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On the once lush planet of Regelith, the stardock of the capital sated the needs of its billions of residents. After the planet's core was fractured and catastrophically solidified during the Third Insurgence, not a soul has visited the barren world for a thousand years. Its atmosphere has been stripped by countless solar waves, and the remnants of the battle in orbit make insertion dangerous. Now it is flung into battle once again, in a skirmish to claim its ancient secrets in the archives of the landing pads.
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B873736 2 on Vestige 1.0
B471533 2 on Vestige 1.0
B471528 1 on Vestige 1.0
B471254 2 on Vestige 1.0
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Vestige 1.0
By CaptainKlutzRating: |
On the once lush planet of Regelith, the stardock of the capital sated the needs of its billions of residents. After the planet's core was fractured and catastrophically solidified during the Third Insurgence, not a soul has visited the barren world for a thousand years. Its atmosphere has been stripped by countless solar waves, and the remnants of the battle in orbit make insertion dangerous. Now it is flung into battle once again, in a skirmish to claim its ancient secrets in the archives of the landing pads.
Size: | 20 x 10 |
Downloads: 5
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