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Any chance to get a buff for Newton?

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5 years ago
As a defensive turret, Newton doesn't perform that well in comparison to others such as Faraday and it seldom gets any use outside of Newton ramps. Considering that it even loses to lotus when it comes to attack range, it doesn't really handle frontline role well.
In addition, when compared to Jugglenaut, the Newton has less survivality per Newton Gun in comparison.

Newton versus Jugglenaut comparison:
  • Newton guns: 2 vs 1
  • Can move: Can (move speed 34) vs Can't
  • Health per metal: 7,94 vs 10
  • Health per Newton gun: 15,88 vs 10

Considering that Jugglenaut can move and has jump attack ability on top, I think Newton should at least have health performance closer to Jugglenaut which is essentially double Newton turret with legs.

I believe that small range increase (from 440 to 460 to match lotus) and HP increase (from 2000 to 2500, 12,5 health per metal) would help the situation a lot. An armored form similar to Faraday instead of health buff would also help, but I can't imagine it fitting Newton unit model, unless the sides close and the ball turret lowers inside and somehow fits inside.

When compared to its frequently used utility turret Faraday, as it currently stands, Newton is better replaced with a Faraday that has 80 AoE attack, more range (460, even more if AoE affecting past that is taken into account), 8,8 health per metal without armored form and 35,2 health in armored form lasting frontline beating much longer and disabling enemy assault stacks with its 1200 Paralyze damage that leaves only 0,6 second recovery between shots and stunlocks with another Nearby Faraday till the end of game.

Compared to 3 Newtons (600 metal), 2 Faraday (500 metal) seems to be always better whether it is about beating frontline assaults, stunning enemy bomber strikes, surviving enemy artillery fire or just plain terraforming it underground to cover from enemy fire. Thinking about it, people would probably still keep building Faradays rather than Newtons even after a buff like that.

of course the other way to buff Newton would be reducing its metal cost, but that would probably end up making Newton ramps too easy to rush (price drop to 160 metal would also achieve the 12,5 health per metal ratio).
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Cost per Newton gun: 850 vs 200
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Yeah, Newton is a very creative unit; pity it is so useless. I think the problem comes in that if its range is too long, then it will indefinitely push units out from porc frontlines and they wont be able to enagage. Maybe it should get a longer range but also become less efective as the range increases? So at long range it can only push light units and the closer one gets to it the more mass it can push?
+1 / -0
5 years ago
ZArankAstran: like the idea - although I have no idea how Newton works now (is it constant effect at any range?). I think Newton (the Sir, not the turret) would mind his name being used for a gravity that applies similarly at any distance, after he made all the effort to get hit by an apple to get the effect is inverse proportional with the distance ;-)
+2 / -0

5 years ago
[whispers] "... square of the distance."
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Cost per Newton gun: 850 vs 200

That is true, but like I said, the Jugglenaut is more than just the NewtonGuns as it is able to enclose and smash enemies with its jump. I would rather take 1 juggle over 8 Newtons. I could consider taking 6 Faradays over 8 Newtons as well, but 8 newtons don't realy have any use outside of Newton ramps.

Yeah, Newton is a very creative unit; pity it is so useless. I think the problem comes in that if its range is too long, then it will indefinitely push units out from porc frontlines and they wont be able to enagage. Maybe it should get a longer range but also become less efective as the range increases? So at long range it can only push light units and the closer one gets to it the more mass it can push?

The range is too small in my opinion. If the range is too large when pushing enemies away from other porc range, you can just set the Newton furtherback.

I would also assume that the Newton would end up killing itself twice as hard with pull mode if the impulse was stronger the closer the target unit is.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I had 2 newtons set to pull on a com and he was able to still walk away.

I think they should be slightly stronger with a bit more HP due to the nature of them dying so quickly if set on pull.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
It would be cool if newtons could pull units to their death. What if there was some kind of fake unit for the newtons that can be colided with by units, but projectil;es could go right through it, facing in the direction the newton is aiming? so pulling would make a unit crash and die to no HP loss ofthe newton, but the newton can be shot as normally straight through the fake unit?
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Do you mean to build newton on high platform, draw unit close to hit the platform and added static spike jack-like weapon to fasten the process.

+1 / -0
Give Newton Impulse/Collision damage immunity?
Alternatively do as said before me and give it melee range weapon to prick units.
+1 / -0
Melee turret to put in pits and moats sounds like a hilarious way of buffing Newton.

It menaces with spikes of steel.

I don't think there's space for new turrets in the turret tab though :<
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Defense tab has 2 empty slots, if that is the only problem...
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Spikes? With chains and whips EErankAdminAnarchid ?
+0 / -0
newton is owled =(
+0 / -0
5 years ago
One of defense tabs could use a drone pad, like a mini airpad that makes it's own 'planes'.
Could even give it the unused plane drone.
Or a fast-reload low-damage static Dominatrix tower.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
a long time ago a game called Warzone 2100 allowed you to put every gun on anything.. tank guns on aircraft ect. fun game
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Warzone 2100 is at corner, as it is open source as well.

Visit http://wz2100.net/ to see what is going on for its new beta.
+0 / -0
"For the most up to date Annoucements about the project...
Posted by: admin 1 year, 8 months ago"

warzone 2100 RIP

may all great games
one day rest forever in the archive
as the kings of the old but gold

in 1k years time nobody will play zero-k.. =(

maybe by then though if the game does still exist on an artifact computer it would be unplayable.. try plugging an old relic earth power plug into the ships 'ray energy exchange port' (REEP)

in 1k years.. windows.. whats windows?

the average watch could do what your pc can do by then

i wonder if i got a time machine and grabbed the future version googlefrog makes then carried it back to this timeline and tried to merge it as an update.. if googlefrog would dislike all the changes lol
+2 / -0

5 years ago
What if Newton could push back on slow projectiles to send that rouge rocket fumbling right back at ya?
+0 / -0
What if Newton could push back on slow projectiles to send that rouge rocket fumbling right back at ya

Then everybody would use it to arbitrarily extend range of every non-homing projectile weapon. I guess mainly Claymore in drop mode.
+1 / -0
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