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I would like to model for Zero-k

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I am a long time fan of Zero-k, and I have preferred it over starcraft for a while, however the graphics are very outdated and could use an update. I hope I can help you in doing this.

To give you some examples, I would need to know what format you take your models in.
What approx dimensions and color limitations.

Links to downloads of the current models would also help greatly
+7 / -0
The models are a spring format (s3o) or dae: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/tree/master/Objects3d

Some lower-hanging fruit may be to improve textures: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/tree/master/unittextures

Dimensions are fairly unimportant, however it is important that the game-mechanic affecting geometry does no change for no reason. Such geometry includes the general shape of the unit and the rotations parts involved in aiming and firing. There is nobody setting art direction to the extent that colour restrictions can be explicitly stated. However, visual consistency is good. Someone like EErankAdminAnarchid knows more.
+2 / -0
Is there a proper way to import these s3o files into 3ds or obj format? my upspring will not export properly.
It keeps saying "Unknown extension" when I try to export as a model that my engine can view.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Not sure if it'll help you, but if I try to play around with models (including ones from zk) I always import them into Blender first as it can handle most formats.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
You can use this addon to import s3o models into Blender: https://github.com/sanguinariojoe/blender_s3o_import

After that you can reexport to most other formats.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
i was exporting some models with upspring, had same problem, think u need to choose obj, then actually type in the extension. i got them into max
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Thanks 4hundred, that method works for me!
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Deinfreund/anyone : do you have some favourite tutorial materials for blender modelling? How did you learn? I wish to learn it but never have enough will to survive through the beginning. I've done some simple modelling in sketchup and used blender for video editing basics.
+0 / -0
How did you learn? I wish to learn it but never have enough will to survive through the beginning

EErankAdminAnarchid's manual on how to learn:

Stop studying, start playing. Google solutions for individual hurdles you encounter.

(this is kind of EErankAdminAnarchid's manual for everything, tbh)

The steps you need to get a ZK-compatible model out of blender are:

- Make a mesh of your model (mostly via extrusion, knifing, and moving things)
- Texture that mesh (mostly using Smart Unwrap and Texture Paint)
- Cut that model into pieces, this is my last resort. Spring can only animate things in whole Objects, and you want to animate it. So split everything that should move into a separate Object, then Parent them to each other.

And that's it, models' done. Now you're onto animation and scripting. So ... see if you can get the mesh part done, and worry about the rest later?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I often find it helpful to look for tutorials doing similar things as I want to do, or just watch tutorials while bored. There are a million shortcuts in Blender and I've hardly even scratched the surface myself. In the right situation, these can really save you a lot of time. They're also hard to search for, unless you know they exist.

In general the most important thing is to keep working on your own projects, as EErankAdminAnarchid said. You can watch some tutorials in parallel to try to improve, but you always need to have a goal in mind. There's no point just "learning Blender", because it has more features than you could ever learn.
+1 / -0