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need new units to bitch about...

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5 years ago
Pls nerf just a tiny bit.

flea (speed\dps)
Kodi (speed)
pillager (speed)

Idk, been same complaints for months, id like some fresh new balance complaints

+8 / -0

5 years ago
Kodachi already suffer against Darts and Scorchers in low numbers. A speed nerf could be the death of tanks on most maps in 1v1.
+2 / -0
IME they don't suffer that hard. Even at low densities it takes more skill from the Rover player than from the Tank player, and once there are more than three kodas, they stop suffering at all.

A very slight speed nerf wouldn't completely murder them probably.

Raising the cost back to 180 or nerfing their AoE are other things i find potentially good though.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Possibly Blitz/Panther could be buffed to compensate for a slight Kodachi nerf. Kodachi just has very polarizing counterplay against other raiders due to high AOE, high alpha and high weight. I also wouldn't mind a weight reduction for Kodachi.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
Pyros. Dps, range, speed. Flametime.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I personally like when things are regularly changed even for no real reason it makes the metagame more interesting
+2 / -0
5 years ago
We need a depth charge gunship
+1 / -0
5 years ago
A siesmic gunship you mean
+0 / -0

5 years ago
kirov reporting
+0 / -0

5 years ago
kirov reporting

/give bomberassault
+0 / -0

5 years ago
zk meta is about thoroughly discussing balance and unit design on the forums.
+12 / -0

5 years ago
Give tridents depth charges (a la claymore) when?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Meanwhile although rovers is the KING of factories, Badger continues to underperform.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Artillery is trash in general, except for when it has riot sidearm.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
Give Slings a cloak! With a big decloak radius, though.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
my list of things to bitch about in zk is huge, don't even know where to start.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
instead of giving tridents depth charges, why don't we give recluses depth charges equal to the claymore's, but with tracking on land and water? it would give spiders anti-sub capabilities, which is really needed
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I personally like when things are regularly changed even for no real reason it makes the metagame more interesting
I started thinking about this kind of fun a few years ago. It seems difficult to implement, as people are pretty good at finding sufficiently extreme outliers and it is hard to avoid such outliers when the balance data is full of the noise of constant changes.

What do people feel about a general buff for gimmicky or underwhelming units that don't see much use? Things liks Placeholder, Lobster, Revenant, Sling, and Dirtbag.
+5 / -0

5 years ago
sometimes things that are outliers aren't bad, often the problem is that they lack sinergy with other units, or there are other OP units which keep them in check.

I think the game got more fun since a year or so ago when there were buffs that made riots and mobile ground aa more consistently effective, and some offending units like racketeers that shut them down were crippled.

placeholder is an example of a unit which can be cripplingly effective, but is either redundant or counter-productive to use with units from the same factory. pyros can reach their targets already, both them and jacks may get trapped too (I think). The slow is redundant with moderators and it's helpless against defenses, maybe the "pull" could deal dmg per second to buildings. It can help keep tanky things away from firewalker, though.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I agree, significant buffs for such units is unable to lead to fun and stable balance. However, the short period after they are buffed may be more fun than usual while people scramble to figure out the best way to exploit the changes. The units may need small buffs, but the issue here is that it will take a long time to notice the changes.

I've also been thinking about two bigger changes relating to frontline constructors. The changes are fairly crazy as they may break everything. One is to make repair more expensive, and the other is to make reclaim faster. If you want some global changes to shake up the whole meta, these are decent changes to consider.

Expensive repair is motivated by two observations. The first observation is that low alpha artillery is significantly worse than burst artillery because constant damage is easy to repair away. See the power levels of Sling and Badger (when used as artillery). The second observation is that it feels like a victory when a big unit gets to retreat and repair after killing almost any number of smaller enemy units. On the receiving end, it is not fun to have the last 1% of damage on an enemy strider be the only important piece of damage. The second observation is more impactful, and tends to dominate mid-late game with one (probable) effect being reduced unit diversity. I am unaware whether it is possible to make repair cost metal, but if we are limited to energy, then a high enough energy drain corresponds to a loss of overdrive metal. Significant energy drain would also make repair a 'high tech' ability as a larger economy has a better conversion rate of metal to energy, for the purposes of overdrive lost due to energy spent on repair.

Repairing a unit from 0HP to full currently requires 50% of its original energy cost. It takes 50% as long as it would to build the unit, unless the unit has taken damage in the last 10 seconds, in which case it takes 200% as long. This 10 second repair disruption rule was added to keep combat repair in check. Without this rule, constructors would be taken into battle much more frequently and non-burst artillery would be even more terrible.

Faster reclaim is motivated by the fact that a reclaiming constructor is barely better than a mex. Constructors take about 30 seconds of reclaim to pay for themselves, whereas a +2 mex with no overdrive takes 37.5 seconds. Obviously, mexes are limited and are built by constructors, so it is not a perfect comparison. This idea is not as well thought out, and probably more dangerous.
+7 / -0
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