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Make Detri Great Again -- Buff detri!

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Note: This is a serious topic.

Edit: Holy fuck it's 24k. Detri is an absolute joke.

As you know, Detriment is in a terrible state at the moment. At a whopping 24k price tag, it's sitting up there with the Game Enders in terms of cost and weight. Game enders, which as the name suggests, are units meant to end the game. These units include:

Disco Rave Party - 32k -- very useful
Zenith - 30k -- Very useful
Starlight - 40k -- GG if not taken out.
Nuke+missile: 12k -- can end the game under some circumstances

Nongame enders but still relevant:
Bertha - 5k -- useful siege weapon
Bantha - 10.5k -- kinda eh, but still useful.

Detriment's cost is about 6k from the cheapest game ender. It's extremely overpriced and underperforms against lighter units for a unit of its cost. Detri is beaten for cost by almost every lighter unit composition such as fleas, scythes, etc. It's also beaten by pretty much every game ender too. The only place detriment can win is in sea -- even then it's fairly annoying to use given that it needs an elmo depth of at least 220 to protect it against surface to surface attacks.

Other annoying traits include the fact that it sounds like an impaler and that OKP keeps it at missile range and stops it from firing its guass cannons.

I would like to see detriment become a true game ender, not its ridiculously weak self.
+14 / -1

6 years ago
I agree, mostly, although detriment spam is a better choice on very large maps with lots of eco.. as they slowly tear up enemy territory whilst other super weapons cannot take out large enough areas quicker than they're rebuilt.

Give dets more HP or better AA or anything addiotional cool people can think of.

3 Bertha can wear down a detri even, if spotted from distance.
+0 / -0
have you tried to throwing it deep into enemy territory?

on Multiplayer B595774 26 on FrozenFortress_v2, a pack of athenas quickly repaired a detri, which havoced the central area pretty neat. but my suggestion is, that in the end we lost due to berthas and nice scythe micro, which killed our eco...
+0 / -0
Okay, so game ender costing unit requires additional cost to make it semi-viable.

Let's face it, detriment sucks right now. 26k in scythes is probably a bigger game ender than detriment.

If detri costed 16k, I'd say it's sort of worth it. Give it a dgun and I'm sure you'd see more of them than banthas.
+1 / -1
6 years ago
I agree that Detriment is overpriced for what it does.

It's not my favourite unit and I personally don't care if its buffed or not.

But its certainly true that when somebody activates DRP or Zenith or Starlight, even the most porcy players (me) sit up and listen. Detriment can be dealt with so many ways I actually get happy to see the other team giving up initiative to "rush" a unit that very likely is going to end up feeding us metal.

I've seen them widowed and killed. I've personally taken one on with a massive Racketeer heavy shieldball and shut it down. I've seen them Bertha'd. I even managed to sink one into the ground with Caretakers. Once our team even managed to kill one and revive it and on our side with Athena.

For the mountain of metal that they cost they are 'meh'.

Then again, it could also be a function of how they are used. Too many players assume that OMG its so big, Imma send it in on its own and win. As with any major unit, you have to support it for best results.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Just an additional point: for the price of 1 Detriment you get to have 5 Berthas. 5 Berthas > Detriment any day of the week. Not only are they better in a straight up comparison, but you get to use the first in a fifth of the time that it takes before Detriment is even awake. By the time you get the 5th Bertha they already have made a huge impact on the game while Detriment has been snoozing and getting its oil changed.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
I like Detri cost, would be cool to buff it up. As others suggest, Detri should be actually ludicrous in battle as it is much riskier to use than starlight, zenith, Bertha spam
+4 / -0
Det's main strength compared to the game enders is that it doesn't have globally visible/audible effects, which matters for FFA because you can use them without painting a giant target on yourself (as giant roaches probably, but that's still a nuke).

This is pretty meaningless in teams though and detri does feel quite underwhelming in actual combat, it could probably be a bit better but I don't think it needs anything more than a slight nudge (if anything).
+0 / -0

6 years ago
and its cloakable, transportable, teleportable,...
+0 / -0
Personally i think that losing a Detriment to terraform traps is frustrating and un-aesthetic for both the trapper and the trapped. Detri taking whole minutes to pass a small defensive ditch on Sandcastles is also quite meh. So i'd give it a smoothing stomp dgun or something, or just passive terraforming with every step and elevated passability. Using seismic sidearm missiles is extremely clunky for self-unburrowing.

This does nothing to Detri being killable with Starlight or 10 Widows, or 3 expertly placed Ultimata, or 5 scorpions. But those are quite pretty to look and execute etc; i'm fine with those.
+5 / -0
I think detriment should cost no more then 16k. It needs to be out of the game ender price range to be viable - the thing with gameenders is that the only real counter to them is to kill the enemy before they get it built. Derti is a unit with non-ridiculous range. That means it can be countered. Therefore it needs to have its price far below 30k.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
I was thinking about this wiki page http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Typical_game_progression and the current thread. I don't think assaults scale past Cyclops. The strider are good because they assault and do something else.

My suggestion is to make Detriment faster and turn it into a super heavy raider. It probably should be as fast as a commander can get.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Detriment used to be faster and it became the default unit in FFA because it could just run away from all enemies and repair.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
To be perfectly honest with you all -- all striders except Athena suck badly.

You could half the cost of everything in that fac and nobody would notice.
+1 / -2
6 years ago
Why make strider when you can make CyclOPs instead?
+3 / -0
ScalOP, CyclOP - find a similarity...
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I think detriment is just fine
Multiplayer B596837 2 on Adansonia v4.1
Multiplayer B595311 2 on Adansonia v4.1
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Unironically posting games against people with 100s of elo less than you to support a balance point.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
hey, i dont mind detriments, i just support with ground and air forces, namely Nimbus and a good mix of riot units + healers. btw, my opinion is based on little experience, so dont take my idea as 100% sound, but i would like some advice. to the point, i dont think it is a priority canidate for buff when used correctly.
+0 / -0
Detriment is good as is - walking nuclear bomb with very tough armor...
Suggestion: reduce cost to 12k-15k and remove primary weapon ^^ Will be finally used by it's purpose - to take out porc cities which even nuke fails to take out because of 10 antis in back... Skittle on steroids ^^
+6 / -0
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