So if you build a wall with gauss/razor crenellations it is practically invincible.
+1 / -2
Of course it is invincible... devs do not know how to balance a 4 years old game. Thats why you see everyone spamming defenders on spikes. Even teamresign cannot destroy them
+2 / -0
Talking about terrabuilding, I often get my build order deleted after terraform even if buildspace result legal, anyone else noticed this?
+6 / -0
quote: Talking about terrabuilding, I often get my build order deleted after terraform even if buildspace result legal, anyone else noticed this? |
I have this problem pretty often
+2 / -0
quote: So if you build a wall with gauss/razor crenellations it is practically invincible. |
Correct. This is adviced as tip on Because buildings cannot move vertically they can be used to stop walls being terraformed by the enemy.

+3 / -0
But wouldn't Bertha AoE kill defender?
+0 / -0
It would, but it is a Chestytard what do you want? Maybe a leveler sidearm? Also knorke, had the thought that you are excusing bug for a feature occured to you? You seem to be somewhat less insane than the rest.
+0 / -4
I (and I assume many other people), will automatically downvote any (name-based) insult without reading the rest of the comment. That might've worked in elementary school, but it doesn't apply for online debates. You should work on that.
+0 / -0
That you automatically would, because you were successfully Chestytarded, where "Chestytarded" stands for an "office slave conditioning".
+0 / -4
quote: But wouldn't Bertha AoE kill defender? |
Yes, defender is the turret with least HP and dies easily. No idea what defender has to do with the mentioned gauss/razor crenellations which have lots of HP and 4x HP bonus when closed. quote: Also knorke, had the thought that you are excusing bug for a feature occured to you? |
I do not like the feature, I only described it. Many mechanics in zero-K have some roots how engine handled something. Personally I think terraform does not bring much good to the game. Mostly used to make ugly spire thrones for crabes and DDM, sinking stuff, walling stuff, building canals for Reefs in matches with trump eco. Would be cooler to see terraform used to bridge rivers to prepare an attack or build ramps to an expansion. I think such terraform never happens because jumpers, climbers and flyers are always at hand.
+1 / -0
Terraform is a key feature IMO. It really makes the game stand out compared to other RTS. As for building freezing the terrain shape, it feels like a hardcoded mechanic in the engine but ideally, ofc, it should not be so.
+0 / -0
Terraform in theory is awesome but in reality it is pretty annoying to deal with (both when you want to use it and when you have to deal with someone else's terraform)
+0 / -0
 gajop is correct. And I misread your initial post due to your other totally inappropriate posts (sorry for that). And normally your balance posts contain tunnel vision, so sorry that I did not paid attention to 1 good post out of 15 shit posts. It is correct that this is nearly invincible. I discovered that as a problem when the enemy has super weapons and just terraes razor wall around. So silo gets useless, even quake. Quake should be at least able to get terra down with buildings on top.
+2 / -0
Buildings not being movable vertically is not a technological problem, i think.
+1 / -0
Quake being able to handle terrabuildings would give it a cool and unique twist. It's a freakin' earthquake missile after all (or however the fluff goes). Or perhaps buildings should only block terraform orders (so that turrets don't get lolburied etc), but not normal deformation.
+1 / -0
Feel free to make a wall of Razors. It will be expensive. Spring itself contains nothing which prevents structures from moving vertically. Structures, once built, have no effect on the terrain and snap to the height of the center. Immobile structures is entirely implemented by the terraform gadget. Structures are immobile for good reasons:
Terraforming part of a structures footprint looks stupid. Causing the entire structure to raise or lower is hard.
The ability to post-burying Singus removes the choice of whether to bury them.
+2 / -0
quote: Spring itself contains nothing which prevents structures from moving vertically. Structures, once built, have no effect on the terrain and snap to the height of the center. |
Surviving buildings on flat 'raised' rectangles after a base got turned into crater by nuke is a spring classic since before Lua existed. I am too lazy to look up how excactly the unit/solidobject->blockHeightChanges thing works, but buildings have an effect on how the terrain behaves during deformation by explosions.
+0 / -0
quote: The ability to post-burying Singus removes the choice of whether to bury them. |
Why not have the building allowed to be "restored" but not lowered deeper or raised higher? Like if a singu is burried you can unburry it by smoothing functions (like seen in quakes)? Like if I have a singu that is burried to -350 elmos with an original height of 10, it can only go towards 10.
+0 / -0
The Razor fixed wall behaviour is quite interesting if it is hit by Starlight...
+0 / -0
In the meantime, aim at buildings on top with your big lazor, or justuse it elsewhere. You can even use it defensively by killing any incoming treats, mostly dets.
+0 / -0