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Toxicity Rant

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6 years ago
I can relate well to toxicity as I am under a 2 day ban for it. Calling people lobsters or noobs doesn't help. Everyone was there at one point. You insulting people doesn't help. It just upsets me that people get enjoyment out of deliberate frustration towards other player. Please don't do it.
+0 / -0
you was banned for calling someone a lobster?

no wait it was "scumbag", "you have sex with children", "cunt"...
ye compared to that saying lobster to not call someone noob is really hard shit
+1 / -0
6 years ago
dat hypocrisy,lol what a lobster.
+5 / -1

6 years ago
To know how you are vulnerable is to know how to hurt others.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
It just upsets me that people get enjoyment out of deliberate frustration towards other player.

what upsets me is noobs

also 2 day ban for this is stupid, I call my friends cunts all the time, it is normal British
+4 / -0

6 years ago
also 2 day ban for this is stupid, I call my friends cunts all the time, it is normal British

The summary above leaves out the spam-drawing all over the map, previous history of both toxicity and spam-drawing, and a fairly recent warning for same.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
wtf drone thats hilarious
+0 / -0
6 years ago
This sounds more like continual disruptive behaviour than a cuss word out of frustration. That's different.
+0 / -0
AUrankAdminAquanim come on!
Who's in right mind BANS player for talking shit??? mute them u lobster!
ban is totally unjustified imo
+1 / -1
There is a distinction between ranting at a teammate who plays poorly in the heat of the moment, and deliberately setting out to grief people.

The former is generally done by players who (most of the time) know better. The moderators are sympathetic, even though this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and we do still need to correct it. We have been stuck with storage-spamming wastes of space too.

The latter requires an unambiguous message that such behaviour is not welcome here.
+3 / -0
Yo. Hold up. Dignity check.

OP pointed out that he was aware that he was under a 2 day ban so this isn't clean cut hypocrisy. What he goes onto to say is more telling and probably describes what frustrated him enough to start lashing out in the first place - AKA he's partially a product of the environment we have. He sees other players being dickish and obviously lowered himself to that standard in anger.

It's not an excuse for him but there is something to learn from what he is saying. There's a lot of well known players here who spam lobster, lob, noob (in addition to real insults) who think that they're just memeing or being a funny guy, but don't realize that the joke died a long time ago. Newsflash if you're one of those guys (who also complains not enough players): You aren't making anyone, let alone new players, feel more welcome to Zero K. We can do better.

+9 / -0
Everyone is a lob :p
+1 / -0

6 years ago
+0 / -0
6 years ago

Who's in right mind BANS player for talking shit??? mute them u lobster!
ban is totally unjustified imo

better just cheat exploiting bugs, thats being not punished
+0 / -0
Enough, snoke.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Didn't realise people would take this so to heart.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
We can do better.

Speak for yourself. I'm not trying to "save ZK" with good behavior. There is no team game on internet where people arent going to rage at bad members of their team. I think this game gives you the tools to retaliate if you think your team mates are dicks. The only problem imo is when mods get involved.

Personally I've always loved the environment of online games, people giving each other shit for every mistake etc.
+2 / -3

6 years ago
Fully get your angle too Drone. Still, can't quell optimism.

Staying on point, you rarely ever see toxicity in 1v1 or teams MM. Casual teams and FFA - this is the problem zone.

New players join the same huge game as the older players, the older players flip because they got handicapped, everyone has a worse time and toxicity proliferates.

Well, here's a super simple idea for anyone who feels frustrated: Take your other serious mates into a different lobby and stop playing 26 player shitstorms with people you never wanted to play with in the first place. Noobs won't get stomped, storages won't get built, everyone will have a better time.

The lobster pot is a trap where you all boil together.
+5 / -0
Casual teams and FFA - this is the problem zone.

I don't think FFA applies either. In FFA it's mostly you vs everyone. Sure, alliances (including suicidal kingmakings) can get it more heated, but in the end it's still you who's responsible.

Well, here's a super simple idea for anyone who feels frustrated: Take your other serious mates into a different lobby and stop playing 26 player shitstorms with people you never wanted to play with in the first place.

Lobster stomping with a taskforce of clanmates also works. Lobster pot is such a disorganised system that having a stack of 4 players who trust each other and have an unified plan usually disrupts it.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Small teams are impossible to set up.
+2 / -0
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