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Hovercraft matches to watch?

5 posts, 700 views
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6 years ago
What are some good matches to watch that show good Hovercraft play?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
i would also like to see some good hovermatches!
+0 / -0
These should be quite good (minimum elo for both players 2200, at least one hover plop)

Multiplayer B529074 2 on TitanDuel 2.2
Multiplayer B519882 2 on TitanDuel 2.2
Multiplayer B526762 2 on Comet Catcher Redux v3.1
Multiplayer B531217 2 on AlienDesert
Multiplayer B525895 2 on Adansonia v4.1
Multiplayer B525099 2 on Desert Needle Small 3.2
Multiplayer B531121 2 on Adansonia v4.1
Multiplayer B522514 2 on Adansonia v4.1
Multiplayer B522559 2 on Adansonia v4.1
Multiplayer B531657 2 on Adansonia v4.1

(Data taken from http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/25485)
+2 / -0

6 years ago
First one is just me Rushing mace and Econoob not knowing it would be perfectly happy to eat his face : P
+0 / -0
You say that like it's not a common and successful Hover strat though (if a bit risky) :)

Unrelated to that: Thanks for this list. I wonder if a similar list for different factories or strategies would be useful to have somewhere, just as a set of suggested learning games to watch.
+2 / -0