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Unit combo combined please.

Missile barrage.
Recluse >10 and 2 Redback
Attack with recluse. Kite. Redback kills raider.

Holding the fort:
Since spider fac is slow AF, when I raid, I go for the outermost mexes, destroy them, salvage, rebuild mex, and porc the place up. I do not do this if there is artillery.

I tend to place solars near my Mexes to give it overdrive, but to connect large amounts, I place a lot of fusions/Geothermals far away, and porced, then connect with grids.

Staying alive:
I find living units better than dead, so I have two weaver (more if neccesarry) per attack group, set to "Guard,Repeat" to heal them during combat and keep them alive. The extra weaver lets me salvage and build mexes or help heal more.

This is my only viable way of knocking out artillery and skirmishers without suffering massive attrition rates. The long-ranged recluse keeps damaging the enemy skirms, whilst the venoms close range, and paralyze them. The redback then gets close and destroys unit. Works against 99% of all attacks. WARNING! Venoms die a lot, and so there should be more than 2 if you are assaulting a lot of skirms and attack units. TIPS: The weaver should heal any and all damaged units. If you are getting overwhelmed, retreat and heal units (If weaker, escape-Sun Tzu).

Island hopping:
This is the slowest way of winning, and the mostly costly. Works only on large maps/Sea maps.

As I go further into enemy territory, I start to porc where my damaged units are near mexes. Then I keep attacking, porcing as I go. I also build factories if the transit is taking too long.

I will rush crabe to enemy, and as they start to engage the crabes, I will stop the crabes and give them damage resistance. Redback kills fast units or badly damaged ones, Venom will paralyze. Your choice. I merge both.

Clearing the field:
Weaver/Constructor bot.
If I slay a lot of units/buildings, I will immediately task an inactive constructor (preferbly one near the group) to salvage units and buildings, clearing the whole field. This stops the enemy from salvaging and getting the metal back, even if the whole attack group dies, I will have salvaged all the important things and the enemy will be stuck with less investment. I have quite a few weavers, so I build storage, but I will excess metal anyway to stop enemy from getting it.

Hard target:
When I see fusions/Geos, I will go for them first, especially if there are towers defending it, or more powerplants, factories, caretakers etc. I kill fusion plant after fusion plant, until they are all dead and enemy suffers massive enery drop. WARNING! IGNORING TOWERS LEADS TO HIGH ATTRITION RATES.

Find enemy's expensive unit (Goliath/Striders).
Kill all escorts. As the unit runs away, I paralyze it. Lowers attrition rates and stops tank from moving, letting other units catch up. ATTENTION! The start of the battle should have venoms stunning enemy units, the infiltrators should only attack once there is a gap netween the escorts, or if the unit is killing too many. WARNING. HAVE SUFFICENT ENERGY TO POWER THE CLOAKS.

When an expensive unit dies from the enemy, and I am close to excessing,I will ressurect the unit instead, to give me a powerful unit in my groups. This stops sneaky salvaging and can allow me to push harder/turn the tides. I also use this on groups of dead units I need (Raiders/Skirms/Assaults).

Sneaky scout.
Flea/Infiltrator+Skuttle+Scythe/Eraser with unit force.

Flea cloaks and gives me vision sight, which helps me coordinate attacks and is useful to see where the enemy is in terms of expansion.
Infiltrators does this job a lot more dangerously. I keep it cloaked, sneak to enemy base where the factory is and spread out in a line near a place where I would be unlikely to be seen (Edges/Mountains), so I can see the enemy. Next, I look if he's building any fusions/geos and connecting them near the factories. Once I spot it, I send a suicidal squad in to destroy it, and cripple their economy. I look for clumped fusions/Geos and rush with more than enough hidden units, to chain explode them.

Spec ops.

Valkaryie/Vindicator+Redbacks&Venoms+Eraser/Sneaky pete
This almost always results in death of the SPEC OP group.
I unload units near enemy base and cloak them.
Transports fly away to safe distance.
Look for fusions/Mex/towers.
Kill said targets, going for powerplant cripples their economy, I kill towers if frontline base, kill factory if I can. As soon as the shooting starts, I move the transports closer.
When objective complete, or squad dead, eraser and squad evacuate. I try not to lose the eraser.
+0 / -0
I think you should write tutorials/refine the wiki instead of these threads..

Sorting these strategies to each unit's page would make it a lot more accessible than long collections.
Just look at http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Spider_Factory

Bonus strategy: Build defense behind a terrawall so nearby enemies can't see it until they suddenly get shot. (In order to see a unit you have to see its feet)
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Thanks for spiderfac.
But i'll make a page of assorted strategies just in case.
If I need to
+0 / -0
8 years ago
fus resign rush
+0 / -0