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New unit idea

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12 years ago
The unit ZK clearly most needs:

A strider-weight mobile bomb. A giant rocket on caterpillar tracks that slowly rumbles across the battlefield and has no weapons. If destroyed by the enemy, it has a explosion similar to a fusion. If self destructed, which takes a full 3 seconds, it dies with a full nuclear explosion.

So much lulz would be unlocked!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
CA unified death- and selfD explosion strengths. That'll make such a unit even more fun! :]
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12 years ago
There is such unit in Tech Annihilation as far as I remember. And it has 20k HP for more lulz.

Also what you want is basically BA combomb.
+0 / -0
He said "has no weapons.", Rafal. That's not a combomb. Nor is it a Detriment.

Ooh by the way! We neez nuke module!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Nuke module coms would work half the time (with cloak or luck). The other half, they would cause DF-style Fun.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Nuke com modules would be nice, esp. at level 1 and on trololo.
And I +1 the caterpillar skuttle. But it must deploy a large sound system for the 3 seconds before self-D and play annoying music.
+0 / -0
I like this idea. With this "crawling nuke" you can kill a Starlight behind heavy defense for example.
+0 / -0
bomb + transport + decoys = win

edit: ah skipped the "If destroyed by the enemy, it has a explosion similar to a fusion" part :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Nuke truck from red alert. Dunno how this would play on zk probably bad idea.
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12 years ago
My truck is loaded.

I hated those things.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How bad were they?
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12 years ago
M.A.D. tank was superior because it had some large pump.
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12 years ago
get me the tesla tower!
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12 years ago
now I think about it, this unit would be a trolls dream. Cancel christmas, there can surely be no way
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12 years ago
Imagine: AnnoyingPlayer builds one, moves it to ally InnocentPlayer, and self-destructs it. Suddenly, no more ally.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>Imagine: AnnoyingPlayer builds one, moves it to ally InnocentPlayer, and self-destructs it. Suddenly, no more ally.

You can kill your ally with nukes, skuttles etc, team killing shouldnt be considered when thinking about new units
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If this is cheaper than nuke (3k or so) then it would become the ONLY thing used to teamkill.
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12 years ago
Yeah people are silly to think about killing teamates, almost with absolutely everything you can harm your allies, you dont need skutle roach or anything like that. But try to troll your teamates and I m sure you will get banned soon.

And this truck Idea is very silly why? because cloak + cloaked nuke would be simply too much, unless it would have shield for sake of not being to cloak, but still there is 100 ways to make it very OP like heavy transport would work just like combomb in BA.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It's called the detriment. Really, it's most fearsome weapon is the death explosion.
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