0
MXrankmoleculeman88 do not pick fights with and harass other users. This is a warning.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
i'm joking and i'm rooks friend. zenfur says somthing offensive no penalty for him :O
+0 / -1

5 years ago
I am referring to your comments directed at katastrophe, not rooks.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Btw... Hows your ZK Fork doing rooks?
+2 / -1

5 years ago
Can we all just not try to bait each other into escalating an argument?
+4 / -0
5 years ago
actally my fork is doing fine, around 2k of text

i.e. the arm tychon beam now named(sic) lucifer would be veganiser, something that shoots green laser that grows trees at hit area and also causes slow damage... technology made to feed the people with rapid time distortion ray to aid growth stolen from vegans by military industrial complex and turned into weapon, but yea.. given how toxic this place has become, and hostile police state attitude to anything in here i doubt anything would go through, including most of all voluntary communisim where at com select people would chose if they want to be part of comunist metal or default opensource/amish normal sharing of own surplus metal+e
+2 / -0

5 years ago
btw ITrankmanero is back
+3 / -0

5 years ago
+3 / -0
5 years ago
hahahah greatest news ever ;D
+0 / -0
5 years ago
btw svatopluk stoppped playing
+0 / -0
+0 / -0
5 years ago
try writing zero-k on a piece of paper.. find a quiet river irl and float zk down the river.. this is similar to letting go of grief or sin and you may even develop a fever as your body purges the dependency on metal
+0 / -0
what you refer to as purging from sin and fever associated is actually self rape ow own beliefs. and raping of what zk was before it got overrun with crap. and not having control over own life. not gonna happen. zk was something cool that united people outside of authoritarian shit. something that gave people hope and reminded them that impossible is tangible reality and you want me to join the cop side that brought the community of hackers to have quiet time together to some lobsters who are unable to write a line of code to change something but they cry lob-lob...

so yea. id stick to veganiser ray described before and some other cool addons as krow -> anvil that shoots lightning and dgun is dropping from sky... or adding sattelites to gunship plants spy sattelite, or crowbar sattelite, or earthquake satelite giving smooth landscape plus slow damage in large area... that can be shot down only by 10+hits of artemis or special anti sat rocket in silo... you really wanna make me abandon this and throw it down the drain? for what? youre with the police/gov irl tht you spill that poison of "secure community" here as well?

what fear exactly makes you say things you said @smokedragon?

this one for you smoke dragon
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Attention whore.
+4 / -1
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