for me it was every other day there's an update,either client doesn't apply it properly or it also causes a map rebuild(though I suppose I could go through every map one by one before joining mp- provided there's even anyone online)
then once in game, it can be annoying to put in 40 minutes to over an hour, only to have microcluster lag the game so much everyone starts disconnecting. ultimately, no one is going to agree whether it's a win or loss because the game eventually doesn't know, which can be unsatisfying. the lobby has a bit of a clunky feel like something from Windows XP. not neccessarily the interface but the navigation. (though, that's probably the .NET web browser component acting there,rather than having some pages be native asside from settings)
I don't know enough to fix it and I know, a wand can't be waved that makes everything go away. I might look into it but I doubt I could do much,lol(or just procrastinate anyway...)