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the original sin

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.. this is an experiment to see how many are willing to point the noob finger at themselves and admit the flaws in there own strategies.. weaknesses and oversights.

this may not work out but i felt compelled to point out my own flaws publicly partly because i realize that my mistakes are normal and imperfection is ok and welcome..

and partly because i realized that firepluck (sorre fp your not so bad rly) is not the only one who can point at my flaws loudly and i need to be free of the shame

the idea im stupid and cant see that no aa got my com killed is silly and i think people are aware that missclicks and no clicks happens. so ends a cringy salty rant about learning.. blah blah its just a game blah blah who cares ect.. and so begins a list of pre acknowledged todo listed fuckups that i may never address in my life and if you need a better standard of aussie you can go to buggery ..

im noob because:

i over porc even when the enemy has poor defenses or heaps of anti porc ..
i love choosing placements and terraform more then winning.. and i like zk more then pussy aparantly

i have poor map awareness (looks at end of map.. "kill this shit" .. "noob shoot this")
true true.. =D ha ha ha oooops...

i hate making aa..
i have ignored air the whole game and ill do it again.. the more it kills me the more its dead to me

i dont push i skirmish
tbh i am realy bad at micro so skirmish units help me have time to build mex and stuff

im bad at lots of stuff.. but id say im weakest at taking ground, aa and micro
+5 / -0

6 years ago
-im bad at macro and occupy myself alot in a very tiny area of the map doing uneccessary micro.
-im bad at lategame transition, i am often surprised by being massively outecoed or my tiny units get obliberated by striders
-when at frontline, i play very risky close to the front with my com. it surprises me, however, i do not get punished so much for it.
-plopping defenders is a curse and very unfun way to play. when com is at front, expect defenders forrests.
-sometimes i fail to advance a front despite knowing what i should do/build. i just dont play focused enough. this often results in stalling. being often not one of the weaker players requires me to carry, which i then fail to deliver. and other front fails and game is lost.
-i still think vamps really do rule the skies vs swifts (and they do when a critical mass is reached and the correct single-target commands are given), but i often fail to swifts. i also know this and i knowingly refuse to swift instead of vamps. this vamp-thing is also is a disadvantage to being raided hard and did cost some wins here and there...
-i am pretty resistant to the new-new unit names, so i confuse my teammates in coordination.
-i cannot label anymore, somehow the keybinding, along with the icon distance is reset every new game. i cannot fiddle out how to fix this. no labels mean no information.
+5 / -0
6 years ago
brave man.. i think now others may follow
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Well, I AM a Zero-K noob so that's out of the way.

I played a lot of TA back in the day and TA is a game that lends itself well to a porcupine strategy. So I approached ZK in the same way and got brutally ravaged time and again. The contents of ZK are what they say on the box: expand or die. The lack of metal-making options make a stay - at - home strategy impossible.

Zero-K is also very fast. It took a while to get used to the pace that everything happens at and I still tend to panic and if you see my commander going round in a circle ... well ... you know that I'm having a meltdown. Getting a plan for a fast exit from the first 5 minutes was crucial for me. I've more or less got a system whereby I can make it out sort-of intact and with the economy started.

I tend to raid early and flatter to deceive when I run out of ideas mid-game. 1 vs 1 this tendency causes me to suck and I'm usually much better as a team where I can support the push of my team-mates.

I've played a lot with my commander right up front and, boy, have I learned my lesson. Namely, you lot are a bunch of head-hunting commander cannibals that like nothing better than to turn my commander into a smoking entree roasting over a fire. On the plus side, I'm so used to getting my commander destroyed that it no longer bothers me. Like, whatever, just carry on shooting.

I still like commander morphing which everybody seems a bit horrified at. I get that it's probably metal that could be used elsewhere, for better return. I guess I see it as having a big unit at the front, NOW, rather than later.

Also, it gives the cannibals something to do ;)
+5 / -0

6 years ago
0) I don't raid enemy eco.
1) I neglect expansion
2) I neglect scouting
3) I am way too slow and have bad reflexes. I rarely manage to counter enemy surprises.
4) I never use planes, ships, jumpies or hovers.
5) I often excess
6) I cannot figure when to build fusions.
7) I don't know how to use my commander offensively and usually keep it in base.
8) I'm too defensive.
9) I have no imagination and always go brute force.

And probably many more mistakes that I fail to identify.
+3 / -0
good.. good.. yesss soon firepluck will be the last and he will be forced to lobster toast himself =D mhuah ha ha har

i feel the power the word noob once had over us being slowly undone as we take back our pride as the flawed masses.. soon we the many lobsters will vastly outnumber the cowardly elite and they will be forced to concede they too are imperfect lest they dwell in fear for a time.. it is ok to fail.. the community can mature and gather new users in a toxic free environment..
+3 / -0
Sometimes, I know I should change the already given buildorder, or the already programmed units queue, but I don't do it.. Is it because I should then think harder about the better option, or because I think that I have the right buildorder and it is the game that is developping in the wrong direction^^.. Idk
+4 / -0
6 years ago
ok well since nobody else probably has the balls to be flawed now.. i guess the moral is.. that some people play the way they want.. and if we all played the way we 'should' we would all play the same and it would be like ai vs ai..

ironic that this games lore is about the ensuing fight over the transfer of consciousness from organic to machine..

many now similarly push for robotic routine game-play and if that directive wins i can see why it computes

i and others have not forgotten we are human and have favored play styles and unit choices despite the fails its more fun imho

maybe people may not simply be just trying to win perhaps they are also enjoying yelling noob as well as shifting blame off themselves in the process.. and to be fair they are probably right.. but if we did change into the right and only way to play we would loose some soul
+3 / -0
6 years ago
@SmorkeDragon, no it isn't finished.

First off, i often think that i am overrated, maybe because the long list that will follow.

1. Probably my biggest problem is that i often stay on a strategy for to long. When i start a game, i plan the first 5-10 minutes, depending on the map and the enemy team. But often my opponent already counters me within the first minutes...
2. An other problem i often have is that i'm overprotective when it comes to expansion. I never want to loose any mexes during enemy raids. So i place way to many llts to prevent raids, instead of just rebuilding them as fast as possible.
3. Also i excess often, mainly in 1vs1 games, or big maps, where the metalincome goes up fast.
4. Or i lack energy.
5. Compared to other players of my WHR Range, i often loose in micro fights.
5. I don't use some units, an good example are ticks which i never used during the first 5 years of my zero-k career.
6. I often blame to many people. Maybe i even sound arrogant to some people. Ok i admit it, i know you think so, and i don't blame you for doing so.
7. I also don't admit the usefulness of some strategies. Namely trollcoms, or high risk strategies that require your teammates to protect you. (Would they just ask if it is ok to go for certain strategies, it would be ok for me)

Well there is probably more, but i think that is enough for now ;)
+5 / -0
This post is like spiritual yoga for gamers : P
Could possibly be abused under a tournament to check your opponents weaknesses.

I dont have enough routine in what I do and often find myself with insufficient build power and wind up com morphing to compensate. I often feel like I get a lot of value out of raiding which has given me a habit of zooming in to micro in general, meanwhile having my com or something die elsewhere. Donating morphed coms to the enemy is something of a speciality of mine.

I rather rarely use repeat build in favor of ordering units ages ahead which often bites me in the ass when I run out of units to build.

There are many hotkeys I dont use, particularly the idle con one.

I resist switching fac to get to the optimal unit for the given situation.

Rather build hordes of small units lategame than bigger more decisive units

I sometimes forget that terraform exists

It's a bit hard to critique my play because I play so inconsistent that I dont have a lot of fails that I always do besides the ones already mentioned. I suppose being inconsistent is a critique?

Ah yes like Anir there are units like ticks I just dont use.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
I m noob because i bought AMD FX6300 cpu before starting play this game.
+7 / -0
to admit to that much is still a step in the right direction well done

oc your gameplay is perfect im sure that's why it wasn't mentioned
+0 / -0
6 years ago
+4 / -0
i agree topkack hi is cheap and easy to spam but hi is too easy to counter with 'sup' i feel hello is more reliable.. and goodbye is underused and is at-least viable in the late conversation.. maybe mix in some skirmishing words like 'hows it going' and just hope when the heavy conversations start nobody breaks through your front-line banter
+5 / -0

6 years ago
10) I fail to switch fac
+2 / -0

6 years ago
  • Excess
  • E-Stall
  • Using dante whenever I don't know how to counter a unit
  • Not building enough porc, especially in my base

If you wanna beat me, send your full assault force straight at my base. I never defend it because usually nobody dares attacking the opponent's base directly.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
Just talk to Corvus_Corax,
He always has a humble and fair approach to these issues.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
After reading CHrankAdminDeinFreund 's comment:

11) Don't porcing my base. I usually only have 1 Picket or Lotus.
+1 / -0
CHrankAdminDeinFreund just wrote up most of what i was going to write up, so i'll note some things that he left out which apply to me.

1) I don't consolidate my territory. I always prefer psychologically to wreck the enemy than to protect myself; so if the enemy manages to consolidate against my attacks, the game is lost for me - they have a consolidated and safe-to-upgrade territory which i cannot effectively attack, and my army takes bonus attrition since their attackers can always run back to safety of their encroaching porc.

2) I only think about how to beat the enemy efficiently when facing terrible odds. In other situations, i just try to do more of what i've been doing and hope that either eco victory or a timely reactive action will do.

3) Consequently, that dante thing. Only thinking creatively when you're one minute from defeat means that you fly with a lot of cached solutions.
+4 / -0
6 years ago
I take a weird sort of pride in just not microing units sometimes, like as if I didnt even need them cuz my econ is OP. I find it funny to win games with dreadful attrition rate.

Also I like porc too much so I get triggered when people make those dumb units like impaler which ruin everything.
+3 / -1
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