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Disable game slowdown for lagging players

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12 years ago
Many games have a player with a slower PC that causes the game speed to slow down. Why should a single player with a slow PC dictate the game speed of 15 other players?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That has to do with the way zero-k is synchronized cannot be changed, at least not realistically.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It can be changed. There is host setting which tells whether the game should slow to the slowest player or to average player or so.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It should be based on the fastest player so that whoever has the best computer plays faster than everyone else.
+0 / -0
So if it slows to the average player. Then the slow players must desync or no?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
this is a bit deep into engine mechanics...

isnt there a way to "skip" nanoframesß in that case ofc, a player with the faster cpu must make calculations and send them to the weaker player. but this is just an assumtion as i am a not yet even very very young engine padawan.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Kick people who excessively slow the game down. It sucks, but you are ruining the game for every other person. Try and stick to smaller games.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It would run just like rejoining would: You'd replay the game in faster speed to catch up if you ever fell behind. If your PC is really unable to catch up at all, you should not be playing!

You'd never desync, you'd just run far behind the game and have massive lag.
+0 / -0
Better if it just kicked.

If they are lagging it is because they cant catch up. Speeding up the game will just make that worse.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
AFK take would/should kick in.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>AFK take would/should kick in.

This should happen first IMO. That feature was added for a reason and it's not even being used.


This is the battle that started this. Only a few minutes into what is clearly a large game, a single player starts to lag out. The game speed slows to half and he isn't kicked after several unsuccessful !votekicks. Jasper finally kicks him and the game speed and quality goes up for everyone.

I feel bad for those attempting to play large games that their PC cannot handle, but it was drastically affecting game quality for the other players.

Jasper, I understand engine sync. A single player lagging out just means that their orders will be delayed by however far behind their are in simulation.

+0 / -0
Even worse example here:

[SC]Nicolas has 150% CPU usage almost from the start and during whole game. Effectively whole game runs at 0.5x speed for everyone
(you can check this by pressing i).

We tried !votekick several times but never got enough votes, enemy team usually voted against it, despite the fact that the game was 8v9 and they had 1 player more so kick wouldn't unbalance the game at all.

We need some policy to deal with such situations.
In 2v2 or 3v3 we shouldn't kick people I agree. But in 8v9 one person less won't make a difference, otherwise 16 people + specs suffer having a slideshow whole game because some random player has awful computer or cant set his settings properly or has over 9000 programs running in the background...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Spock: That is wise. Were I to invoke logic, however, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Kirk: Or the one.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Their units should be given to other ppl just like what happens when you are AFK.
+0 / -0
This could probably be done(to take lagging player) :)

but does this fix the slow-down? I think not. But if something can be done to solve the slowdown (probably if without kicking), then we don't need the auto-take :)

(because lagging player is still a player and not a spectator :))
+0 / -0
Try and stick to smaller games.

I wonder how many people are happy to see even more games won by hardware only. The ratio's too high already, imo.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
OC to 4.2Ghz bring on the clusterfucks
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Suggest to make server give laggers some time to unlag - time for lags(for example 2mins or a bit more), and when this time during the game will expire - kick them from this game, so others can autotake with lag monitor and continue playing unlagged game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Or even better idea.
Make server judge who can join game - based on map size, features, player settings and number of players, hardware which player have.
So it will lead to players with crappy and old PCs or too high settings of game cannot play really big games.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
this is all thinking from the direction of the players, who do not lag. to improve experience of player which suffer lag, other measurements would be usefull too. first, in time of lag, the player's engine detects the framedrop. this has to be somehow recorded and analyzed. after the game at some central point, either locally at the player or globally (maybe at the forum) these statistics are collected. the program should suggest possible bottlenecks and how to optimize it.

e.g. statistically, over your last 20 games your computer came x times to its limits. this occured when x vs y battles(total player count x+y) where joined. at medicore z amount of units, you lagged.
---disable widget x and y
---turn graphics settings to [performance profile]
---try avoiding battles with more than x players
---try avoiding maps larger a x b


surely this could be more specific. just a thought. but in this case, a player could be guided to find his optimal settings.

ofc, if the engine/settings could be adjusted to different settings while being INGAME, this would be awsome, but will likely too complex.

this will increase user experience, save frustrated players (playing on lag as also suffering team) and the community will grow in long term...

+0 / -0
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