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12 years ago
i don't know how most players would feel about krow being changed, i know the majority (barring the obvious players who make krow in 90% of their games lulz)
i would remove the krow and replace it with some uber flying fortress similar in size to the Core Hero from Nota (i think) with it being built from the strider hub and costing something more in the range of a bantha to bantha+ in metal
but giving it no krow bombs and moar cannons, possibly even limited to advanced transport capabilities and size(proportianally to zk) similar to Core Hero(if someone could put screenshots in whilst i sleep that would be wonderful) which is more i feel towards what flying fortress should mean, not large triangular bomber

also, neonstorm or trollposts will be removed, just a heads up so don't bother giving them a reply
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Why? Krow is expensive, balanced and useful so I'm not just going to throw all that away.

You have to explain what Core Hero does and what it's role is. Also be aware you cannot just take units from other games because the situation in which the unit exists creates a role as much as it's attributes do.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Krow is a usefull unit and its being used while its not OP why remove it?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think that current krow is still OP. Compare dante and krow and bantha. Krow doesnt feel like thing beetween them for me it feels like it is near bantha it can even bomb dante in 1 shot which I say is nonsense.

It is all terrain, very fast, huge hp, antiheavy, antiswarm unit for 5K metal best thing you can buy for such price. Whats worst special things like spy and skuttle dosnt really work against it(ok it is possible to skuttle krow or spy emp it, but skuttle dante is like 20 times easier.)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
^ strongly agree. it is superior to all other heavies
+0 / -0

12 years ago

concept random drunk modelling lols for strider hub
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I agree with wolas with the krow being op

I think it is because of it`s ability to attack so well unsupported, as far as I have noticed all the other big units need at least some support to survive any kind of significant push.

I tink the krow would be a lot more interesting to use if it lost one of it`s weapons so it is either defenceless against air (can be countered with gnats if unsuported) and has to rely on the bombs for all damage or it has no more bombs, thus becoming far more vulnerable to land based defences and heavy units (no more squashing dante or sumo for example) in this context it could also be made somewath cheaper

Or if you want to keep the current dual sistem how about changing the bombs with emp lightning (like the stiletto has)? so it still couters heavy and ultra heawy but not by itself

this last option would also seem more realistic in my oppinion since now it seems to simpy "produce" bombs out of thin air (while bombers must reload at a pad)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think Krow is fine but the problem is at the big maps where u can't spend on aa static , or even mobile defenses , it can easily escape and attack vulnerable spots....I think the main problem in team games is u can easily team build a Krow but it is a problem for the other team to counter it , because u need an efficient strat and very good teamwork before Krow is up. Even if it gets countered it can still be used for defense...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Krow is hardly balanced in my opinion and far too cheap for a unit that can one shot any unit up to a bantha and moves faster than a glaive and further still has more HP than any unit up to a bantha yet is half bantha cost(well, less than half still so bloody stoopid)

the core hero is a bloody great big spaceship which is just small enough to operate in atmosphere(thats how i interpret it anyway) basically a mobile gun platform covered in AA that drops bombs like a WWI zeppelin

however, the impression im taking from the hero is the scale of it, its fookin huge as well as being covered in guns, painfully slow and rediculously hard to take down, that is what i would envision personally the krow should be, not some fastish giant triangle bomber that one shots everything
i would give krow a massive model complete with many weapons mostly ground attack but a few light lasers(think razor kisses but with less damage) as aa, taking away the krow bombs give it air pads to refuel planes and bump the damn things cost up to near Bantha level once the cost is high i can reasonably see massive health, hardiness and damage dealing whereas right now all i can do is look at the unit and think its rediculous
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If krow would be as expensive as bantha nobody would use it anymore since it wont be worth it. Krow is so easily countered. EVERYTHING hits it. Even stupid rocko's are accurate enough to hit that big fat thing.

I specced enough games where i saw a krow rush that completely failed while the other team didnt even know they where rushing krow. Some ground defences and some basic AA where enough to beat it. Basically its a expensive all terain unit that can be hit with both anti land and air weapons.

Its oblivious krow is stronger on bigger maps. Air is generally stronger on bigger maps and guess what? krow is a air unit.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
most people here dont know what they talking. Krow would be worth building if it cost 6k metal - it still instakills just about anything with its bombs, forces AA over the entire map and is superfast and tough to boot. it only costs 5k. bargain.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Rick wrote: Its oblivious krow is stronger on bigger maps.
Oblivious means forgetful. I think you meant to write obvious.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I wanna see how basic AA kills krow. Of course if player is incopetent its possible. But it is very normal to see krow with 100k damage + silver star.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Again, the thing is that Krow, being an assault gunship, does pretty good against static AA but bad against skirm-y mobile AA that can kite it... but your AA-type for mobile AA is determined by your lab choice. So if you've got Copperheads or Jethros (in large numbers), you can give that Krow a bad day. If you've got Slashers? You're going to have a bad time.
+0 / -0
When I use krow of all mobile AA most fearful to me are few archangels, cooperheads are easily avoided if there is some hills near by.

And why best AA is archangel and not cooperhead? who knows...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
its lasers together of which have ans mahoosive DPS between them and hooge range coupled with the fact it moves at 3.4 speed means that very little mobile aa can effectively kite it properly, coupled with the fact if you have half a brain you bugger off before low health means this thing is ridiculously potent the only thing that could catch it is copperhead and to do so would lose you the copperhead and probably not kill the damn krow
plus if you scout mobile aa with krow, move back to base and hit elsewhere, whats that? aa no there? dead base.
just a silly unit, its inbetween normal units and striders in cost and is easliy amongst the most powerful of the striders in killy effectiveness
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Krow should kill hard reachable high valueable low-health targets like fusions.
If you make 2 tacnukes (first one to pene shield with the second), and a silo, you spend nearly as much as into a half Krow, but you can re-use Krows.

If it should fit into THIS role, it need speed (maybe 6.5 to 8), a dgun for 3k to 5k damage against a single target and AA weapons which do 340 damage each (good against vamps and avagers) with random reload.
You could kill it with some defense, Razzor spam, Archangel spam and valkyries (Archangels fall down and cannot get damaged except by slow-recharging dgun) Shadows and Gnat spam.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I really, really hope krow is subject of next patch.. it is still the biggest imba re: big games
+0 / -0
12 years ago
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12 years ago
Krow is an assault unit. Nerf the weaknesses, buff the strengths. Reduce its firing range and its speed so more moble AA units can kite it. If this makes it too weak, buff the firepower on its beams or make it cheaper or buff its armor (I think the armor is plenty, though).
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