The release has far exceeded our expectations and we've gained a lot of new players for the community who, overall, seem pretty nice. The servers have held up and, apart from a crash on Friday, everything has gone really smoothly. The campaign and matchmaker are really paying dividends. Currently there are 800 people playing Zero-K and 500 in the lobby and we're excited to see how far we can go.
We would really appreciate help so spread videos, tell your friends, and leave reviews. With no marketing budget (or really any budget) this is our best way to spread Zero-K and to ensure that Steam shows it to many potential players. It really helps and a big thankyou to everyone who has taken the time to review thus far!
We would also like to clarify some issues and common questions.
It is normal to see empty or near-empty rooms in the battlelist tooltips. We intentionally avoid sending the status of everyone to everyone else in order to save on server load.
There is currently a bug with matchmaking that bans both players in the "found match" popup if one rejects before the other accepts. We will fix or workaround this on our next server deployment. Luckily the ban time is 30 seconds.
To play coop Skirmish or Campaign with many players it is important that a single person invites everyone else, as they are the host.
There is a lot of scope for modding but we have not yet set up the steam workshop. There is a lot of detail to cover so, if you're interested, ask anyone in the modding channel on our Discord server.
We have been monitoring issues and are taking a cautious approach to changes, lest we break anything, as the issues are generally minor. We plan to run server maintenance for about 10 minutes sometime during the week to improve stability and solve the matchmaking issue. We also have some UI improvements for the main menu and fixes to rare bugs ingame. We have a beta branch and testers would be much appreciated.
Finally, here are some standout videos or reviews.
PS. If you haven't heard of Zero-K before, here is the
store page.