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Let the casual be casual

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6 years ago
and make casual elo hidden so nobody stresses about it. It's useful to balance and that's it. Also after that, unranked queue for matchmaker could be considered as well. Since you can queue in many queues at once, it shouldn't dillute the players.
+11 / -0
6 years ago
Big upvote. Introduce a casual queue so we don't have to worry about losing elo each time we play
+2 / -0
6 years ago
The biggest contributor to the toxicity of the community is the nerd rage expressed by people over things they can't control.

Anything that removes people's fear of failure is an opportunity to encourage quiet competition, because, after all, this is just a game.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Ya removing casual elo/rank would be a good thing tbh...

Some people take casual games wayyyyyy too seriously -- even on absolutely stupid modes like superspeedmetal. Guess some people like their shiny star from playing games like that all day.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
1. how about simply making the "no-elo"option work again?

2. GBrankehtomlol what do you men exactly by taking the casual games too serious? the raging? or just in general trying to win the game?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
DErankkatastrophe, ok so I was in a game (casual ofc) where 3/5 of my team had started air factories. Of course, I decided to join in the fun by making a gunship fac, spamming wasps and going dgun com.

I thought people would get the joke, but nope. Several people absolutely exploded at me and unleashed a torrent of verbal abuse then tried to kick me from the game multiple times...

[For people who dont get it, more than 1 air factory is kinda fail and we had 3 of them already on a very rover/tank friendly map].
+6 / -0
GBrankehtomlol figured out the best strategy: If you cant beat the trolls, join them.
+6 / -0

6 years ago
I think its important to be able to see it because otherwise I would assumed my casual elo is low since I never play casual but since its visible I know to steer clear of casual games unless I want mega stack against me

Nerd rage is not really an elo thing
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Is that not what we're hoping to avoid? Not having it (prominently) visible means not having to worry about other players thinking about or planning around it, nor yourself. Just free love, maaaaan.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
People will remember if you're good or not though, even without a colored star to help them.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
i understand you, tho i have to say that one could argue that you are taking your allies rage wayyyyyy too seriously then...
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Ikinz is right. There's some players that I don't even want NEAR me if we're playing lobsterpot and I'm on their team. I already know that I will get zero support from behind at best. At worst they rush Merlin and flatten my base in an effort to kill the 1 enemy Glaive running around. I remember these guys.
+0 / -0