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12 years ago
Lots of players find snipers very difficult to deal with, since detecting them requires the player to watch the area like a hawk for the tiny fx when they fire.

suggestion: when the sniper fires, it causes a purple ground glow that takes eg. 3 seconds to fade.
+0 / -0
Nonsense. Even if you make whole new factory (spider) and fleas you still make cost against just 1 sniper.

Whats really annoying for newbs is skuttles, because your super com or another mega unit just explodes for no big reason. And constantly shielding your mega units with fleas is much harder than kill snipers with fleas.
+0 / -0
Well no, because its not nonsense. In real game situations, I lose track of the number of times I see new players drop a label SNIPERS!!! then retreat all their forces. They are fairly hard to deal with (so long as they are used intelligently, eg, covered by defences or units) and considering their other perks (with LOS, most effective artillery unit, plus able to shoot down planes, hit units with perfect accuracy...) not something they currently pay for with their cost. Observe how many players just spam snipers in team-games.

Skuttle is indeed, not noob friendly. I wouldn't want it changed though, because mega units need a hard counter.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If you see that units just waiting near you and snipers are shooting at you, you know where is snipers. Also sniper has much more counters than skuttle at least you dont need to have constant flea production just in case someone will try to skuttle you. When you hear that sniper shot you know with what you are dealing with and can make counter - much much more easier, than "just in case scenario".

And those newbs who just make snipers usually dont shield them and 20 fleas can kill all of them. Also almost any other cloaked unit used as scout wont decloak but will decloak sniper. Napalm bombers avengers almost everything works. Only heavy and slow units are afraid of snipers.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
skuttles are just frustrading.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>Only heavy and slow units are afraid of snipers.

and spiders
+0 / -0
12 years ago
btw imo hard counters are always bad for gameplay
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How spiders? Absolute nonsense. They have fleas! You dont even need to make aditional factory.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Mega units need to be designed so that there is a regular unit class counter beyond specifically designed anti-heavy units (just sayin'... again...).

karacho... what are you talking about. AA maybe? Every RTS is based around hard-counters (on the unit level, perhaps not on the meta-strategic level).

Licho doesn't like how snipers work ATM. He wants them to uncloak. Google would not approve of any dynamic that reveals the sniper to the player but not to the AI (IE, like the old seismic detectors).

Personally I think we need another form of detection beyond spamming units and bumping into things. Some kind of active sensor sweep that requires player attention, or a passive ability.

A passive ability on radar that reveals cloaked units within some fraction of their radar radius would be good, but then someone using cloaked units has no real way to identify the 'no-go' easily. So you'd have to have radar show up when you enter their range with a cloaked unit, which would then draw the reveal radius so you can avoid it for as long as possible.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think the ground-glow would be fine. Its basically an extension of the existing 'squint to see where tiny purple blob came from'
+0 / -0

12 years ago
if you make that glowing shit, reduce price accordingly. you nerf their main strenght, make it boring and more of a common unit...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think he is saying snipers are OP without saying word OP, but in zero-k things dont work like that remember krow bomb buff all it went without any other changes to krow itself.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm not saying its OP.. I'm saying its a unit you locate by seeing where the projectile comes from, which is awkward because the projectile is tiny.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What about giving the projectile a trail?
+0 / -0
EMP missiles and Dante's fire + anti-shield-heat-rays are the only ways to break shield spam (except getting under it).

So gauss snipers with reduced damage and extended range would be fine.
There is no reason to make hammers, if 2 snipers can instant-kill a Stinger.

I would like it if a radar can identify and exactly spot another radar.
Since the omni-radius which decloaks units is smaller than the radar radius, you can make 1 adv. radar, see the other radars easily and with that you know where the no-go-zone is.

EDIT: same with sonars vs sonars.
Radar should not be jam-able.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>Google would not approve of any dynamic that reveals the sniper to the player but not to the AI (IE, like the old seismic detectors).

What if the Sniper lost its radar jamming but stayed invisible when it shoots? Maybe for 2-3 seconds you can see a radar blip (if you have radar), but the sniper remains invisible.

This should work well for both human players and AI, since AI can respond to laser blips? Seems like a fairly simple and elegant solution.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I still want that anti-cloak range on radars (naybe only on advanced or Level3 radar).

Why should you not be allowed to make a Bigger radar for 2500m with 3 times the range?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It could de-jam but that's a bit random. Also what does it do when under a jamming field?

What would people do about Skuttle?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
what if you cloak a sniper?! would you need 2 jammers?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Personally I like the way cloak works right now; it really adds to the gameplay. Players have to gather information, some of the information is hard to gather (eg cause of porc or cloak or a big mountain that blocks radars).

I think that the reason cloaked anti-heavies are frustrating to some players is solely the fact that there's too many expensive one-man-army units. The idea behind expensive units like striders was to have some support units that would be expensive enough so you couldn't just build all of them, but have to choose which is best for a situation. Instead they are an army on their own and there is no strategic or tactical way to bring them down other than using anti heavies, some of which cloak.

On the sniper topic: The idea if having a projectile that reveals snipers is silly by itself. It's exactly the same as decloaking the sniper for a second after every shot, with the exception that it makes use of the silliness of units and the fact that they don't act on their own, so it's like abusing a bug.
+0 / -0
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