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Best unconventional two factory combos

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8 years ago
What two factories do you think complement each other that you do not see often and seem to work?
For example, don't say amphibs and gunships for scallop drops because that is well known.

I have found jumpers and shield boys to complement each other (shield ball escorting jack and firewalker spam)

For the purposes of this thread, strider hub does not count
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Shield and Jump seems quite good. Placeholder and Rogue, Roach or Outlaw.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Light vehicle and light vehicle, you can give each one of your scorchers a scorcher buddy.

Also light vehicles and FRrankHelwor factory[?]. Stiletto combined with scorchers is insanely op.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
Is this for the purpose of 2v2 or for your first transition?
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8 years ago
Venom/placeholder+dominatrix sounds nice in theory.
Shield/eraser+ any fragile, short ranged unit.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
cloakie and shield for sneaky roaches ofc.

oh, and jumpies + jumpjets because in your default teamcluster game, they pump striders in arbitrary high numbers and there still is no 1-shot strider skuttle.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
LV + HV ofc.
Panthers + Ravagers.
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8 years ago
For first transition
+0 / -0
Warrior and Grizzly.

(Pretty much any factory with Grizzly, actually. Most of the Amph units are very strong if you have another factory to lend flexibility, but at the point where you would switch Grizzly is most relevant.)

Scalpel + Aspis is underused IMO, though you do not need a shieldfac.

Shield and Athena (for Impaler, with the option of Scythe/Sniper/Flea etc.)

Sumo and Dante (kinda gimmicky and not always good, but the Sumo stops enemies escaping)
oh right, not striders
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Light Vehicle + Shieldbots:
Dominatrix + Aspis + Rackeeter
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Cloaky + Jumps
Jack spam + Eraser is good against pretty much anything. I love using it against striders
+0 / -0

8 years ago
LV + Spiders.

Cars rule the earth, with crabes to do heavy things. Also infiltrator+impaler for sadistic assassinations.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
lv + hv for ravager + reaper
+1 / -0

8 years ago
lv + hv for wolverine + pillager.

hovers + jumps for scalpel placeholder brutality.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
shield+gunship for maximum winnage.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Ships + shields to provide disarm w/surfboards and actual, em, shields. Shields cover vs scallop spam and especially sniper subs, allowing ships to rape everything else. Disarm is super handy vs halberd rushes, as ships have troubles with those.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Factory and Barracks
+1 / -0

8 years ago
For transitions, it's generally going to be your starting factory plus one of the following:
- GS
- Planes
Due to the amount of flexibility these options give you.

Non-conventional is any two ground facs, or your starting factory plus eraser, aegis, or athena. Of these, there are a few combos that work well, usually some sort of utility unit interacting with a standard ground unit.

But honestly the majority of the time outside of specific conventional combos, factory choices are more about countering opponents rather than having inter-factory synergy. Fac switch is more of a reactive or predictive move than a proactive one. The notable exceptions being when you're branching out to new terrain (e.g. making ships for sea), taking air control, or escalating with striders.
+0 / -0
i have to add that anything combined with eraser is fun to play. this is not especially a 2-fac play, i mostly plop eraser from the ground and morph it.

cloakie/LV - eraser and scorcher => quick and deadly. your troops may not survive, but probablykill high value targets. a budget solution to nasty enemies.

cloakie/GS - eraser + blastwings => old blastwing random damage was even more fun, didnt try this one out since blastwing changed. advantage is the all-terrain and speed over roaches

cloakie/HV - eraser and reaper pack => fast reapers with a lot of HP. suddenly. there is not much that can go wrong to ambush stuff.

cloakie/jumpies - eraser and sumos => get sumos on hold fire and jump into a cluster of your choice. smashing.

cloakie/strider - eraser and catas. => classic. high alpha and high saturation with an unholy high count of catas. 1-shot anything (like a cluster of funnys) and disappear. repeat.

cloakie/hover - eraser and penes => like catas, but with precision. use carefully as this fragile shit is expensive. but also very fun to play. the ZOMG moment of your enemies might do it. snipe high HP targets like striders or golis when they dont expect it.

cloakie/strider - eraser and dante. => to ambush the shit out of you. also guarantees you to hit with the d-gun perfectly. gives you the upper hand in dante vs dante

ofc in a list of me, you dont miss the skuttle part.
cloakie/jumpies - eraser and skuttles => eraser gives a reduced decloak radius, which buffs skuttle very neat. you can get closer and jump the shit out of you. decloak is triggered when the skuttle is in your face. also, no energy upkeep for skuttle. BÄÄM.

when is skuttle damage buffed?

+0 / -0

8 years ago
Shield + gunship for terrorizing enemy clusters / general offensive weapon. (Everyone's favorite tactic to go against :P)

Hover + GS for halberd/mace drop.

Cloaky + Air for radar plane with scythes.

Shield + Amph for felonball + buoy :P
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