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Turning settings down past minimum? I have potato.

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6 years ago
My settings are already at the barest minimum they can be configured in-game, but I still find that I have significant FPS issues because my computer is exceedingly potato.

As a high school student I don't have the means to get a better PC (work only gives one shift a week), so I'm stuck with this:

Intel Core 2 Duo
Radeon HD 5450 (1GB VRAM)
500GB HDD (Probably 5400RPM)

In 1v1's I'm pretty fine with 30-50 fps constantly, maybe dropping to 15-20 or so by the mid-late game when things start to get hectic. The maps are small so that helps VERY much. I find that maps are usually the biggest performance drain.

Big matches like team games past 4v4 and FFA I start with 20 fps or so but quickly go down to 3-5 after around 10-15 minutes of playtime. This obviously becomes unplayable to the point where if I queue up a row of solars the game somehow thinks I want to terraform a section of ground.

Are there any unorthodox in-game commands/modifying configs that will boost my fps?
I've tried /advmapdetails 0 but lately it doesn't seem to be doing anything.

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6 years ago
Compatibility mode is best performance booster I've found for old systems.
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6 years ago
Tangential, but...
Is there a way to turn down the lights/brightness of weapon fire? I find it obscures things in battles.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
As an experienced potato user, when you get too little fps to play, you can disable widgets and get lots of extra fps. It will break a lot of things, like placing mex, or in multiplayer you will get kicked for afk (widget preventing afk is diabled). There is little you can do in general apart from changing settings.

This has some workarounds, in team games you can enter comshare mode with someone so he can place mex for you and you won't get kicked as his afk widget is still working. In 1v1 you can't get kicked because of afk, so it's "safe" to use there.

Mex placement is broken in this sense that you can place mex anywhere or nowhere depending on the map. You still have to build them where metal spots used to be (you can't turn on eco overlay, widget again) so if they aren't visible on the map in distinct way you're screwed. It's playable, but barely.

I've lost a winning game with disabled lua due to Artemis not having auto-queued stockpile (widget). My superweapon was bombed with idle Artemises all around. In big matches when you can't play and noone wants to comshare you can always resign, disable lua and still have some pleasure of watching the game with decent fps.

The command to disable lua:

/luaui disable

To return back to normal type "enable" instead. Command with "reload" instead disable is useful to fix occasional ui glitches.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
i dunno if particle count are already at lowest on minimum but this also gets you some extra fps. zk is not optimised for multi-core systems, so overclocking a single core would do the trick too.
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