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What do you like most about Zero-K?

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12 years ago
discuss the poll, what did you vote and why?

I wanted to vote the last option "This poll hurts too much, I cannot pick one.. " since i like ZK for reasons:
-Micromanaging my units, using cunning tactics to defeat superior forces
-Picking the correct overal strategy, managing resources and gaining economic advantage

but settled for the first eventually. :-)
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12 years ago
Its funny to see all the low rank ppl vote on option 1 xd
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12 years ago
Most of the time I enjoy 3 things:
- teamplay moments
- micromanaging units
- watching the stuff explode

Those 3 things give me most fun. Also sometimes I like to use commander in combat.
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12 years ago
zk is just pure awsomeness.
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12 years ago
I would like to use my com in combat but it dies so fast and you cant replace it :(
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People teamplay in Zero-K? I thought allies mostly existed to confound any attempt you make to use an actual strategy, steal your metal and drag your elo down.

I gotta say, it's really the variety of units and strategies for me. Any competitive online game I play, I do it because I love to face off against an evenly matched opponent and attempt to outplay and outthink them, but other games simply cannot compare to the diversity of strategies and units in Zero-K. I still want to add more, actually.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Bes Thing about Zero-k in regard to other rts i play is : The User Interface

Mex building by drawing a frame over the stuff , command stacking,you can draw the Formations and so on.Never seen that anywhere else

What could be improved :

You can use the Star-like Building menu for single builders ,but not for Groups of Builders,forcing you to use the slower Menu in the lower Left Screencorner to order around your Constructor Gangs.

Supcom 1 FA has the Ability to save & drop preconstructed building Clusters like (for Example) a Shield-Gen surrounded by LLTs as one Command ,which speeds up Construction a lot.

And you cannot drag and drop already set Waypoints to new Locations (Supcom 1 FA).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Regarding 1) this is to allow custom formation with workers.
You can change it in settings so that you can use build menu with workers and only use custom formation if you press M to move.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
ahh another SC FA decendant!

yes, point 2+3 are very usefull and i miss them here, especially the "move commands position from the command queue".

can someone make a ticket for that? -.-
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We actually have a widget to do 3) but its a bit unstable.. we could test it andinclude in game so that people who want it could enable it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
3) is already a widget called unit_waypoint_dragger. It is at the bottom of the widget menu.

2) it is a bit situational and we already have Ctrl + Shift click to surround a building. But if someone made a widget to do this it would be included.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I've been trying that widget for a while and disabled it after a week or so. It got more annoying than useful.

Saving builds is probably useful. I'm a bit afraid of nubs using something like that to play even worse, eg by putting more units at bad positions than usual. Supcom doesn't really make use of physics or the heightmap, so it's no problem there.

On topic: My two favs were "playing different every game - variety" (I want units to be more unique, not more units) and "teamplay, coordination, helping allies". I'd really like to see the teamplay part improved and support multiple players with the same teamID (not allyID) and multiple commanders; Wanna try that with another player and Mumble.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It does support that Skasi, but its disabled in default settings.
I voted for option 1, I like watching big robots and exploding stuff. It is the only option imo that is unique to zero-k compared to other strategy games around. teamplay, outthinking enemy and such are present in all strategy games.
+0 / -0
It doesn't support that. Springie's !balance would screw with it and players would only get one commander and spawn position.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I really like that the widgets are customizable AND you can play MP games with own widgets, even if I miss the compatibility of really useful widgets between *A and ZK and the bugs of some chilly widgets.

"Supreme Commander 1 - FA" has 3 advantages with maps and pathing:
* Everything is either completely flat or extremely visible (cliffs, etc).
* You only have normal units, hovers, air, ships - no spiders or tank/kbots (as far as I remember it).
* No Terraform.
That is one thing I miss in zk.

Maybe I like only zk but not the engine ^_^.
One thing that we could do for zk is, to display the F2-view when you build something (it shows you where you can build) and scripts which level the terrain, makes round ramp stepness either toward 66% of vehicle or bot pathing, etc.
It would look a bit artificially, but would be better playable (less annoying).

Because the luacode is not as clear as in "Supreme commander1", where even turret turn rates are in unit blueprints and not model script files it feels like a step back, but Zero-K is open source and the only open source game with active development, divided into engine and game, widgets and gadgets and good looking models.

There are 4 default build widgets - everything with one disadvantage:
* Integral menu -- need very much space on your screen.
* Radial menu -- don't display units for normal factories
* Keyboard menu -- don't display things like jump
* Gesture menu
* EVERYTHING depends on integral menu, but only because of unit states.
I like the variety, even when I think why can we not at least merge keyboard+integral menu, fix the gesture menu and give gesture menu a second key for unit states.

It would be nice if there would be more cooperation between the single mods.
* developement of different unit theme packs with models and scripts for mods (requires more compatibility between mod models or a bigger community.).
* widgets which work in all mods (requires standards for global build lists, etc.)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
There was no option for me - great automation.

As I've said in previous threads, automation is a huge turn-on for me. The entire idea of most RTS games is ludicrous to me - I'm some sky-god that can see only what my units can see, and they only attack exactly when and what I tell them to? How absurd!

ZK allows me to feel more like some sort of general (well, Colonel is more like it). I can see only what my units can see, and I don't have to give them each individually direct orders. Instead, I point them in direction of enemy and give them a "Fight" command. It's far from perfect but feels much better to me.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like rolling over the enemy with a large number of a tough, boring unit. Feels good to grind over all those wacky noob units and morphed boys with simple tanks
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Unit automation is the #1 for me. But since there's no option for that for some reason (Seriously?), I went with the absurdly large games. I feel that the automation and the massive games make ZK fairly unique.
+0 / -0
While I feel automation is great, I think it merely enables the strategy and guesswork that determines who is better. To the extent that automation lets you do what you intended, I support it.
- Will they attack here, or over there? This attack of mine will meet a counterstroke in 30 seconds. My ally's push is overextending, I should secure his flank... etc. etc.

Although that goes pretty far and covers all tactical AI. My personal opinion is that we'll never get strategic AI to any decent level even if we tried.

Intuition and anticipating enemy responses is hard. That is where the game is at.
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12 years ago
The automation can enable you to do the other stuff. The micro option is if you like the inverse of automation.

For example I quickly wrote a game (see post attachment) in which all units are automated to be as smart as possible. But it isn't a particularly fun game because the game has extremely poor mechanics.
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