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Map-idea : no fixed frontlines.

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12 years ago
The idea behind is, that you have a map with 4 fields where the diagonal adjacent fields get obliterated alternately.

If field 1/1 and 2/2 get obliterated by Asteroids, lava or something else, you play on 1/2 and 2/1.
If field 1/2 and 2/1 get obliterated by Asteroids, lava or something else, you play on 1/1 and 2/2.
In the time between, you fight for the neighbor fields to survive the next obliteration.

This is only the basic idea - it can have any size or even hexagonal fields with 3 steps.
Would you like this kind of maps?
With less porcing and more need to rebuild and fac-switch?

Maybe Athena, increased storage for a factory skip (to save 600m and nanos) or reclaim energy eco before obliteration can alter the game.

If the whole team assists one factory (to only need 1 factory and reduce the obliterated value of your statics) the unit type can change every 5 minutes.

One strategy could be to snipe commander with unplopped factories - stored for the next time span.

Mobility could get a new level of importance.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
your website is ugly.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
intresting. would you suggest a mod or a map to do so? would you make it?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
How is it even possible to come up with such terrible ideas.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
This sounds fun but it's HiKitty so let's say ridiculously hostile things completely out of the blue

+0 / -0
12 years ago
/-The idea behind is, that you have a map with 4 fields where the diagonal adjacent fields get obliterated alternately.
thats cool.

if you provide the map
then i will provide the wupget.
if i provide a crown
will you provide a queen?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
NeonStorm and knorke working together? The result couldn't be anything but absolute bonkers.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
This could make for some rather interesting games... I suspect...

I like the idea, especially if all the metal comes from reclaimed asteroids and wreks
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You'd have to replace mexes and energy income every 5 minutes. You'd have to rebuild your factory. In fact, HiKitty even SAYS that everyone should coop on one factory at a time... we've done so much in this game to try and ensure that doesn't happen because it's anti-fun. It wouldn't just remove static defenses from the game, it would mean you basically can't make a base.

90% of games would end with the outcome decided by the environment rather than the players.

There is no 'out of the blue' with HiKitty. He posts a constant barrage of bad ideas and stupid suggestions. He constantly derails threads. It sometimes makes the forum virtually unreadable because everything is either his posts or confused responses to his posts.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i just had an easy to implement idea of his vision on a map.

1st: the map has no metal spots (or very rare).
2nd: the map has asteorid shower, which go down in lines, which divide sections between players
3rd: these lines are the only source of metal (beside reclaim).
4th: these lines are moving, ending and starting somewhere else.

result: temporary impassable areas which needs to be hunted down. energy buildings must be moved over time. highly dynamic bases and metal management.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What if there are no metal spots? Just different kinds of reclaimable things to harvest E and metal from?

It would of course play radically different from a normal map... probably kind of like a hardcore trololol if I understand it correctly, so obviously it would not be liked by all (some will surely hate it, some will love it (perhaps) and some will not care)

I for one welcome diversity as long as it is not forced.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
First, try making a pure reclaim map. It's quite possible, though puppies break it a little.

Then maybe see it that works before getting any more ambitious.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
hey, this reminds me of starcraft, with mineral blocks... zomg
+0 / -0
12 years ago
/-it would mean you basically can't make a base.-/
of course you could make a base, just not potato over the whole map.
The map would be divided into 4 rectangles like this:
1 2
3 4
players start at 1 & 4
after 5 minutes stuff in 2 & 3 is destroyed
after 10 minutes stuff in 1 & 4 is destroyed, and so on.
The imporant thing is you KNOW that the area eventually gets flooded/bombed/whatever. So you can prepare for it.
I dont think it would nessecarely be a trololo map.

reclaim only map:
exists, Wakka Wakka
iirc it was considerd "too porcy" and lame by zK players.
Not sure if that is correct, imo that was because
1) players did not know how to change resource amount (or zkl could not set mapoptions?)
2) it was played in large team or FFA games, instead of 1v1 like it was made for.
(most 1v1 games actually end before all stuff is reclaimed, 5v5 there is not nearly enough resources or space)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Love the idea, Neon. Ignore anyone who boos and go do some mapping! ZK works perfectly well with any kind of special gameplay as long as it doesn't kill hardware.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We need to think of a way to make the Quickmatcher accommodate "Special" maps and missions and bizarre gameplay. Putting things like this into the regular circulation on the main gameplay servers is a bad idea, but altogether leaving them out of the Quickmatcher is bad too.

Perhaps a "Special" server would be in order, including both FFA-specials and team-specials, with a Large Teams cap? A place for HotStepper and CattleandLoveplay and that teleport-map and overcrowded tinymap games and lava scripts and this asteroid thing?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
See, but if you put special maps in a separate host, then it's EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to get everyone to move back to normal hosts if they ever do decide to play Trololo.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Maybe that would get people to start turning Quickmatcher back on. Everybody's on Special but they want to play on Large Games? Quickmatcher to the rescue!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
We could add a !votemove command that starts a vote to move everyone to a different server. Then, we'd have FFA or special more often, but still be able to do teams.
+0 / -0
you mean something like:
!votehost mode=trollroom
!y -> moves you to trollroom if vote is successfully?

That would replace the juggler system.
I wuold prefer a fixed juggler system with average maxJuggling = 1 time per minute and about 5 times per 1/2 hour, prefer to not juggle players unless another room lacks players, recognice !jugglemeback which switches you back and don't juggle you to this host again for at least a hour and also exclude /away and spectrating players.

If you can implement a such a perfect system, head on it.

Basically, you need to create possible game types and add each free player to each list as long as the player may wish to be juggled to there and create games from that list.
!jugglemeback and player preferences can exclude or include this possibility - see white-list/black-list.

The difficult part is, that you may hijack 1/2/3 player(s) for another game, but not 2/4/5 and you have to respect !jugglemeback as well as to choose another player from there for exchange.
The more difficult part is, that any hijacked player which wants to be juggled back, can cause a Snowball-Effect and cause more than one juggle action in one minute for other players - I think that this is the current issue.
I hope you see, why the preferences has to be set before executing juggler and !jugglemeback is most likely a stupid idea.

The tricks are 1. to wait for other games to get an all-ofline time for juggler actions (more available players), 2. predict when a game ends, dependent on the number of troll players, the current ingame time and maybe some code which evaluates the ingame status, 3. deside if you want to wait for that particular game to end.

Now as you see, how difficult it is, you may find a solution for which we can adore you.

Finally, you may want !jugglemeback, !dontjuggleme (gametype), !ialsoplay (gametype), !ilike (gametype) or !iwantnow (gametype) and provide a short list of commands which are sufficient and set settings which are supported by your code and the database (juggler settings).[/color]
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