My dears Zero-K'ers,
After all the turmoil around the units' names changes, I think we forgot the number one priority to better reflect the actual situation of the game.
Today, we all know the game as "Zero-K" BUT most of you will agree that it does not reflect the real spirit of our respected community.
Therefore, I would like to propose the following name :
Zzzz-K !
Then AFKers and all the vast majority of players who connect only to take a nap will feel considered at last. Not forgetting the wise community of spectators who do not necessarily sleep but remember us all that a game is not made to be played, but indeed to be spectated first.
Please, upvote this post to raise the urgency of the matter to the developers.
We all need a name that we can easily refer to when we play this game!
Sincerely yours,
Lord Of the Trolls