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New engine is laggy

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I don't know if there has been a change in the engine, but since today or yesterday, the game is laggy. When zoomed out it's smooth as before but if I get closer, the game feels shuttery like in a speed metal game.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
are you using Chobby?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Googlefrog has added a new engine, if your using it, then please report back.
Also, try scaling down your settings to: Low/Minimal
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I don't think CHrankConnetable is using Chobby.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Some other players complained about sudden in-game lags as well, so it's not limited to one person only
But personally mine game experience was fine - no lags
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Can't use chlobby. Crashes every time! This is my 10th bugreport!.
ZKL works great though, Intel not supported so crashes on anything over *Medium setting*
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I don't think you quite understand what bug reports are.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
[Infolog] please
+0 / -0
8 years ago
It's my 10th bug report, how is froggy going to fix something which isn't supported?
+0 / -1
You still didn't give a bloody infolog Sanic. Your damn bug report is bloody useless.

You shouldn't run around sreaming on top of your bowels "IT'S BROKEN! IT'S BROKEN!" and then complain that it has not been fixed yet.
+4 / -0

8 years ago
@Google. I do not remember if I was using Chobby but it is not impossible. I'll try with ZKL to see if there's a difference.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I played in 23. october and i got many lags as well. Strange was that my cpu was only on 64% use but i had 1 - 3 fps. Games in previous times lagged for me when my cpu core was 80%+ used. Somebody say me about tree performance lag in that game but i had no problems with tree before that. Also other maps lagged.
Anyway i need more play game to ensure full about that.
+0 / -0
Suddenly, a troll
I don't get lag at all despite the 4fps, it still runs smooth, are you sure this is not a computer process speed?
Oref, if you have smurfs honestly upvoting all your posts, and you speak like that, I will not take you seriously.
Do I speak like that to you? No, and I expect you to speak in a civilized manner as you would to another person.
Deinfruend, should I update that photo? It's not "Game diognostic log" anymore.
+0 / -0
Well others spoke to you in a civilizied manner and look where it got us! You still haven't given us that damned infolog. Nevermind you did provide an infolog in another thread albeit without chobby but it is still a good step towards actually fixing the problem.

Afaik these are also not my smurfs. My only 2 smurfs that I remember of are PLrankOrfailius and PLrankMelLikesZKL.

On topic: I've been having some issues with the framerate too recently. 30-40 FPS instead of 60-70. Maybe some chobby update screwed up things?

edit: Bah 50 secs too late.
+0 / -0
I've posted lots of infologs, look at chobby alpha test, my game broke, all threads which say "crash =" from me have an infolog. I'm not posting more, especially not on a topic I have no problem with. I do not lag.
Sorry, I took that as an insult.... I see things different.. The "Sanic" part...
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I've benchmarked locally and found no issue, even though I feel like the game is laggy online. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L_RadeoBEUqd45QkNE8qrY9itqJQtq4x0nXKOeK3NII/edit?usp=sharing
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Ok, good to hear that :)
Connetable, has the lag gone away?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
NZrankhedgehogs that is not what my post meant. I got PLrankOrfelius to benchmark and he seems to be a good canary. I think its clear that 134 is better than 280, I would also like to test these against 103.0.

See the Orfelius tab in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L_RadeoBEUqd45QkNE8qrY9itqJQtq4x0nXKOeK3NII/edit?usp=sharing
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Since the issue is detectable for at least one person I'd like it if everyone would run the benchmarker. The benchmark is very similar to the one from January last year which allowed us to verify that the problem with many post 91.0 engines had been fixed.

Complete instructions here: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Benchmarks/wiki/Benchmarking-October-2016
+0 / -0
OK I did the benchmark and updatd the spreadsheet.

It seemed a little smoother on the version ending with 5b4.

Thisi s a very particlar lag. It is not similar to the issues we had with older engines (90+).

This is laggy from frame 1 and especially/only when I move the camera or zoom in/out. If the camera is immobile, everything seems to be running smoothly. Very strange.

Chobby is not the cause, the same lag happens with ZKL.

If I can help further, please let me know.

+0 / -0
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