Can anyone update wiki on ths speed of a commander please? I need to compare other commanders to others.
+0 / -0
Why don't you go ahead and do it yourself?
+0 / -0
Where's the info so I can update? Source code?
+0 / -0
Source code should work. Also, you can space+click on units to see many of their attributes.
+0 / -0
I'll update. This is the current version of commanders I believe?
+0 / -0
Can't find speed. unitDef = { unitname = [[commsupport1]], name = [[Support Commander]], description = [[Econ/Support Commander, Builds at 12 m/s]], acceleration = 0.25, activateWhenBuilt = true, amphibious = [[1]], autoHeal = 5, brakeRate = 0.45, buildCostEnergy = 1200, buildCostMetal = 1200, buildDistance = 250, builder = true, buildoptions = { }, buildPic = [[commsupport.png]], buildTime = 1200, canAttack = true, canGuard = true, canMove = true, canPatrol = true, canreclamate = [[1]], category = [[LAND]], commander = true, collisionVolumeOffsets = [[0 0 0]], collisionVolumeScales = [[45 50 45]], collisionVolumeTest = 1, collisionVolumeType = [[CylY]], corpse = [[DEAD]], customParams = { cloakstealth = [[1]], description_de = [[Ökonomie/Untersützung Kommandant, Baut mit 12 M/s]], description_pl = [[Dowodca ekonomiczny/wsparcia, moc 12 m/s]], helptext = [[The esoteric Support Commander uses a more unorthodox weapon set. Though lacking armor or speed, this chassis is still favored due to its intrinsic buildpower bonus.]], helptext_de = [[Der geheimnisvolle Support Commander nutzt ein eher unothodoxes Waffenset besteht. Jedoch fehlt es ihm an Rüstung und Geschwindigkeit, darum macht sich dieser Unterbau vor allem durch den inhärenten Baubonus beliebt.]], helptext_pl = [[Support to Dowodca, ktory moze uzywac bardziej niekonwencjonalnych broni do wspierania swoich jednostek; ma takze wieksza moc budowy, niz pozostali Dowodcy. Mimo to jest dosyc wolny i ma niska wytrzymalosc.]], level = [[1]], statsname = [[commsupport1]], soundok = [[heavy_bot_move]], soundselect = [[bot_select]], soundbuild = [[builder_start]], commtype = [[4]], aimposoffset = [[0 15 0]], }, energyMake = 6, energyUse = 0, explodeAs = [[ESTOR_BUILDINGEX]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, hideDamage = false, iconType = [[commander1]], idleAutoHeal = 5, idleTime = 1800, leaveTracks = true, losEmitHeight = 40, mass = 402, maxDamage = 2000, maxSlope = 36, maxVelocity = 1.2, maxWaterDepth = 5000, metalMake = 4, minCloakDistance = 75, movementClass = [[AKBOT2]], noChaseCategory = [[TERRAFORM FIXEDWING GUNSHIP HOVER SHIP SWIM SUB LAND FLOAT SINK TURRET]], norestrict = [[1]], objectName = [[commsupport.s3o]], script = [[commsupport.lua]], seismicSignature = 16, selfDestructAs = [[ESTOR_BUILDINGEX]], sfxtypes = { explosiongenerators = { [[custom:flashmuzzle1]], [[custom:NONE]], }, }, showNanoSpray = false, showPlayerName = true, side = [[ARM]], sightDistance = 500, smoothAnim = true, sonarDistance = 300, TEDClass = [[COMMANDER]], trackOffset = 0, trackStrength = 8, trackStretch = 1, trackType = [[ComTrack]], trackWidth = 22, terraformSpeed = 600, turnRate = 1350, upright = true, workerTime = 12, weapons = { [1] = { def = [[FAKELASER]], badTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING]], onlyTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING LAND SINK TURRET SHIP SWIM FLOAT GUNSHIP HOVER]], }, [5] = { def = [[GAUSS]], badTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING]], onlyTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING LAND SINK TURRET SHIP SWIM FLOAT GUNSHIP HOVER]], }, }, weaponDefs = { FAKELASER = { name = [[Fake Laser]], areaOfEffect = 12, beamTime = 0.1, coreThickness = 0.5, craterBoost = 0, craterMult = 0, damage = { default = 0, }, duration = 0.11, explosionGenerator = [[custom:flash1green]], impactOnly = true, impulseBoost = 0, impulseFactor = 0.4, interceptedByShieldType = 1, laserFlareSize = 5.53, minIntensity = 1, range = 450, reloadtime = 0.11, rgbColor = [[0 1 0]], sweepfire = false, texture1 = [[largelaser]], texture2 = [[flare]], texture3 = [[flare]], texture4 = [[smallflare]], thickness = 5.53, tolerance = 10000, turret = true, weaponType = [[BeamLaser]], weaponVelocity = 900, }, GAUSS = { name = [[Gauss Rifle]], alphaDecay = 0.12, areaOfEffect = 16, avoidfeature = false, bouncerebound = 0.15, bounceslip = 1, cegTag = [[gauss_tag_l]], craterBoost = 0, craterMult = 0, damage = { default = 140, planes = 140, subs = 8, }, customParams = { single_hit = true, }, explosionGenerator = [[custom:gauss_hit_l]], groundbounce = 1, impactOnly = true, impulseBoost = 0, impulseFactor = 0, interceptedByShieldType = 0, noExplode = true, noSelfDamage = true, numbounce = 40, range = 420, reloadtime = 2.5, rgbColor = [[0.5 1 1]], separation = 0.5, size = 0.8, sizeDecay = -0.1, soundHit = [[weapon/gauss_hit]], soundHitVolume = 3, soundStart = [[weapon/gauss_fire]], soundStartVolume = 2.5, stages = 32, turret = true, waterbounce = 1, weaponType = [[Cannon]], weaponVelocity = 2200, }, }, featureDefs = { DEAD = { description = [[Wreckage - Support Commander]], blocking = true, featureDead = [[HEAP]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[commsupport_dead.s3o]], }, HEAP = { description = [[Debris - Support Commander]], blocking = false, footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[debris2x2c.s3o]], }, }, } return lowerkeys({ commsupport1 = unitDef }) Where is "speed"
+0 / -1
unitDef = { unitname = [[commsupport1]], name = [[Support Commander]], description = [[Econ/Support Commander, Builds at 12 m/s]], acceleration = 0.25, activateWhenBuilt = true, amphibious = [[1]], autoHeal = 5, brakeRate = 0.45, buildCostEnergy = 1200, buildCostMetal = 1200, buildDistance = 250, builder = true, buildoptions = { }, buildPic = [[commsupport.png]], buildTime = 1200, canAttack = true, canGuard = true, canMove = true, canPatrol = true, canreclamate = [[1]], category = [[LAND]], commander = true, collisionVolumeOffsets = [[0 0 0]], collisionVolumeScales = [[45 50 45]], collisionVolumeTest = 1, collisionVolumeType = [[CylY]], corpse = [[DEAD]], customParams = { cloakstealth = [[1]], description_de = [[Ökonomie/Untersützung Kommandant, Baut mit 12 M/s]], description_pl = [[Dowodca ekonomiczny/wsparcia, moc 12 m/s]], helptext = [[The esoteric Support Commander uses a more unorthodox weapon set. Though lacking armor or speed, this chassis is still favored due to its intrinsic buildpower bonus.]], helptext_de = [[Der geheimnisvolle Support Commander nutzt ein eher unothodoxes Waffenset besteht. Jedoch fehlt es ihm an Rüstung und Geschwindigkeit, darum macht sich dieser Unterbau vor allem durch den inhärenten Baubonus beliebt.]], helptext_pl = [[Support to Dowodca, ktory moze uzywac bardziej niekonwencjonalnych broni do wspierania swoich jednostek; ma takze wieksza moc budowy, niz pozostali Dowodcy. Mimo to jest dosyc wolny i ma niska wytrzymalosc.]], level = [[1]], statsname = [[commsupport1]], soundok = [[heavy_bot_move]], soundselect = [[bot_select]], soundbuild = [[builder_start]], commtype = [[4]], aimposoffset = [[0 15 0]], }, energyMake = 6, energyUse = 0, explodeAs = [[ESTOR_BUILDINGEX]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, hideDamage = false, iconType = [[commander1]], idleAutoHeal = 5, idleTime = 1800, leaveTracks = true, losEmitHeight = 40, mass = 402, maxDamage = 2000, maxSlope = 36, maxVelocity = 1.2, <- here maxWaterDepth = 5000, metalMake = 4, minCloakDistance = 75, movementClass = [[AKBOT2]], noChaseCategory = [[TERRAFORM FIXEDWING GUNSHIP HOVER SHIP SWIM SUB LAND FLOAT SINK TURRET]], norestrict = [[1]], objectName = [[commsupport.s3o]], script = [[commsupport.lua]], seismicSignature = 16, selfDestructAs = [[ESTOR_BUILDINGEX]], sfxtypes = { explosiongenerators = { [[custom:flashmuzzle1]], [[custom:NONE]], }, }, showNanoSpray = false, showPlayerName = true, side = [[ARM]], sightDistance = 500, smoothAnim = true, sonarDistance = 300, TEDClass = [[COMMANDER]], trackOffset = 0, trackStrength = 8, trackStretch = 1, trackType = [[ComTrack]], trackWidth = 22, terraformSpeed = 600, turnRate = 1350, upright = true, workerTime = 12, weapons = { [1] = { def = [[FAKELASER]], badTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING]], onlyTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING LAND SINK TURRET SHIP SWIM FLOAT GUNSHIP HOVER]], }, [5] = { def = [[GAUSS]], badTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING]], onlyTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING LAND SINK TURRET SHIP SWIM FLOAT GUNSHIP HOVER]], }, }, weaponDefs = { FAKELASER = { name = [[Fake Laser]], areaOfEffect = 12, beamTime = 0.1, coreThickness = 0.5, craterBoost = 0, craterMult = 0, damage = { default = 0, }, duration = 0.11, explosionGenerator = [[custom:flash1green]], impactOnly = true, impulseBoost = 0, impulseFactor = 0.4, interceptedByShieldType = 1, laserFlareSize = 5.53, minIntensity = 1, range = 450, reloadtime = 0.11, rgbColor = [[0 1 0]], sweepfire = false, texture1 = [[largelaser]], texture2 = [[flare]], texture3 = [[flare]], texture4 = [[smallflare]], thickness = 5.53, tolerance = 10000, turret = true, weaponType = [[BeamLaser]], weaponVelocity = 900, }, GAUSS = { name = [[Gauss Rifle]], alphaDecay = 0.12, areaOfEffect = 16, avoidfeature = false, bouncerebound = 0.15, bounceslip = 1, cegTag = [[gauss_tag_l]], craterBoost = 0, craterMult = 0, damage = { default = 140, planes = 140, subs = 8, }, customParams = { single_hit = true, }, explosionGenerator = [[custom:gauss_hit_l]], groundbounce = 1, impactOnly = true, impulseBoost = 0, impulseFactor = 0, interceptedByShieldType = 0, noExplode = true, noSelfDamage = true, numbounce = 40, range = 420, reloadtime = 2.5, rgbColor = [[0.5 1 1]], separation = 0.5, size = 0.8, sizeDecay = -0.1, soundHit = [[weapon/gauss_hit]], soundHitVolume = 3, soundStart = [[weapon/gauss_fire]], soundStartVolume = 2.5, stages = 32, turret = true, waterbounce = 1, weaponType = [[Cannon]], weaponVelocity = 2200, }, }, featureDefs = { DEAD = { description = [[Wreckage - Support Commander]], blocking = true, featureDead = [[HEAP]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[commsupport_dead.s3o]], }, HEAP = { description = [[Debris - Support Commander]], blocking = false, footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[debris2x2c.s3o]], }, }, } return lowerkeys({ commsupport1 = unitDef })
+1 / -0
Look for "maxVelocity" Also, use for code on forum.
+0 / -0
Spoilers work too. [Spoiler]unitDef = { unitname = [[commsupport1]], name = [[Support Commander]], description = [[Econ/Support Commander, Builds at 12 m/s]], acceleration = 0.25, activateWhenBuilt = true, amphibious = [[1]], autoHeal = 5, brakeRate = 0.45, buildCostEnergy = 1200, buildCostMetal = 1200, buildDistance = 250, builder = true,
buildoptions = { },
buildPic = [[commsupport.png]], buildTime = 1200, canAttack = true, canGuard = true, canMove = true, canPatrol = true, canreclamate = [[1]], category = [[LAND]], commander = true, collisionVolumeOffsets = [[0 0 0]], collisionVolumeScales = [[45 50 45]], collisionVolumeTest = 1, collisionVolumeType = [[CylY]], corpse = [[DEAD]],
customParams = { cloakstealth = [[1]], description_de = [[Ökonomie/Untersützung Kommandant, Baut mit 12 M/s]], description_pl = [[Dowodca ekonomiczny/wsparcia, moc 12 m/s]], helptext = [[The esoteric Support Commander uses a more unorthodox weapon set. Though lacking armor or speed, this chassis is still favored due to its intrinsic buildpower bonus.]], helptext_de = [[Der geheimnisvolle Support Commander nutzt ein eher unothodoxes Waffenset besteht. Jedoch fehlt es ihm an Rüstung und Geschwindigkeit, darum macht sich dieser Unterbau vor allem durch den inhärenten Baubonus beliebt.]], helptext_pl = [[Support to Dowodca, ktory moze uzywac bardziej niekonwencjonalnych broni do wspierania swoich jednostek; ma takze wieksza moc budowy, niz pozostali Dowodcy. Mimo to jest dosyc wolny i ma niska wytrzymalosc.]], level = [[1]], statsname = [[commsupport1]], soundok = [[heavy_bot_move]], soundselect = [[bot_select]], soundbuild = [[builder_start]], commtype = [[4]], aimposoffset = [[0 15 0]], },
energyMake = 6, energyUse = 0, explodeAs = [[ESTOR_BUILDINGEX]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, hideDamage = false, iconType = [[commander1]], idleAutoHeal = 5, idleTime = 1800, leaveTracks = true, losEmitHeight = 40, mass = 402, maxDamage = 2000, maxSlope = 36, maxVelocity = 1.2, maxWaterDepth = 5000, metalMake = 4, minCloakDistance = 75, movementClass = [[AKBOT2]], noChaseCategory = [[TERRAFORM FIXEDWING GUNSHIP HOVER SHIP SWIM SUB LAND FLOAT SINK TURRET]], norestrict = [[1]], objectName = [[commsupport.s3o]], script = [[commsupport.lua]], seismicSignature = 16, selfDestructAs = [[ESTOR_BUILDINGEX]],
sfxtypes = {
explosiongenerators = { [[custom:flashmuzzle1]], [[custom:NONE]], },
showNanoSpray = false, showPlayerName = true, side = [[ARM]], sightDistance = 500, smoothAnim = true, sonarDistance = 300, TEDClass = [[COMMANDER]], trackOffset = 0, trackStrength = 8, trackStretch = 1, trackType = [[ComTrack]], trackWidth = 22, terraformSpeed = 600, turnRate = 1350, upright = true, workerTime = 12,
weapons = {
[1] = { def = [[FAKELASER]], badTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING]], onlyTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING LAND SINK TURRET SHIP SWIM FLOAT GUNSHIP HOVER]], },
[5] = { def = [[GAUSS]], badTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING]], onlyTargetCategory = [[FIXEDWING LAND SINK TURRET SHIP SWIM FLOAT GUNSHIP HOVER]], },
weaponDefs = {
FAKELASER = { name = [[Fake Laser]], areaOfEffect = 12, beamTime = 0.1, coreThickness = 0.5, craterBoost = 0, craterMult = 0,
damage = { default = 0, },
duration = 0.11, explosionGenerator = [[custom:flash1green]], impactOnly = true, impulseBoost = 0, impulseFactor = 0.4, interceptedByShieldType = 1, laserFlareSize = 5.53, minIntensity = 1, range = 450, reloadtime = 0.11, rgbColor = [[0 1 0]], sweepfire = false, texture1 = [[largelaser]], texture2 = [[flare]], texture3 = [[flare]], texture4 = [[smallflare]], thickness = 5.53, tolerance = 10000, turret = true, weaponType = [[BeamLaser]], weaponVelocity = 900, },
GAUSS = { name = [[Gauss Rifle]], alphaDecay = 0.12, areaOfEffect = 16, avoidfeature = false, bouncerebound = 0.15, bounceslip = 1, cegTag = [[gauss_tag_l]], craterBoost = 0, craterMult = 0,
damage = { default = 140, planes = 140, subs = 8, },
customParams = { single_hit = true, },
explosionGenerator = [[custom:gauss_hit_l]], groundbounce = 1, impactOnly = true, impulseBoost = 0, impulseFactor = 0, interceptedByShieldType = 0, noExplode = true, noSelfDamage = true, numbounce = 40, range = 420, reloadtime = 2.5, rgbColor = [[0.5 1 1]], separation = 0.5, size = 0.8, sizeDecay = -0.1, soundHit = [[weapon/gauss_hit]], soundHitVolume = 3, soundStart = [[weapon/gauss_fire]], soundStartVolume = 2.5, stages = 32, turret = true, waterbounce = 1, weaponType = [[Cannon]], weaponVelocity = 2200, },
featureDefs = {
DEAD = { description = [[Wreckage - Support Commander]], blocking = true, featureDead = [[HEAP]], footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[commsupport_dead.s3o]], },
HEAP = { description = [[Debris - Support Commander]], blocking = false, footprintX = 2, footprintZ = 2, object = [[debris2x2c.s3o]], },
return lowerkeys({ commsupport1 = unitDef })
+0 / -0
I recommend looking ingame and using space+click. Some work has been put in to make space+click not lie. Everything else is likely to be lies.
+0 / -0
Why are they in "elemo's"? If you look at wiki and next to the unit, there is this green arrow pointing in different directions (NSEW). Is this speed or a simplified velocity? I intend on making the commander page like the other units
+0 / -0
quote: Is this speed or a simplified velocity? |
+0 / -0
quote: Why are they in "elemo's"? |
What else would they be in? Also unit max speed is technically listed in elmos per frame. Since spring's simulation runs at 30fps by default, you can multiply the speed value by 30 to get the speed in elmos/sec.
+0 / -0
I seem to be missing Guardian trainer... I will assume support trainer is the Engineer commander?
+0 / -0