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Ban Appeal

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12 years ago
Yes, this is a silly place to appeal a ban but since I'm IP banned on the Spring forum, IP banned on the lobby server (which therefore IP bans me from the mumble server cutting me off from all Spring friends regardless of whether I'm playing Spring), this is just about the only option I have left

I only really intended to send a message to Licho but this forum doesn't seem to have that option. I've always hated the way Spring is moderated which seemed to just be head moderator makes people who are his friends moderators and they pretty much just use their powers as they please with no real official system in place, seems completely unprofessional. Which is why this ban appeal system is basically just a matter of taking your problems to a different moderator who is friendly & reasonable like Licho lol

Well anyway, here are the facts: Det banned me. He said he thought he already IP banned this IP address once before for being known trouble maker but I know this is nonsense because I haven't played spring in a long time, I only started during this term's holidays (in a different location on a different IP) because Jazcash asked me to start playing with him again so I've pretty much just arrived back at uni, been here 1 week. Not to mention the uni recently got new IP with the upgraded internet server. So when Det said "I recognize your IP" and used that as reason for banning, that is the first sign of idiocracy

The second reason for banning was he said "I am reviewing a game" which Shadark had just uploaded, it's in the replay list, a game of sierra. I just watched it myself, it was basically I joined battle with 2 accounts and I didnt even expect game to start but someone always goes and starts 4v5, so I'm playing on the 1 account on south and enemy pretty much spammed lots of early units, brawlers etc, completely killed one of my allies, about to kill me, Shadark drops, so I naturally just self d'd when the game gave me his stuff, it was over, any idiot could see it... using that 1 single game as a reason to ban me out of like 15 games a day I am playing,, well it just makes me angry

I swear old players like Det see 'MightySheep' and just have a pre-defined opinion formed, I have been playing Spring for honestly 7 years, I'm 19 now, that means I was 12 when I started and yes, I was an annoying troll when I was 12, big deal. I mean I'm studying computer science now, I organize and participate in tournaments on most weekends. I haven't done anything "trouble-making" in years, even Det has specced enough games of mine to know this. I'm just completely baffled as to why he would be so quick on the 'perma-ban' button .

It's also worth mentioning, he banned IP address of whole university, my friend cant even log in, who I showed Spring to, he is master league SC2 player who was actually starting to enjoy it

It's not like game has such a big active playerbase that you can afford to just get rid of active players over personal opinions, I mean if you didn't want me to play ZK, you could have just banned me from the ZK hosts as per normal 'ingame griefing' protocol (honestly I remember reading about Lobby Moderators are supposed to handle lobby / account / chat problems etc and it's the hosts job to worry about in-game problems).

So anyway thanks for reading if you did and I hope Det or someone doesn't just come and delete this thread which wouldn't really surprise me. I hope you make a good decision
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well we have started having players spec cheating so I can understand why Det did what he did. We have had players dodging none IP bans. By making new accounts. Seems a bit odd to join a game with two accounts don't you think?

Still perma IP ban sounds rough, especially as it affects other people.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
lol well I had only just discovered this joining with 2 accounts thing, don't think spec cheat would have been much good if it required leaving and rejoining each time lol but I can see how it would work with a laptop or something

and yes permanent IP ban is clearly over the top, I would have been fine with a 1 week ban or something
+0 / -0

12 years ago
perma ban is wrong. give ppl time to think and come back (improved hopefully) seems fair. perma ban does not give them this oportunity.
+0 / -0
The problem is that some people don't feel any remorse and don't improve at all...
Look he still finds it perfectly fine to selfd teammate base after seeing a an allied com being killed by a Brawler (which is exactly what happened in that game as I was there and it was my Brawler).

Still permabanning entire uni newtork seems like an overkill.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
IP bans are always wrong. Might sound harsh now (sorreeee, I love you det!), but doing it means you don't have an idea of what you're doin'.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
as far as I was aware I wasnt self d-ing team mates base, I was self d'ing my own, the dude left as soon as our west player had died, and the game just gave me his stuff, which was doomed anyhow, at this point game seemed pretty much over
+0 / -0

12 years ago
do you agree that killing allies stuff is wrong or what?

+0 / -0
Regardless of the rest of this (which I will have to check) IP banning a university (which should be checked too) is a bad thing.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
you joined a game with two accounts? gosh, I wonder why.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Just watched that replay.
He admitted in allychat that the Alva player in the other team is his second account and said that he can rejoin with that account and teamkill the other team.


+0 / -0

12 years ago
Why did you have two accounts there? That is suspicious and added to your massive trolling record you have very little leeway.

If banning was a choice based on activity as well as trollishness we'd end up with a small playerbase of players with noxious "in jokes" that destroy our chances of growing a larger playerbase.

So anyway, explain Alva.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>he can rejoin with that account and teamkill the other team.

It's funny how in almost all of Spring's "ban appeals" that I see, someone comes whining with reasons why what they did wasn't wrong, and how they weren't intending to cheat or anything, it was an accident/misunderstanding now can they please have their account now back pretty please? They usually take that moment to take a quick jab at the mods ("head moderator makes people who are his friends moderators and they pretty much just use their powers as they please") like that is going to help their case or something.

And then someone (Rafal in this case) shows a game in which they openly discuss cheating using two accounts.

Can anyone with access to his IP address do a quick IP trace to verify that it is a uni IP and not him simply trying to use that as a way to unban the IP? I know if you IP traced my IP when I went to uni, it would always show the IP originating from the university.

Lastly, he's a frequent troll and I don't think the community loses anything of value if he were to stop playing.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
sigh Antelope you have no idea what you're talking about, I was the one who said where to find that replay in my post, Rafal didn't 'discover it' and as I said, I wasn't expecting nor did I even know game could start with 2 accounts but when it did I thought it was quite funny that I could just rejoin and get control of enemy team

when it comes down to it, the only thing I did in that game which could be considered trouble making or game ruining was self d'ing, which in no way had any malicious intent, the game was simply over

I can't believe you guys are actually trying to justify Permanent IP ban of myself and university because of 1 game and it literally is just 1 game... and you say I have a 'record', like I said, I've been playing since I was 12, actively. I stopped using allies for combomb etc about 3 years ago lol, hence why I wasn't banned. If I purposely ruined every game I joined, how did I get this elo?

This is why I would have rather have sent a private message rather than make a thread because people like Antelope randomly come out of the woodwork and give negative opinions even though I have no idea who he is and he clearly doesn't know who I am lol

and like I said if you dont want me to play ZK then Ill just stick to BA tournaments, no need for lobby ban

oh and my new uni server I was talking about:

+0 / -0

12 years ago
I never explicitly supported infinite ban. The self-d was borderline because many people do it when the game is clearly lost. That is a small general issue but not the main topic here.

You still have not explained why Alva was there. What possible reason besides some type of trolling is the existence of a second account in a battle room?
+0 / -0
wat I was pretending to be 2 people, here's some logs to prove it

Alva> sheep why do you steal other people's usernames ?
Sebita> it is just steal
Britain> I was just wondering that myself
[V]sheep> i had this one since i joined here...
Alva> everyone knows the name Sheep already belongs to the user MightySheep
Britain> agreed
+0 / -0

12 years ago
smurfing is a symptom of being a little bitch, and spec-cheating is a symptom of being a malignant troll.. why do you think this is OK?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
So you were using the second account to harass a player and also said you haven't caused trouble in years.

Do I really have to cover the difference between 'joking with friends' and 'harassing random people'?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
In his case yes you have to :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
NO ONE (to my knowledge) needs more than one account logged on at one time, if you do, you're doing something pretty dodgy
+0 / -0
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